


劉永學,1976年生,江蘇揚州市人,博士,教授、博士生導師。2004年獲南京大學地圖學與地理信息系統博士學位,主要從事海岸海洋遙感與GIS應用研究。先後入選教育部“新世紀優秀人才支持計劃”入選者(2012),江蘇省傑出青年基金獲得者(2016),江蘇省333人才工程中青年學術技術帶頭人(2016)。 [1-3] 
國    籍
民    族
職    業
職    稱
發表SCI/SSCI論文列表(僅列第一/通訊作者,32篇) [4] 
1. Y. Liu*, C. Hu, C. Sun, W. Zhan, S. Sun, B. Xu, Y Dong. 2018. Assessment of offshore oil/gas platform status in the northern Gulf of Mexico using multi-source satellite time-series images. Remote sensing of environment. 208:63–81. 10.1016/j.rse.2018.02.003
2. Y. Liu*, C. Hu, W. Zhan, C. Sun, M. Brock, L. Ma. 2018. Identifying industrial heat sources using time-series of the VIIRS Nightfire product with an object-oriented approach. Remote sensing of environment. 204, 347–365. 10.1016/j.rse.2017.10.019
3. L. Wang, Y. Liu*, L. Mao, C. Sun. 2018. Potential Impacts of China 2030 High-Speed Rail Network on Ground Transportation Accessibility. Sustainability. 10, 1270; doi:10.3390/su10041270
4. C. Sun, Y. Liu*, S. Jin, Y. Wang, X. Wei. 2018. Using Time-Series HSI Mapping to Determine Ecological Processes and Driving Forces of Red-Crowned Crane (Grus japonensis) Habitat in the Yancheng Biosphere Reserve (China). Journal of Coastal Research. 10.2112/JCOASTRES-D-17-00184.1
5. X. Wei, Y. Duan, Y. Liu*, S. Jin. 2018. Onshore-offshore wind energy resource evaluation based on synergetic use of multiple satellite data and meteorological stations in Jiangsu Province, China. Frontiers of Earth Science. 10.1007/s11707-018-0699-7
6. C. Sun, S. Fagherazzi, Y. Liu*. 2018. Classification mapping of salt marsh vegetation by flexible monthly NDVI time-series using Landsat imagery. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. (Under second-round review)
7. J. Sun, Y. Liu*, C. Sun, Y. Wang. 2018. Seasonal and intra-annual patterns of sedimentary evolution in tidal flats impacted by laver cultivation along the central Jiangsu coast, China. Frontiers of Earth Science. (Under second-round review)
8. C. Sun, Y. Liu*. 2017. Saltmarshes Response to Human Activities on a Prograding Coast Revealed by a Dual-Scale Time-Series Strategy. Estuaries and coasts. 40(2): 522–539. 10.1007/s12237-016-0157-2
9. Y. Lu, Y. Zhou, Y. Liu*, Z. Mao, W. Qian, M. Wang, M. Zhang, J. Xu, S. Sun, P. Du. 2017. Using remote sensing to detect the polarized sunglint reflected from oil slicks beyond the critical angle. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans. 122(8): 6342–6354. 10.1002/2017JC012793.
10. Y. Zhou, Y. Lu, W. Zhan, Z. Mao, W. Qian, Y. Liu*. 2017. Thermal infrared contrast between different types of oil slicks on top of water bodies. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letter. 17(7): 1042–1045. 10.1109/LGRS.2017.2694609.
11. Y. Liu*, C. Sun, Y. Yang, M. Zhou, W. Zhan, W. Cheng. 2016. Automatic extraction of offshore platforms using time-series Landsat-8 Operational Land Imager data. Remote sensing of environment. 175: 73–91. 10.1016/j.rse.2015.12.047.
12. Y. Liu*, C. Sun, J. Sun, H. Li, W. Zhan, H. Yang, S. Zhang. 2016. Lifting the veil on offshore platforms in the South China Sea: Satellite data reveals all. Scientific Report. 6(33623). 10.1038/srep33623.
13. Y. Liu*, X. Chen, Y. Yang, C. Sun, S. Zhang. 2016. Automated Extraction and Mapping for Desert River-Wadis from Landsat Imagery in Arid West Asia. Remote Sensing. 8(3), 246. 10.3390/rs8030246.
14. C. Sun, Y. Liu*, S. Zhao, M. Zhou, Y. Yang, F. Li. 2016. Classification mapping and species identification of salt marshes based on a short-time interval NDVI time-series from HJ-1 optical imagery. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation. 45, 27–41. 10.1016/j.jag.2015.10.008.
15. L. Wang, Y. Liu*, C. Sun, Y. Liu. 2016. Accessibility Impact of the Present and Future High-Speed Rail Network: A Case Study of Jiangsu Province, China. Journal of Transport Geography. 54, 161–172. 10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2016.05.015.
16. L. Wang, Y. Liu*. 2016. Use of isochrone maps to assess the impact of high-speed rail network development on journey times: A case study of Nanjing City, Jiangsu Province, China. Journal of Maps. 12, 514–519. 10.1080/17445647.2016.1195296.
17. S. Zhang, Y Liu*, Y. Yang, C. Sun, F. Li. 2016. Erosion and deposition within Poyang Lake: Evidence from a decade of satellite data. Journal of Great Lakes Research. 42 (2), 364–374. 10.1016/j.jglr.2015.12.012.
18. Y. Duan, Y. Liu*, M. Li, et al. 2016. Reefs survey of the Nansha Islands based on Landsat 8 OLI images. Acta Oceanologica Sinica. 35: 11–19. DOI: 10.1007/s13131-016-0898-6.
19. Y. Liu*, M. Zhou, S. Zhao, W. Zhan, K. Yang, M. Li. 2015. Automated extraction of tidal creeks from airborne laser altimetry data. Journal of Hydrology 527, 1006–1020. 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2015.05.058.
20. Y. Yang, Y. Liu*, M. Zhou, S. Zhang, W. Zhan, C. Sun, Y. Duan. 2015. Landsat 8 OLI image based terrestrial water extraction from heterogeneous backgrounds using a reflectance homogenization approach. Remote Sensing of Environment 171, 14–32. 10.1016/j.rse.2015.10.005.
21. Y. Yang, Y. Liu*, M. Zhou, F. Li, C. Sun. 2015. Robustness assessment of urban rail transit based on complex network theory: a case study of the Beijing Subway. Safety science 79, 149–162. 10.1016/j.ssci.2015.06.006.
22. S. Zhao, Y. Liu*, M. Li. 2015. Analysis of Jiangsu Mudflats Reclamation from 1974 to 2012 using Remote Sensing. China Ocean Engineering, 29 (1) 143–154. 10.1007/s13344-015-0011-5.
23. Y. Liu*, J. Chen, W. Cheng, C. Sun, S. Zhao, Y. Pu. 2014. Spatiotemporal dynamics of the urban sprawl in a typical urban agglomeration: a case study on Southern Jiangsu, China (1983–2007). Frontiers of Earth Science. 8 (4), 490–504. 10.1007/s11707-014-0423-1.
24. J. Wang, M. Li, Y. Liu*, H. Zhang, W. Zou, L. Cheng. 2014. Safety assessment of shipping routes in the South China Sea based on the fuzzy analytic hierarchy process. Safety science. 62, 46–57.
25. K. Yang, M. Li, Y. Liu*, L. Cheng, Y. Duan, M. Zhou. 2014. River delineation from remotely sensed imagery using a multi-scale classification approach. IEEE Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing. 7(12): 4726–4737. 10.1109/JSTARS.2014.2309707.
26. Y. Wang, Y. Liu*, M. Li, L. Tan. 2014. The reconstruction of abnormal segments in HJ-1A/B NDVI time series using MODIS: a statistical method. International Journal of Remote Sensing 35 (23), 7991–8007. 10.1080/01431161.2014.978954.
27. Y. Liu*, M. Li, L. Mao, L. Cheng, K. Chen. 2013. Seasonal pattern of tidal-flat topography along the Jiangsu middle coast, China, using HJ-1 optical images. Wetlands 33 (5), 871–886. 10.1007/s13157-013-0445-6.
28. Y. Liu*, M. Li, M. Zhou, K. Yang, L. Mao. 2013. Quantitative Analysis of the Waterline Method for Topographical Mapping of Tidal Flats: A Case Study in the Dongsha Sandbank, China. Remote Sensing 5 (11), 6138–6158. 10.3390/rs5116138.
29. Y. Liu*, M. Li, L. Cheng, F. Li, K. Chen. 2012. Topographic mapping of offshore sandbank tidal flats using the waterline detection method: A case study on the Dongsha Sandbank of Jiangsu Radial Tidal Sand Ridges, China. Marine Geodesy 35 (4), 362–378. 10.1080/01490419.2012.699501.
30. Y. Liu*, M. Li, L. Mao, L. Cheng, F. Li. 2012. Toward a method of constructing tidal flat digital elevation models with MODIS and medium-resolution satellite images. Journal of Coastal Research 29 (2), 438–448. 10.2112/JCOASTRES-D-12-00088.1.
31. Y. Liu*, M. Li, L. Chen, F. Li, Y. Su. 2010. A DEM Inversion Method for Inter-tidal Zone Based on MODIS Dataset: A Case Study in the Dongsha Sandbank of Jiangsu Radial Tidal Sand-Ridges, China. China Ocean Engineering 24 (4), 735–748.
32. Y. Liu*, M. Li, L. Mao, F. Xu, S. Huang. 2006. Review of remotely sensed imagery classification patterns based on object-oriented image analysis. Chinese Geographical Science 16 (3), 282–288. 10.1007/s11769-006-0282-0.
發表中文核心期刊論文列表(第一/通訊作者,34篇) [4] 
1. 孫超, 劉永學*, 李滿春, 趙賽帥, 周旻曦. 近25a來江蘇中部沿海鹽沼分佈時空演變及圍墾影響分析. 自然資源學報. 2015, 30(9):1486-1498.
2. 周旻曦, 劉永學*, 李滿春, 等. 多目標珊瑚島礁地貌遙感信息提取方法——以西沙永樂環礁為例. 地理研究, 2015, 34(4): 677-690.
3. 王加勝, 李滿春, 劉永學*, 等. 南沙羣島歷史事件時空演化的可視化表達. 地理科學, 2015, 35(5): 608-614.
4. 蔣潔, 劉永學*, 鍾禮山, 李滿春, 孫超. SAR影像時間序列支持下的互花米草鹽沼提取—以江蘇鹽城東部沿海為例. 測繪科學技術學報. 2015, 32(3):271-276.
5. 鄒偉, 劉永學*, 李滿春, 等. 基於 WebGIS 的南海歷史地理情勢分析系統設計與實現. 熱帶地理, 2015, 35(2): 202-207.
6. 趙賽帥, 劉永學*, 李滿春, 張荷霞, 孫超. 基於AHP-變異係數法的越佔南沙島礁戰略價值評價. 海洋科學. 2015, 39(6):114-121.
7. 蔣潔, 劉永學*, 李滿春, 等. 南海島礁風能資源及風力發電評價——基於 QuikSCAT 風場數據與 Landsat ETM+ 影像. 資源科學, 2014, 36(1): 139-147.
8. 鄒偉, 劉永學*, 李滿春, 等. 網絡新聞中黃巖島爭端事件輿情研究——以新浪網“中菲黃巖島爭端”專題為例. 現代圖書情報技術, 2014, 30(2): 72-78.
9. 鄒偉, 劉永學*, 李滿春, 等. 南海歷史地理爭端空間分佈與關聯性研究. 地球信息科學學報, 2014, 16(2): 249-256.
10. 孫超, 劉永學*, 李滿春, 等. 近 35 年來熱帶風暴對我國南海島礁的影響分析. 國土資源遙感, 2014, 26(3): 135-140.
11. 蔣潔, 劉永學*, 李滿春, 等. 基於 ENVISAT ASAR 影像與 QuikSCAT 風場數據的近海風能資源評價——以香港東南海域為例. 地理與地理信息科學, 2014, 30(2):39-43.
12. 張荷霞, 劉永學*, 李滿春, 等. 基於 AHP 和 EWCM 的部分南沙島礁戰略價值模糊綜合評價. 海洋通報, 2014, 4:377-382.
13. 汪業成, 劉永學*, 李滿春, 等. 基於場強模型的南沙島礁戰略地位評價. 地理研究, 2013, 32(12):2292-2301.
14. 張荷霞, 劉永學*, 李滿春, 等. 南海中南部海域油氣資源開發戰略價值評價. 資源科學, 2013, 35(11):2142-2150.
15. 趙賽帥, 劉永學*, 李滿春, 等. 基於 AHP-變異係數法的越佔南沙島礁戰略價值評價. 海洋科學, 2015, 39(6): 114-121.
16. 王加勝, 劉永學*, 李滿春, 等. 基於 ENVISAT ASAR 的海洋鑽井平台遙感檢測方法. 地理研究, 2013, 32(11):2143-2152.
17. 成王玉, 劉永學*,李滿春, 等. 基於 AHP 與模糊綜合評價方法的南沙東部島礁戰略價值評價. 熱帶地理, 2013, 33(4): 381-386.
18. 張荷霞, 劉永學*,李滿春, 等. 基於 JASON-1 資料的南海海域海面風浪場特徵分析. 地理與地理信息科學, 2013, 29(5):53-57,63.
19. 洪武揚, 劉永學*, 李滿春, 劉敏, 童禮華. 土地利用總體規劃實施評估方法研究. 國土資源科技管理, 2013, 30(5):68-73.
20. 楊康, 李滿春, 劉永學*, 程亮, 陳焱明.基於累積相似度表面的空間權重矩陣構建方法. 測繪學報, 2012, 41(2):259-265,272.
21. 胡煒, 劉永學*,李滿春,陳潔麗,毛鵾. 基於局部相關分析法的ETM+影像修復方法研究. 地理與地理信息科學.2011(5):29-32.
22. 陳潔麗, 劉永學*,李滿春,申成磊,胡煒,蔡文婷.一種基於遙感數據快速提取居民地信息的新方法.地理與地理信息科學. 2010(5):72-75.
23. 陳潔麗, 劉永學*,李滿春,申成磊,張棟,蔡文婷.基於歸一化指數分析的居民地遙感信息提取.測繪科學.2010(2): 204-206.
24. 劉永學*,李滿春,劉國洪. 地理信息系統安全初探.遙感信息.2007(2):71-76.
25. 劉永學*,李滿春,毛亮.基於邊緣的多光譜遙感圖像分割.遙感學報.2006,10(3):350-356.
26. 劉永學*,李滿春,高月明.基於角色的土地利用規劃管理信息系統訪問控制模型設計與實現.地理與地理信息科學,2006.(2):4-6.
27. 劉永學*,張忍順,李滿春.應用衞星影像系列海圖疊合法分析沙洲動態變化——以江蘇東沙為例.地理科學.2004, 24(2):199-204.
28. 劉永學*,張忍順,李滿春.質心分析法在小沙洲動態演化分析中的應用——以江蘇輻射沙洲亮月沙為例.海洋通報.2004, 23(1):69-75.
29. 劉永學*,張忍順,李滿春.江蘇淤泥質潮灘遙感影像特徵與信息提取方法研究.遙感信息.2004,(1):23-26.
30. 劉永學*,李滿春,張忍順.江蘇輻射沙洲水邊線自動提取方法研究.海洋科學.2004, (6):42-45.
31. 劉永學*,張忍順,李滿春.江蘇淤泥質潮灘地物信息遙感提取方法研究.海洋科學進展.2004,22(2).210-214.
32. 劉永學*,張忍順,李滿春.江蘇沿海互花米草鹽沼動態變化及影響因素研究.濕地科學. 2004, 2(2).116-121.
33. 劉永學*,張忍順等.粒徑趨勢分析法在細顆粒潮坪上的應用.南京師大學報:自然科學版.2001, 24(1):105-109,113.
34. 劉永學*,陳君等.江蘇海岸鹽沼植被演替的遙感圖像分析.農村生態環境.2001, 17(3):39-41.