


劉東,男,教授,博士生導師 [1]  。南通大學教育部神經再生重點實驗室教授 [2]  ,生命科學學院副院長 [3] 
2011年獲德國馬克斯-德爾布呂克分子醫學中心(Max-Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine)/柏林自由大學(Free University of Berlin)自然科學博士學位。 [2]  從2012年起先後任神經再生重點實驗室講師、副教授、教授。中國解剖學會再生醫學專業委員會委員,中國生物物理學會聽覺分會委員,青年委員會常務委員,江蘇省發育與細胞學會理事,江蘇省神經科學會理事,江蘇省發育生物學會聽覺科學專業委員會副主任委員,江蘇省神經科學會青年委員會委員。
職    業
職    務
職    稱
性    別


江蘇省傑出青年基金獲得者、江蘇省第五期“333高層次人才培養工程”培養對象、江蘇省“六大人才高峯”高層次人才培養對象、獲江蘇省“雙創計劃”資助。他是美國心臟協會American Heart Association會員,中國解剖學會再生醫學專業委員會委員,中國生物物理學會聽覺分會委員,青年委員會常務委員。近三年來發表SCI論文30篇,累計影響因子超過130,其中以通訊作者發表SCI 論文20篇,其中包括知名雜誌CardiovascularResearch、Cell Research和Oncogene等。近5年來以項目主持人身份獲得共10項國家級、省部級科研以及人才項目資助。 [1] 


研究生《高級分子生物學》 [2] 



劉東教授照片 劉東教授照片
3、基於血管內皮細胞、毛細胞和運動神經元行為的化合物篩選 [1-2] 


2019-2022: 國家自然科學基金-面上項目:血管新生的遺傳調控
2016-2019: 國家自然科學基金-面上項目:血管新生的遺傳調控
2013-2015: 國家自然科學基金-青年項目:血管新生的遺傳調控
2018-2021: 江蘇省自然科學基金-傑出青年基金項目:血管新生的遺傳調控
2012-2015: 江蘇省自然科學基金-青年基金項目:血管新生的遺傳調控
2017-2020: 江蘇省高校自然科學研究項目-重大項目:血管新生
2016-2019: 江蘇省“六大人才高峯”高層次人才培養對象:血管新生
2014-2016: 江蘇省“雙創計劃”博士計劃,境外世界名校創新類計劃
2012-2014: 江蘇省高校自然科學研究項目-面上項目:血管新生 [1] 


2016年11月11日,南通大學劉東課題組在國際著名學術刊物《細胞研究》(Cell Research, Doi: 10.1038/cr.2016.134)發表研究論文 [4]  ,報告了他們將NgAgo基因技術用於斑馬魚的研究結果。在這項研究中,研究人員將NgAgo基因技術用於改變斑馬魚的基因fabp11a(Fattyacid binding protein 11a,脂肪酸結合蛋白11a),結果發現,這可以“敲低”該基因,並因此導致斑馬魚眼部發育缺陷。但是在學術上,“敲低”基因並不等於“編輯”基因,這項研究並沒有發現NgAgo技術有基因編輯功能。研究人員同時表示,由於研究對象不同,此次研究“不能對此前韓春雨此前提出的基因編輯手段NgAgo的結論證實或證偽”。 [5-6] 


J. Qi, Z. Dong, Y. Shi, X. Wang, Y. Qin, Y. Wang,D. Liu,NgAgo-based fabp11a gene knockdown causes eye developmental defects in zebrafish, Cell Research,2016,doi.10.1038/cr.2016.134. [4] 


1.Zhang, K., Zhang,H., Zhou, H., Crookes, D., Li, L., Shao, Y., and Liu, D. (2019) ZebrafishEmbryo Vessel Segmentation Using a Novel Dual ResUNet Model.Comput Intell Neurosci2019, 8214975
2.Shi, Y., Duan, X.,Xu, G., Wang, X., Wei, G., Dong, S., Xie, G., and Liu, D. (2019) A ribosomalDNA-hosted microRNA regulates zebrafish embryonic angiogenesis.Angiogenesis
3.Qin, Y., Wang, S.,Duan, X., and Liu, D. (2019) Expression analysis of the aquaporins duringzebrafish embryonic development.Geneexpression patterns : GEP32,38-43
4.Dong, Z., Wu, S.,Zhu, C., Wang, X., Li, Y., Chen, X., Liu, D., Qiang, L., Baas, P. W., and Liu,M. (2019) Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats(CRISPR)/Cas9-mediated kif15 mutations accelerate axonal outgrowth duringneuronal development and regeneration in zebrafish.Traffic20, 71-81
5.Yan, W., Liu, W.,Qi, J., Fang, Q., Fan, Z., Sun, G., Han, Y., Zhang, D., Xu, L., Wang, M., Li,J., Chen, F., Liu, D., Chai, R., and Wang, H. (2018) A Three-Dimensional CultureSystem with Matrigel Promotes Purified Spiral Ganglion Neuron Survival andFunction In Vitro.Molecular neurobiology55, 2070-2084
6.Shan, Y., You, B.,Shi, S., Shi, W., Zhang, Z., Zhang, Q., Gu, M., Chen, J., Bao, L., Liu, D., andYou, Y. (2018) Hypoxia-Induced Matrix Metalloproteinase-13 Expression inExosomes from Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Enhances Metastases.Cell Death Dis9, 382
7.Li, B., Yu, L., Liu,D., Yang, X., Zheng, Y., Gui, Y., and Wang, H. (2018) MIB1 Mutations ReduceNotch Signaling Activation and Contribute to Congenital Heart Disease.Clin Sci (Lond)
8.Gong, J., Chai, L.,Xu, G., Ni, Y., and Liu, D. (2018) The expression of natriuretic peptidereceptors in developing zebrafish embryos.Geneexpression patterns : GEP29,65-71
9.Dong, Z., Wu, S.,Zhu, C., Wang, X., Li, Y., Chen, X., Liu, D., Qiang, L., Baas, P. W., and Liu,M. (2018) Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats(CRISPR)/Cas9-mediated kif15 mutations accelerate axonal outgrowth duringneuronal development and regeneration in zebrafish.Traffic
10.Bao, L., You, B.,Shi, S., Shan, Y., Zhang, Q., Yue, H., Zhang, J., Zhang, W., Shi, Y., Liu, Y.,Wang, X., Liu, D., and You, Y. (2018) Metastasis-associated miR-23a fromnasopharyngeal carcinoma-derived exosomes mediates angiogenesis by repressing anovel target gene TSGA10.Oncogene37, 2873-2889
11.Zhang, J., Qi, J.,Wu, S., Peng, L., Shi, Y., Yang, J., Yin, Z., Gao, Y., Wang, C., Gong, J.,Zhang, H., Zhang, J., and Liu, D. (2017) Fatty Acid Binding Protein 11a IsRequired for Brain Vessel Integrity in Zebrafish.Frontiers in physiology8,214
12.Xie, Y., Wang, D.,Lan, F., Wei, G., Ni, T., Chai, R., Liu, D., Hu, S., Li, M., Li, D., Wang, H.,and Wang, Y. (2017) An episomal vector-based CRISPR/Cas9 system for highlyefficient gene knockout in human pluripotent stem cells.Scientific reports7,2320
13.Wang, F., Liu, D.,Zhang, R. R., Yu, L. W., Zhao, J. Y., Yang, X. Y., Jiang, S. S., Ma, D., Qiao,B., Zhang, F., Jin, L., Gui, Y. H., and Wang, H. Y. (2017) A TBX5 3'UTR variantincreases the risk of congenital heart disease in the Han Chinese population.Cell discovery3, 17026
14.Mu, Z., Zhang, S.,He, C., Hou, H., Liu, D., Hu, N., and Xu, H. (2017) Expression of SoxCTranscription Factors during Zebrafish Retinal and Optic Nerve Regeneration.Neuroscience bulletin33, 53-61
15.Lv, F., Zhu, C., Yan,X., Wang, X., and Liu, D. (2017) Generation of a mef2aa:EGFP transgeniczebrafish line that expresses EGFP in muscle cells.Fish physiology and biochemistry43, 287-294
16.Jin, D., Zhu, D.,Fang, Y., Chen, Y., Yu, G., Pan, W., Liu, D., Li, F., and Zhong, T. P. (2017)Vegfa signaling regulates diverse artery/vein formation in vertebratevasculatures.Journal of genetics andgenomics = Yi chuan xue bao44,483-492
17.He, Z., Guo, L., Shu,Y., Fang, Q., Zhou, H., Liu, Y., Liu, D., Lu, L., Zhang, X., Ding, X., Liu, D.,Tang, M., Kong, W., Sha, S., Li, H., Gao, X., and Chai, R. (2017) Autophagyprotects auditory hair cells against neomycin-induced damage.Autophagy, 1-21
18.He, Y., Lu, X., Qian,F., Liu, D., Chai, R., and Li, H. (2017) Insm1a Is Required for ZebrafishPosterior Lateral Line Development.Frontiersin molecular neuroscience10,241
19.Gong, J., Wang, X.,Zhu, C., Dong, X., Zhang, Q., Wang, X., Duan, X., Qian, F., Shi, Y., Gao, Y.,Zhao, Q., Chai, R., and Liu, D. (2017) Insm1a Regulates Motor NeuronDevelopment in Zebrafish.Frontiers inmolecular neuroscience10, 274
20.Zhang, S., Mu, Z.,He, C., Zhou, M., Liu, D., Zhao, X. F., Goldman, D., and Xu, H. (2016)Antiviral Drug Ganciclovir Is a Potent Inhibitor of the Proliferation of MullerGlia-Derived Progenitors During Zebrafish Retinal Regeneration.Investigative ophthalmology & visualscience57, 1991-2000
21.Wang, X., Yuan, W.,Wang, X., Qi, J., Qin, Y., Shi, Y., Zhang, J., Gong, J., Dong, Z., Liu, X.,Sun, C., Chai, R., Le Noble, F., and Liu, D. (2016) The somite-secreted factorMaeg promotes zebrafish embryonic angiogenesis.Oncotarget7,77749-77763
22.Wang, X., Ling, C.C., Li, L., Qin, Y., Qi, J., Liu, X., You, B., Shi, Y., Zhang, J., Jiang, Q.,Xu, H., Sun, C., You, Y., Chai, R., and Liu, D. (2016) MicroRNA-10a/10brepresses a novel target gene mib1 to regulate angiogenesis.Cardiovascular research110, 140-150
23.Shi, Y. W., Yuan, W.,Wang, X., Gong, J., Zhu, S. X., Chai, L. L., Qi, J. L., Qin, Y. Y., Gao, Y.,Zhou, Y. L., Fan, X. L., Ji, C. Y., Wu, J. Y., Wang, Z. W., and Liu, D. (2016)Combretastatin A-4 efficiently inhibits angiogenesis and induces neuronalapoptosis in zebrafish.Scientificreports6, 30189
24.Qi, J., Dong, Z.,Shi, Y., Wang, X., Qin, Y., Wang, Y., and Liu, D. (2016) NgAgo-based fabp11agene knockdown causes eye developmental defects in zebrafish.Cell research26, 1349-1352
25.He, Z., Zhang, S.,Song, Q., Li, W., Liu, D., Li, H., Tang, M., and Chai, R. (2016) The structuraldevelopment of primary cultured hippocampal neurons on a graphene substrate.Colloids and surfaces. B, Biointerfaces146, 442-451
26.Wang, X., Wang, X.,Yuan, W., Chai, R., and Liu, D. (2015) Egfl6 is involved in zebrafish notochorddevelopment.Fish physiology andbiochemistry41, 961-969
27.Wang, X., Chong, M.,Wang, X., Wang, H., Zhang, J., Xu, H., Zhang, J., and Liu, D. (2015) Block thefunction of nonmuscle myosin II by blebbistatin induces zebrafish embryo cardiabifida.In vitro cellular &developmental biology. Animal51,211-217
28.Xu, M., Liu, D.,Dong, Z., Wang, X., Wang, X., Liu, Y., Baas, P. W., and Liu, M. (2014)Kinesin-12 influences axonal growth during zebrafish neural development.Cytoskeleton71, 555-563
29.Wang, X., Li, L., andLiu, D. (2014) Expression analysis of integrin beta1 isoforms during zebrafishembryonic development.Gene expressionpatterns : GEP16, 86-92
30.Sang, Q., Zhang, J.,Feng, R., Wang, X., Li, Q., Zhao, X., Xing, Q., Chen, W., Du, J., Sun, S.,Chai, R., Liu, D., Jin, L., He, L., Li, H., and Wang, L. (2014) Ildr1b isessential for semicircular canal development, migration of the posteriorlateral line primordium and hearing ability in zebrafish: implications for arole in the recessive hearing impairment DFNB42.Human molecular genetics23,6201-6211
31.Li, S., Liu, Q.,Wang, Y., Gu, Y., Liu, D., Wang, C., Ding, G., Chen, J., Liu, J., and Gu, X.(2013) Differential gene expression profiling and biological process analysisin proximal nerve segments after sciatic nerve transection.PLoS One8, e57000
32.Jiang, Q.,Lagos-Quintana, M.,Liu, D., Shi,Y., Helker, C., Herzog, W., and le Noble, F. (2013) miR-30a regulates endothelialtip cell formation and arteriolar branching.Hypertension62, 592-598
33.Huang, Y., Wang, X.,Xu, M., Liu, M., andLiu, D.(2013)Nonmuscle myosin II-B (myh10) expression analysis during zebrafish embryonicdevelopment.Gene expression patterns :GEP13, 265-270
1.高煜,劉家輝,王新,劉東,斑馬魚遺傳操作進展,生物工程學報,2017, 33(10): 1674-1692 (通訊作者)
2.張晶晶,王新,劉東,C型利鈉肽基因調控斑馬魚胚胎血管發育,生理學報,2017, 69(1): 11–16 (通訊作者)
3.呂峯,石運偉,王新,劉東,嚴興洪,microRNA-10a/b通過抑制Mib1調節斑馬魚神經元的發育,中國細胞生物學學報,2017, 39(2): 191–196 (通訊作者)
4.王鴻奎,王學謙,王新,袁瑋,劉東,非肌性肌球蛋白II-B調節斑馬魚咽弓的發育,解剖學報,2016, 47(1):113-116 (通訊作者)
5.袁瑋,浦超,Rupesh Puri,石運偉,王新,李石營,劉東,Non-muscle Myosin II-A調節斑馬魚胚胎髮育過程中腸內分泌細胞的極化,中國細胞生物學報,2015, 37(3): 328–334 (通訊作者)
6.王新,張素珍,王學謙,李麗萍,張晶晶,劉東,流式細胞儀分選轉基因斑馬魚胚胎熒光標記細胞的一種快速方法,中國細胞生物學報,2014, 36(3): 356–360 (通訊作者) [1] 