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2003年,獲得復旦大學管理學博士學位。 [1] 
2010年8月回國,加入北京大學中國衞生髮展研究中心,2015年起,擔任北京大學中國衞生髮展研究中心副主任。 [1] 
劉曉雲在衞生系統和衞生服務研究領域已有二十多年的科研和教學工作經驗。他負責和參加過多項由國家衞生健康委員會、世界銀行、英國國際發展署以及世界衞生組織等機構資助的科研項目,在多個發展中國家(中國、越南、印度等)開展有關衞生人力資源、醫療保障、衞生政策以及結核病防治等領域的研究。從2003年至今,劉曉雲應邀分別為國家衞生健康委員會、地方衞生行政部門、世界衞生組織、英國國際發展署等機構提供諮詢服務,諮詢內容包括:衞生人力資源管理、結核病控制、初級衞生保健、國際衞生以及社區衞生服務等。 [1] 


近年來在國際英文專業雜誌發表論文30餘篇。 [1] 
  1. Wang H, Tang C, Zhao S, Meng Q, Liu X*. Job Satisfaction among Health-Care Staff in Township Health Centers in Rural China: Results from a Latent Class Analysis. International Journal of Environmental Research & Public Health. 2017, 14(10):1101.
  2. Hu D, Zhu W, Fu Y, Zhang M, Zhao Y,
  3. Liu X,Sun X, Zhao Y, et al. Financial protection of rural health insurance for patients with hypertension and diabetes: repeated cross-sectional surveys in rural China. BMC Health Services Research. 2016, 16(1): 481.
  4. Sun X, Liu X, Sun Q Yip W, Wagstaff A, Meng Q. The impact of a pay-for-performance scheme on prescription quality in rural China. Health Economics. 2016, 25: 706–722.
  5. Meng Q, Fang H,Liu X, et al. Consolidating the social health insurance schemes in China: towards an equitable and efficient health system. Lancet. 2015, 386(10002): 1484-1492.
  6. Wang W, Shi L, Yin A, Mao Z, Maitland E, Nicholas S, Liu X*. Contribution of primary care to health: an individual level analysis from Tibet, China. International Journal for Equity in Health. 2015, 14: 107.
  7. Wang W, Shi L, Yin A, Mao Z, Maitland E, Nicholas S, Liu X*. Primary Care Quality among Different Health Care Structures in Tibet, China. Biomed Research International. 2015, 2015: 1-8.
  8. Wang W, Shi L, Yin A, Mao Z, Maitland E, Nicholas S,Liu X*. Primary care quality between Traditional Tibetan Medicine and Western Medicine Hospitals: a pilot assessment in Tibet [J].International Journal for Equity in Health. 2015, 14: 45.
  9. Dou L, Liu X, Zhang T, Wu Y. Health care utilization in older people with cardiovascular disease in China. International Journal for Equity in Health. 2015, 14: 59.
  10. Liu X, Zhao S, Zhang M, Hu D & Meng Q. The development of rural primary health care in China’s health system reform. Journal of Asian Public Policy. 2015.
  11. Liu X, Dou L, Zhang H, et al. Analysis of context factors in compulsory and incentive strategies for improving attraction and retention of health workers in rural and remote areas: a systematic review. Human Resource Health. 2015, 13: 61.
  12. Martineau T, Mirzoev T, Pearson S, Bui TTH, Qian X, Ramani KV, Liu X*. Coherence between health policy and human resource strategy: lessons from maternal health in Vietnam, India and China. Health Policy Plan. 2015, 30(1): 111-120.
  13. Liu X. Job preferences of primary health care workers in rural China: application of Discrete Choice Experiment. BMC Health Services Research. 2014, 14(Suppl2):1.
  14. Mccollum R, Chen L, Tang C, Liu X, et al. Experiences with primary healthcare in Fuzhou, urban China, in the context of health sector reform: a mixed methods study. The International journal of health planning and management. 2014, 29(2): e107-e126.
  15. Liu X*,Tang S, Yu B, et al. Can rural health insurance improve equity in health care utilization? A comparison between China and Vietnam. International Journal for Equity in Health. 2012, 11(1): 10.
  16. Yu B, Meng Q, Collins C, Tolhurst R, Tang S, Yan F, Bogg L, Liu X*. How does the New Cooperative Medical Scheme influence health service utilization? A study in two provinces in rural China. BMC Health Services Research. 2010, 10(1): 116.
  17. Zhang L, Cheng X, Tolhurst R, Tang S, Liu X*. How effectively can the New Cooperative Medical Scheme reduce catastrophic health expenditure for the poor and non-poor in rural China? Tropical Medicine & International Health. 2010, 15(4): 468-475.
  18. Sun Q, Liu X, Meng Q, Tang S, Yu B, Tolhurst R. Evaluating the financial protection of patients with chronic disease by health insurance in rural China. International Journal for Equity in Health. 2009, 8(1): 42.
  19. Nieuwenhuis S, Odukogbe A, Theobald S, Liu X. The Impact of Infertility on Infertile Men and Women in Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria: A Qualitative Study. African Journal of Reproductive Health. 2009, 13(3): 85 - 98.
  20. Smith H, Chen J, Liu X. Language and rigour in qualitative research: Problems and principles in analyzing data collected in Mandarin. BMC Medical Research Methodology. 2008, 8: 44.
  21. Hu D, Liu X*, Chen C, Wang Y, Wang T, Zeng W, Smith H, Garner P. Direct observation and adherence to TB treatment in Chongqing, China: a descriptive study. Health Policy and Planning. 2008, 23: 43-55.
  22. Liu X*, Thomson R, Gong Y, Zhao F, Squire B, Tolhurst R, Zhao X, Yan F, Tang S. How affordable are TB diagnosis and treatment in rural China? An analysis from community and TB patient perspectives. Tropical Medicine & International Health. 2007, 12: 1464-71.
  23. Zhang T, Liu X, Bromley H, Tang H. Perceptions of tuberculosis and health seeking behaviour in rural Inner Mongolia, China. Health policy. 2007, (81): 188-165.
  24. Liu X, Martineau T, Chen L, Zhan S, Tang S. Does decentralisation improve human resource management in the health sector? A case study from China. Social Science and Medicine. 2006, 63: 1836-1845. [1] 
  • 1.    劉曉雲  .北京大學中國衞生髮展研究中心.2017-12-25[引用日期2020-02-26]