


研究方向: 食品非熱加工
研究生招生:食品科學與工程 [1] 
國    籍
性    別


2012/9 – 2016/12,華南理工大學,食品科學與工程學院,博士
2015/10 – 2016/0,加拿大,麥吉爾大學,資源環境與工程學院,博士
2009/9 – 2012/6,湖南農業大學,食品科技學院,碩士
2005/9 – 2009/6,湖南農業大學,食品科技學院,本科
2017/6-,湖南農業大學,食品科技學院,講師 [1] 


食品工藝學、試驗設計與論文寫作 [1] 


1. 學術論文(著作)情況
1. Zhang Y, Tan X-H, Liu, Z. W* (2020) Mechanisms of breakdown of Haematococcus pluvialis cell wall by ionic liquids, hydrochloric acid and multi-enzyme treatment, International Journal of Food Science & Technology, doi:10.1111/ijfs.14582.
2. Liu, Z. W*., Manzoor, M.F., Tan, Y. C., Ina-mur-Raheem, M. and Aadil, R.M. (2020).Effect of dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) plasma on the structure and antioxidant activityof bovine serum albumin (BSA), International Journal of Food Science & Technology,doi:10.1111/ijfs.14536.
3. Liu, Z. W., Yue, Z., Zeng, X. A., Cheng, J.-H., & Aadil, R. M. (2019). Ionic liquid as an effective solvent for cell wall deconstructing through astaxanthin extraction from Haematococcus pluvialis. International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 54(2), 583-590.
4. Liu, Z. W., Zeng, X. A.,(2018)Enhanced extraction of phenolic compounds from onion by pulsed electric field (PEF) , Journal of FoodProcessing and Preservation,.42(9): 25~32
5. Liu, Z.W., Zeng, X. A.,(2018)The efficiency and comparison of novel techniques for cell wall disruption in astaxanthin extraction from Haematococcus pluvialis , International Journal of Food Science and Technology. 31, 1(1): 322~328
6. Liu, Z. W., Zeng, X. A*., Sun, D. W., & Han, Z. (2014).Effects of pulsed electric fields on the permeabilization of calcein-filled soybean lecithin vesicles. Journal of Food Engineering, 131, 26-32.
7. Liu, Z. W., Zeng, X. A*., Sun, D. W., Han, Z., & Aadil, R. M. (2015).Synergistic effect of thermal and pulsed electric field (PEF) treatment on the permeability of soya PC and DPPC vesicles. Journal of Food Engineering.153,124-131.
8. Liu, Z. W., Han, Z., Zeng, X. A*., Sun, D. W., & Aadil, R. M. (2016).Effects of vesicle components on the electro-permeability of lipid bilayers of vesicles induced by pulsed electric fields (PEF) treatment. Journal of Food Engineering, 179, 88-97.
9. Liu, Z. W., Zeng, X. A., Ngadi, M., & Han, Z. (2016).Effect of cell membrane fatty acid composition of Escherichia coli on the resistance to pulsed electric field (PEF) treatment. LWT-Food Science and Technology,76, 18-25.
10. Liu, Z. W., Zeng, X. A*., & Han, Z. (2016).Effects of the Content of Cholesterol on the Permeability of Vesicles Membranes Induced by Pulsed Electric Fields. In 1st World Congress on Electroporation and Pulsed Electric Fields in Biology, Medicine and Food & Environmental Technologies (pp. 179-182).
11. Yun, O., Liu, Z. W., Zeng, X. A., & Han, Z. (2016) Salmonella typhimurium resistance on pulsed electric fields associated with membrane fluidity and gene regulation. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies, 36, 252-259.
12. Yun, O., Zeng, X. A*. Liu, Z. W., Brennan C. (2017).Temperature alters the structure of membrane lipids and Pulsed Electric Field (PEF) resistance of Salmonella Typhimurium. International Journal of Food Science and Technology. 52(2), 424-430. [1] 


1. 國家自然科學基金面上項目,21576099、基於細胞膜脂質體相變温度下脈衝電場致死微生物基礎研究、2016/01-2019/12、78萬元、在研、參加。
2. 國家自然科學基金面上項目,21376094、脈衝電場極化修飾氨基酸與蛋白質及強化反應研究、2014/01-2017/12、85萬元、已結題、參加。
3. 湖南省自然科學基金青年基金項目, 2019JJ50266,大腸桿菌rpoS缺陷菌株的構建及其對脈衝電場殺菌抗性影響,2019.1.1~2020.12.31,5 萬元,主持。


《特色功能植物高值化產品綠色加工關鍵技術》獲2019湖南省科技進步一等獎(本人排名4/12) [1] 