


劉建寶,蘭州大學理學博士,國家傑出青年科學基金獲得者。 [2] 
現任北京大學博雅特聘教授,北京大學城市與環境學院教授、博士生導師。 [2] 
兼任國家重點研發計劃重點專項總體專家組成員,中國第四紀科學研究會理事,中國地理學會人類世與湖泊生態工作組副組長、湖泊與濕地分會委員會委員、山地分會委員會委員、人類世研究分會委員會委員等職務。 [2] 
長期從事第四紀環境與全球變化研究,重點關注陸氣相互作用演化過程,取得系列創新性成果。在Nature Climate ChangePNAS(評述)、Nature CommunicationsEarth-Science ReviewsScience BulletinScience China Earth Sciences等期刊發表SCI論文80餘篇;主持國家自然科學基金(4項)、國家科技專項第二次青藏科考專題任務、中國科學院基礎前沿科學研究計劃項目;獲中國地理學會科學技術獎-青年科技獎、教育部高等學校自然科學一等獎(第一完成人)、中國科學院青年科學家獎 [2] 
國    籍
職    稱



  • 2010~2015,蘭州大學,自然地理學,博士(碩博連讀,2013~2015年,加拿大女王大學聯合培養)
  • 2006~2010,蘭州大學,地理科學(基地班),學士 [2] 


  • 2024 ~今,北京大學城市與環境學院,長聘教授/博雅特聘教授
  • 2018~2024,中國科學院青藏高原研究所,研究員
  • 2015~2018,蘭州大學資源環境學院,講師 [2] 


招收有地理學、生態學等專業背景的碩士/博士研究生和博士後 [1] 




  • 2023 ~今,Science Bulletin, Associate Editor
  • 2021 ~今,National Science Open, Editorial Board Member
  • 2021 ~今,Global and Planetary Change, Editorial Board Member
  • 2023 ~今,Journal of Paleolimnology, Editorial Board Member
  • 2023 ~今,Evolving Earth, Editorial Board Member
  • 2023 ~今,科學通報,編委
  • 2021 ~今,地理科學,副主編
  • 2023 ~今,國家重點研發計劃重點專項總體專家組成員
  • 2024 ~今,中國第四紀科學研究會理事
  • 2021 ~今,中國地理學會人類世與湖泊生態工作組副組長
  • 2023 ~今,中國地理學會湖泊與濕地分會委員會委員
  • 2022 ~今,中國地理學會山地分會委員會委員
  • 2022 ~今,中國地質學會人類世研究分會委員會委員 [2] 


1. 國家自然科學基金傑青項目“全新世東亞季風變化與塵暴”,批准號:42225105,執行期間:2023.01-2027.12。
2. 國家自然科學基金面上項目“基於二百年硅藻記錄的乾旱半乾旱區高山湖泊生態系統對氣候變化響應的空間差異研究”,批准號:42071115,執行期間:2021.01-2023.12。
3. 中國科學院基礎前沿科學研究計劃項目“基於藻類DNA探索第三極鹹水湖泊古生態重建新方法”,批准號:ZDBS-LY-DQC006,執行期間:2019.09-2023.12。
4. 國家科技專項第二次青藏科考任務六“人類活動與生存環境安全”中的“人類活動歷史及其影響”專題,批准號:2019QZKK0601,執行期間:2019.11-2022.11。
5. 中國科學院青藏高原研究所高層次人才引進項目“藻類DNA記錄的近兩百年青藏高原湖泊生態系統變化”,執行期間:2018.01-2020.12。
6. 國家自然科學基金優青項目“古氣候與古湖沼學”,批准號:41722105,執行期間:2018.01-2020.12。
7. 國家自然科學基金青年基金項目“全新世以來我國東部地區東亞夏季風降水區域差異的湖泊記錄研究”,批准號:41601186,執行期間:2017.01-2019.12。 [4] 


發表SCI論文80餘篇(截至2024年1月),代表性論文如下(“*”指通訊作者): [3] 
  1. Yan, X. W., Liu, J. B.*, Rühland, K. M., Dong, H. R., He, J. N., Smol, J. P., 2022. Human deforestation outweighed climate as factors affecting Yellow River floods and erosion on the Chinese Loess Plateau since the 10th century. Quaternary Science Reviews.
  2. Zhao, J.J., Liu, J.B.*, Liu, J.Z., Chen, S.Q., Wang, L., Zhou, A.F., Zhang, Z.P., Shen, Z.W., Chen, J.,Chen, L., Cao, Y.N., Hu, J., Chen, J., 2023. Coupling of the ecosystems in North China with the East Asian summer monsoon rainfall during the Holocene. Quaternary Science Reviews, 300, 107885.
  3. Zhang, X.S., Liu, J.B.*, Rühland, K.M., Jia, X., Reed, J.M., Li, Y.L., Shen, Z.W., Zhao, J.J., Chen, J., Wang, H.P., Wang, X., Smol, J.P., Chen, F.H., 2023. Concurrent mid-Holocene East Asian temperature and summer monsoon maxima forced by high- and low-latitude interplay. Global and Planetary Change, 220, 104008.
  4. Liu, J.B*., Chen, J., Chen, S.Q*., Yan, X.W., Dong, H.R., Chen, F.H., 2022. The dust storms variation in northern China and its inspiration of the Anthropocene. Science China Earth Sciences, 65, 921–933.
  5. Liu, J.B*., Liu, H.X., Chen, H., Yu, Z.C., Piao, S.L., Smol, J.P., Zhang, J.F., Huang, L.X., Wang, T., Yang, B., Zhao, Y., Chen, F.H., 2022. Anthropogenic warming reduces the carbon accumulation of Tibetan Plateau peatlands. Quaternary Science Reviews, 281, 107449.
  6. He, J.N., Liu, J.B*., Rühland, K.M., Zhang, J.F., Chen, Z.T., Dong, H.R., Smol, J.P., 2022. Responses of lake diatoms to rapid 21st century warming on the southeastern Tibetan Plateau. Anthropocene, 39, 100345.
  7. Zhang, Z.P., Liu, J.B*., Chen, S.Q., Zhang, S.J., Jia, X., Zhou, A.F., Zhao, J.J., Chen, J., Shen, Z.W., Chen, F.H., 2022. Anthropogenic origin of a change in the fire-climate relationship in northern China after ~2,000 yr BP: Evidence from a 15,500-year black carbon record from Dali Lake. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 32(6), 1136-1156.
  8. Chen, J., Liu, J.B*., Rühland, K.M., Smol, J.P., Zhang, X.S., Zhang, Z.P., Zhou, A.F., Shen, Z.W., Chen, F.H., 2021. Aquatic ecosystem responses to environmental and climatic changes in NE China since the last deglaciation (∼ 17,500 cal yr BP) tracked by diatom assemblages from Lake Moon. Quaternary Science Reviews, 272, 107218.
  9. Chen, S.Q., Liu, J.B*., Wang, X., Zhao, S., Chen, J.H., Qiang, M.R., Liu, B., Xu, Q.H., Xia, D.S., Chen, F.H., 2021. Holocene dust storm variations over northern China: transition from a natural forcing to an anthropogenic forcing. Science Bulletin, 66(24), 2516-2527.
  10. Zhang, J.F., Liu, J.B*., Yuan, Y.L., Zhou, A.F., Chen, J., Shen, Z.W., Chen, S.Q., Zhang, Z.P., Zhang, K., 2021. Pre-industrial cyanobacterial dominance in Lake Moon (NE China) revealed by sedimentary ancient DNA. Quaternary Science Reviews, 261, 106966.
  11. Chen, F.H*., Chen, S.Q., Zhang, X., Smol, J.P., Wang, X., Chen, J.H., Gowan, E., Qiang, M.R., Dong, G.H., Wang, Z.L., Li, Y.C., Xu, Q.H., Liu, J.B*., 2020. Asian dust-storm activities dominated by Chinese dynasty changes since 2000 BP. Nature Communications, 11, 920.
  12. Chen, S.Q., Liu, J.B*., Chen, J.H., Chen, F.H., 2020. Differences in the evolutionary pattern of dust storms over the past 2000 years between eastern and western China and the driving mechanisms. Science China Earth Sciences, 63(9), 1422–1424.
  13. Cheng, B., Liu, J.B*., Chen, S.Q., Zhang, Z.P., Shen, Z.W., Yan, X.W., Li, F.Y., Chen, G.J., Zhang, X.S., Wang, X., Chen, J.H., 2020. Impact of abrupt late Holocene climate change on the status of an alpine lake in North China. Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres, 125(4), e2019JD031877.
  14. Li, F.Y., Liu, J.B*., Chen, G.J., Kong, L.Y., Zhang, X.S., 2020. A rapid late Holocene lake ecosystem shift driven by climate change: evidence from the first cladoceran record from an alpine lake in northern China. Science Bulletin, 65(4), 253–256.
  15. Liu, J.B., Shen, Z.W., Chen, W., Chen, J., Zhang, X., Chen, J.H., Chen, F.H*., 2020. Dipolar mode of precipitation changes between north China and the Yangtze River Valley existed over the entire Holocene: Evidence from the sediment record of Nanyi Lake. International Journal of Climatology, 41(3), 1667–1681.
  16. Liu, X.K., Liu, J.B*., Chen, S.Q., Chen, J.H., Zhang, X., Yan, J.J., Chen, F.H., 2020. New insights on Chinese cave δ18O records and their paleoclimatic significance. Earth-Science Reviews, 207, 103216.
  17. Liu, X.K., Liu, J.B*., Shen, C.C., Yang, Y., Chen, J.H., Chen, S.Q., Wang, X.F., Wu, C.C., Chen, F.H., 2020. Inconsistency between records of δ18O and trace element ratios from stalagmites: Evidence for increasing mid-late Holocene moisture in arid central Asia. The Holocene, 30(3), 369–379.
  18. Yan, X.W., Liu, J.B*., Rühland, K.M., Smol, J.P., Chen, F.H., 2020. Climate change as the dominant driver of recent ecological changes in a semi-arid alpine lake from the Chinese Loess Plateau. Journal of Paleolimnology, 68(1), 39–57.
  19. Zhang, Z.P., Liu, J.B*., Chen, J., Chen, S.Q., Shen, Z.W., Chen, J., Liu, X.K., Wu, D., Sheng, Y.W., Chen, F.H., 2020. Holocene climatic optimum in the East Asian monsoon region of China defined by climatic stability. Earth-Science Reviews, 212, 103450.
  20. Chen, J.H., Liu, J.B*., Zhang, X.J., Chen, S.Q., Huang, W., Chen, J., Zhang, S.R., Zhou, A.F., Chen, F.H., 2019. Unstable Little Ice Age climate revealed by high-resolution proxy records from northwestern China. Climate Dynamics, 53, 1517-1526.
  21. Zhang, Z.P., Liu, J.B*., Liu, X.K., Chen, S.Q., Yu, A.L., Zhang, X.S., Chen, J., Shen, Z.W., Chen, J., Zhang, S.J., Xia, H., Chen, F.H., 2019. Seasonal variations in the water oxygen isotope composition of four lakes in the East Asian summer monsoon region: implications for the interpretation of paleo-isotope records. Progress in Physical Geography, 44(4), 572–588.
  22. Chen, J., Liu, J.B*., Xie, C.L., Chen, G.J., Chen, J.H., Zhang, Z.P., Zhou, A.F., Rühland, K.M., Smol, J.P., Chen, F.H., 2018. Biogeochemical responses to climate change and anthropogenic nitrogen deposition from a ∼200-year record from Tianchi Lake, Chinese Loess Plateau. Quaternary International, 493(10), 22–30.
  23. Chen, J.H*., Zhang, Z.P., Liu, J.B*., Rao, Z.G., Huang, W., Zhang, X., Chen, S.Q., 2018. “North-South” dipolar mode of precipitation changes in eastern China extends to the Last Deglaciation. Science Bulletin, 63(24), 1604–1605.
  24. Chen, S.Q., Liu, J.B*., Xie, C.L., Chen, J.H., Wang, H.P., Wang, Z.L., Rao, Z.G., Xu, Q.H., Chen, F.H., 2018. Evolution of integrated lake status since the last deglaciation: A high-resolution sedimentary record from Lake Gonghai, Shanxi, China. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 496, 175–182.
  25. Shen, Z.W., Liu, J.B*., Xie, C.L., Zhang, X.S., Chen, F.H., 2018. An environmental perturbation at AD 600 and subsequent human impacts recorded by multi-proxy records from the sediments of Lake Mayinghai, North China. The Holocene, 28(12), 1870–1880.
  26. Zhang, Z.P., Liu, J.B*., Chen, S.Q., Chen, J., Zhang, S.J., Xia, H., Shen, Z.W., Wu, D., Chen, F.H., 2018. Non-lagged response of vegetation to climate change during the Younger Dryas: evidence from high resolution multi-proxy records from an alpine lake in northern China. Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres, 123, 7065–7075.
  27. Liu, J.B., Chen, J.H., Selvaraj, K*., Chen, S,Q*., Xie, C.L., Chen, Q.M., Lin, B.Z., Yu, K.F., Xu, Q.H., Velasco, V.M., Chen, F.H., 2017. A 14.7 Ka Record of Earth’s Surface Processes from the Arid-Monsoon Transitional China. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 43(3), 723–734.
  28. Liu, J.B., Chen, S.Q., Chen, J.H., Zhang, Z.P., Chen, F.H*., 2017. Chinese cave δ18O records do not represent northern East Asian summer monsoon rainfall. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA, 114(15), E2987–E2988.
  29. Liu, J.B., Rühland, K.M., Chen, J.H., Xu, Y.Y., Chen, S.Q., Chen, Q.M., Huang, W., Xu, Q.H., Chen, F.H*., Smol, J.P*., 2017. Aerosol-weakened summer monsoons decrease lake fertilization in the Chinese Loess Plateau. Nature Climate Change, 7(3), 190-194.
  30. Liu, J.B., Chen, J.H*., Zhang, X.J., Li, Y., Rao, Z.G., Chen, F.H*., 2015. Holocene East Asian summer monsoon records in northern China and their inconsistency with Chinese stalagmite δ18O records. Earth-Science Reviews, 148, 194–208.
  31. Liu, J.B., Chen, F.H*., Chen, J.H., Zhang, X.J., Liu, J., Bloemendal, J., 2014. Weakening of the East Asian summer monsoon at 1000–1100 A.D. within the Medieval Climate Anomaly: Possible linkage to changes in the Indian Ocean-western Pacific. Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres, 119(5), 2209–2219.
  32. Liu, J.B., Chen, J.H*., Selvaraj, K., Xu, Q.H., Wang, Z.L., Chen, F.H., 2014. Chemical weathering over the last 1200 years recorded in the sediments of Gonghai Lake, Lvliang Mountains, North China: a high-resolution proxy of past climate. Boreas, 43(4), 914–923.
  33. Yang, X.L., Liu, J.B*., Liang, F.Y., Yuan, D.X., Yang, Y., Chen, F.H., 2014. Holocene stalagmite δ18O records in the East Asian monsoon region and their correlation with those in the Indian monsoon region. The Holocene, 24(12), 1657–1664.
  34. Liu, J.B., Chen, F.H*., Chen, J.H., Xia, D.S., Xu, Q.H., Wang, Z.L., Li, Y., 2011. Humid Medieval Warm Period recorded by magnetic characteristics of sediments from Gonghai Lake, Shanxi, North China. Chinese Science Bulletin, 56(23), 2464–2474. [3] 


  • 2022年度,中國科學院青年科學家獎,中國科學院
  • 2022年度,國家傑出青年基金獲得者,國家自然科學基金委員會
  • 2020年度,高等學校科學研究優秀成果獎(科學技術)-自然科學一等獎(第一完成人),中華人民共和國教育部
  • 2017年度,國家基金委優秀青年基金獲得者,國家自然科學基金委員會
  • 2017年度,中國地理學會科學技術獎-青年科技獎,中國地理學會 [2] 