

世界民族電影節(Universe Multicultural Film Festival)是成立於2002年的致力於推廣國際民族文化主題電影的電影節,也是奧斯卡聯盟和國際電影節聯盟裏唯一一個以民族電影為主題的國際電影節 [1]  。自全球化發展以來,世界流行文化趨於融合,民族文化越來越不能夠受到大眾的關注與重視。世界民族電影節以保護民族文化為出發點,專注於搭建推廣民族文化電影的平台,以不同語言不同民族背景的電影為溝通渠道,讓美國本土觀眾有機會通過環球銀幕瞭解世界多元的民族文化 [2]  世界民族電影節每年4月在美國洛杉磯Rancho Palos Verdes舉行,交流及放映來自世界各地的民族主題電影,是最具影響力的多文化交流國際電影節。 [3-6] 
2020年7月24日,由中國導演史文執導的民族音樂電影《半個月亮爬上來》在美國舉辦的2020年“世界民族電影節”上獲得最高獎項:“最佳故事片獎”。 [7] 
Universe Multicultural Film Festival
時    間
宗    旨


Awards 獎項 [37] 
Winners 獲獎者
Grand Jury Prize Best Feature
The Tale of the Frog and the Golden Orb (Germany)
Grand Jury Prize Best Short
Salvation (Armenia)
Trailblazer Award
Lynne Alana Delaney
Best Achievement in Directing
Marty Roberts, Jimmy Womble from "Running the Bases" (United States)
Best Actress in a Leading Role
Gloria Laino Kennedy from "Two Dancers One Love" (United States)
Best Drama Feature Film
Running the Bases (United States)
Best Drama Short Film
Curettage (Iran)
Best Education Film
STEM Roots (United States)
Best Documentary
Acts of Service (United States)
Best Student Film
Seven Heavenly Fairies Wish for Humanity (United States)
Best Youth Film
Fitting In (United States)
Best Animated Short 最佳動畫短片
The Nightmare《幻景》 (China)
Best Cinematography
Experiments in Freedom (United States)
Best Musical Film
Between Two Worlds (United States)
Best Music Video
Farsh-e-Parandeh (Flying Carpet) (Australia)
Best Film Song
Eyes Wide Open from "North Star" (United Kingdom)
Best TV Episode
Los Aspirantes(The Applicants)( (Spain)
Best TV Pilot
Street Living (United States)
Make A Difference Award 別出心裁獎
Disappeared Girl《消失的少女》(China)
Cultural Heritage Award
Los Elegidos de Asís (United States)
Screenplay Contest - Best Screenplay
MOKSHA (United States)
Screenplay Contest - Best Short Screenplay 最佳短片劇本
Mom, Where Are You 《媽媽,你在哪兒》 (China)


Awards獎項 [36] 
Grand Jury Prize Best Feature
A Beautiful Breakup (United Kingdom)
Grand Jury Prize Best Short
A Stranger at the Funeral (Peru)
Best Achievement in Directing
Anna Chi from "The Disappearance of Mrs. Wu" (USA)
Best Actress in a Leading Role
LeelaTikadar from “My Home”(united Kingdom)
Best Drama Short Film
On the beach (Iran)
Best Education Film
paSta’ay (Taiwan)
Best Education Short
Parental Alienation: The Aftermath (USA)
Cultural Heritage Film Award
SICON - Memoirs of a Master Craftsman (India)
Best Documentary - Feature
The Loneliness Of Those Who Do Not Exist (Spain)
Best Documentary - Short
The Man of the Trees (Italy)
Best Student Film
Something Has Died In The Forest (Australia )
Best Animated Short
Miracle (China)
Best Cinematography
Best Music Video
Names and Chains (Haiti)
Make A Difference Award
Altitude Not Attitude (USA)
Screenplay Contest - Best Screenplay
Clyde and Bear (USA)--Aram S. Katz
Screenplay Contest - Best Series Screenplay
At the Mercy of Faith (USA)--- Samuel Taylor
Screenplay Contest - Best Short Screenplay
To the Moon (USA) ----Michael Dukakis


Awards獎項 [35] 
2021獲獎名單 2021獲獎名單
Grand Jury Prize - Best Feature
Toprak (Turkey)
Grand Jury Prize - Best Short
De Brume Et De Sang (France)
Best Achievement in Directing
Brendan Merrill (USA )
Best Actor in a Leading Role
Vance Lovett (USA)
Best Drama Feature Film
The Witch Princess (Germany)
Best Drama Short Film
Dignity (USA)
Best Education Feature Film
The Pursuit Of Life (China)
Best Education Short Film
Pedacito De La Tierra (USA)
Cultural Heritage Film Award
Gagauzes - In The Sign Of Cross And Wolf (Turkey)
Best Auction Film
The Handler (USA)
Best Art Feature Film
News From Fukushima (Japan)
Best Art Short Film
Rejoice Abyssinia(USA)
Best Documentary - Feature
Vision Quest (Canada)
Best Documentary - Short
Pedacito De La Tierra (USA)
Best Youth Film
Coming Back (USA)
Best Student Film
Meat Soup (China)
Best Animated Short
Astrolology - Libra - The_pied-Piping (Malaysia)
Best Music Video
Sau Sau (Chile)
Best Original Song
The Pursuit Of Life (China)
Screenplay Contest - Best Feature Screenplay
Ancestors From The Stars (USA)
Screenplay Contest - Best Horror Screenplay
Murder Myself (USA)
Screenplay Contest - Best War Screenplay
Averting The Last Crunch (USA)
Screenplay Contest - Best Series Screenplay
Superior Being: She-Who-Knows (UK)
Screenplay Contest - Best Uplifting Screenplay
Alejandro (USA)
Screenplay Contest - Best Short Screenplay
Nando (Panama)


Awards獎項 [9] 
2020獲獎名單 2020獲獎名單 [8]
Grand Jury Prize - Best Feature
Soumaya (France)
Grand Jury Prize - Best Short
Morning flavors (Morocco)
Best Producer 最佳製片人
Yu Tang from "Teenagers in the Capital" (China)
唐瑜 《陪都少年》
Trailblazer Award
Joy Leonard (USA)
Best Achievement in Directing
Michael Matteo Rossi from "Shadows" (USA)
Best Actress in a Leading Role
Elena Ester- from "My culture"(USA)
Best Actor in a Leading Role
Naeim Jebeli from "Pendulum"(Canada)
Best Drama Feature Film 最佳劇情長片
Catching the Breeze(China)
Best Drama Short Film
Swimming (USA)
Best Education Film
My Farmland (Canada)
Cultural Heritage Film Award
Best Documentary - Feature
Best Documentary - Short
I Resign(USA)
Best Supporting Actress
Libo Li from "Auspicious"
Best Children's Film
Mt. Molehill (USA)
Best Student Film
Artist's Block(USA)
Best Animated Short
Passage (India)
Best Cinematography Feature Film
My Culture (USA)
Best Cinematography Short Film
A Separation (USA)
Best Student-Made Documentary
Deaf Reach: Hope for Pakistan(USA)
Best Costume Design
Osun the Goddess (Nigeria)
Best Music Video
White Van (UK)
Screenplay Contest - Best Horror Screenplay
Superior Being Part 1 (UK)--- Jaroslaw Gogolin
Screenplay Contest - Best War Feature Screenplay
My Dear Enemy (Japan) ----Keiko Tamura, Tasha Hardy
Screenplay Contest - Best Foreign Screenplay
April Days (China)---Shuguang Rao, Mi Yang
Screenplay Contest - Best Short Screenplay
Mijo (USA) ----John McCarney


Awards獎項 [10] 
Grand Jury Prize - Best Feature
Nawal the Jewel (India)
Grand Jury Prize - Best Short
Mama (USA)
Lifetime Achievement Award
Mark Rydell
Live Legend Award
Bill Blair
Cultural Heritage Film Award
Qiang’s Journey (China) 《尋羌》
Best Achievement in Directing
Guohua Zhao –The Portrait of my Mother ( China)
趙國樺 《母親的肖像》 [11] 
Best Actress in A Leading Role
Reem Kadem - Nawal the Jewel (India)
Best Actor in A Leading Role
Damien Puckler – Chase (USA)
Best Animated Film
The Most Magnificent Thing (USA)
Best Student Film
Lakeshore Blues (USA)
Best Youth-Made Film
Dog Tag (China)
Best Documentary - Feature
Three Women (USA)
Best Documentary - Short
Mountain Streaming (China) 《高山流水》
Best Feature
Survive or Die (Australia)
Best Family Feature
A Promise Over 65 Years (China) 《信·守》
Best Short Film
Dear Jessica (Russia)
Best Family Short Film
Achetannos (Italy)
Best Drama Short Film
Mosul 980 (Iraq)
Best Comedy Short Film
MILFriend (USA)
Best Comedy TV Episode
Waking Up White (USA)
Best Romance Film
Running Between the Crack of Time (USA)
Best Educational Film
Black Water (India)
Best Musical Film
Romance of Noble Man (China) 《衣冠風流》
Best Music Video
South Central State of Mind (USA)
Screenplay Contest - Best Feature Screenplay
Deadly Attack by Paul Paseli (USA)
Screenplay Contest - Best Short Screenplay
The Light Dares to Desert Me by Eriah Howard (USA
Screenplay Contest - Best Foreign Screenplay
Leyou Soul by Yike Yu, Weizhu Yu Lover (China)
Best Original Film Song ( Folk & Pop Music)
Filial Piety in the World by Meng Zhang (China)
《孝行天下》- 張檬
Best Original Film Song ( New Age Music)
Lone Dreamer by Aldo Cocco (Argentina)


Grand Jury Prize - Best Feature
Families like Yours (Argentina) [12] 
Grand Jury Prize - Best Short
Jackrabbit (USA)
Lifetime Achievement Award
Gene Warren [13] 
Trailblazer Award
Vida Ghaffari
Best Actress in A Leading Role 最佳女主角
He Huang (Miaomiao) - Don't Cry, Mom (China)
黃禾(苗苗)- 《媽媽,別哭》 [14] 
Best Actor in A Leading Role
Selim Running Bear Sandoval - Jackrabbit (USA)
Best Animated Film
Sand Diary (Brazil)
Best Student Film
Twenty Years After (USA)
Best Youth-Made Film
In the Trees (USA)
Best Documentary - Feature
Doctor By Heart (USA)
Best Documentary - Short 最佳紀錄短片
You're Not Alone, Baby (China) 《寶貝不孤單》 [15] 
Best Drama Feature Film
Karma Dog (USA)
Best Drama Short Film
The Butter Knife (USA)
Rising Star Award
Tanmay Srivastava (India), Weilisi (China)
Best Comedy Film
Uncle Oscar (USA)
Best Romance Feature Film 最佳愛情類長片
Meet in Namtso (China)《天緣納木措》 [16] 
Best Romance Short Film
Crackers (USA)
Best Musical Film最佳音樂片
The Pearl Pagoda (China) 《珍珠塔》 [17] 
Best Music Video
Wu Wei (USA)
Best Costume Design
Iniquity (USA)
Best Cinematography 最佳攝影
The Landscape Love (China) 《山水戀人》 [18] 
Screenplay Contest - Best Feature Screenplay
Mad Dash (USA) - William Leonard
Screenplay Contest - Best Short Screenplay
The Coffin (Netherlands) - Emanuele Pesoli
Best Original Film Song 最佳原創電影歌曲
Sun Bird Mother of China Tanggu Valley太陽鳥母 [19] 


Award 獎項
Winner 獲獎者
Grand Jury Prize - Best Feature
Blossoming Into A Family [20]  (Japan)
Grand Jury Prize - Best Short
Reuben (USA)
Living Legend Award
Mel Novak
Lifetime Achievement Award
Aki Aleong
Tailbalzer Award
Laurene Landon
Achievement in Producing 最佳製片人
Shumei Wang 王淑梅
Culture Heritage Film Award
Kurdistan-Kurdistan (Turkey)
Best Animated Film
True Love Under Sheets of Rain (USA)
Best Student Feature Film
The Legend in My Heart (USA)
Best Student Short Film
The Best and the Loneliest Days (USA)
Best Documentary - Feature
Hmong Memory at the Crossroads (USA)
Best Documentary - Short
The story of Clothes (India)
Best Children's Feature Film 最佳兒童長片
Big Lotus Little Lotus [21]  (China) 大荷花小荷花(中國)
Best Children's Short Film 最佳兒童短片
The Little Horse Whisperer [22]  (China) 小馬語者 (中國)
Rising Star Award 新星獎
Shiru Qiu, Xincheng Liao, Mingxuan Li, Lixuan Han
邱是儒 廖鑫成 李明軒 韓麗軒
Best Drama Feature Film 最佳劇情長片
Thank for Destiny [23]  (China) 感恩有緣(中國)
Best Drama Short Film
The Dancer Girl (USA)
Best Romance Film
BlinDate (USA)
Best Musical Film
The Lottery (USA)
Best Music Video
Peaceful Life (France)
Best Cinematography
#OneSkyAbove (USA)
Screenplay Contest - Best Feature Screenplay
Taking Down The Met (USA)
Screenplay Contest -
Best Screenplay in A Foreign Language
劇本競賽 - 最佳外語劇本
The Cupids (China) 丘比特吉祥 [24]  (中國)


Grand Jury Prize - Best Feature評委大獎-最佳長片
Grand Jury Prize - Best Short
Best Drama Feature Film最佳故事片
Best Drama Short Film
Best Actress in A Leading Role最佳男主角
Best Actor in A Leading Role最佳女主角
Culture Heritage Film Award文化傳承獎
Achievement in Cultural Heritage貢獻獎
Best Animated Feature Film
Best Animated Short Film
Best Student Film
Best Documentary - Feature
Best Documentary - Short
Best Children's Film最佳兒童電影
Best Educational Film最佳教育片
Best Comedy Feature Film
Best Comedy Short Film
Best Romance Feature Film
Best Romance Short Film最佳浪漫短片
Best Cinematography - Feature
Best Cinematography - Short
Best Costume Design最佳服裝獎
Best Original Score最佳原創音樂獎
Screenplay Contest - Best Feature Screenplay
Screenplay Contest - Best Short Screenplay
Screenplay Contest - Best Foreign Screenplay 最佳外語劇本獎
Best Culture Fashion Artist
Rising Star Award
Genuine Love (China) 真愛
Replika (Switzerland)
Cannot Prove (China) 無法證明
The Day to Choose (Taiwan)
Luosang Qunpei - Gongga Mountain (China) 洛桑羣培
Xuebian Jing - The Village Mother (China) 景雪變
An Enslaved Princess (China) 公主為奴
Zhaowei Zhu 朱趙偉
Taxi Driver Gion Taro The Movie (Japan)
Fisherwoman and Tuk Tuk (India)
Abyssal Zone (USA)
This was Hasankeyf (UK)
Ariana's Persian Kitchen (UK/Iran/UAE)
Glad (China) 你幸福我快樂
The Summer of YaYa (China) 丫丫的夏天
The Remake (USA)
Games Gone Wrong (USA)
Get Happy (USA)
Dedicated to Qiu Tong (China) 楓葉飄飄
The Answer (India)
Mandala (China)
Love Song of Huayao Thai (China) 花腰戀歌
Inner Mongolia-Han Melody (China) 漫翰調
Buenos Aires (USA) by Olga Rojer
Blinda (USA) by Vicki Bartholomew
Sacred Journey (China) by Hui Zhou.
"聖途" 由周慧 編寫
Jingying Li
"Xujia Yan, Yifei Chen, Ronger An; Chaidamu National Orchestra" 焉栩嘉,,陳怡霏,安容兒; 柴達木樂團


Grand Jury Prize - Best Feature
The Guide (Ukraine)
Grand Jury Prize - Best Short
Letterbox (UK)
Best Achievement in Directing
Albane Fioretti, Lou-Brice Leonard
- Every Day is A Small Life (France)
Best Actor in A Leading Role
Stanislav Boklan - The Guide (Ukraine)
Best Actress in A Leading Role
Marie-Stephane Cattaneo - Head-to-Head (France)
Best Screenplay
Rice Wine (China)
Culture Heritage Film Award文化傳承片獎
Yi Girl Camellia (China)〈茶花彝女〉(中國)
Achievement in Cultural Heritage文化推廣獎
Nuoming huari 諾明花日
Best Animated Film
Blue Eyes in Harbor Tale (Japan)
Best Student Film - Feature
196 (Russia)
Best Student Film - Short
Me Buddy, Muhammad (Ireland)
Best Documentary - Feature
Arctic Odyssey (France)
Best Documentary - Short
Alegria - A Humanitarian Expedition (Switzerland)
Best Educational Film最佳教育片獎
Number 7 (China) 〈小七〉(中國)
Best Mixed Media
Something Important (USA)
Best Musical Film最佳音樂片獎
The Lead Singer and Dancer and His Woman (China)
Best Music Video
Tell Me (Slovenia)
Best Children's Film最佳兒童片獎
Hmong Kid (China)《苗娃》(中國)
Screenplay Contest - 1st Prize
The Night Witches (UK) - Steven John Prowse
Screenplay Contest - 2nd Prize
Grace (Canada) - Lynda Lemberg & Jeffrey Allen Russel
Screenplay Contest - 3rd Prize
Didi, Bahini (USA) - Sandra Hunnicutt
Best Qipao Show Artist
Mia Lee
Excellence in film and a dedication


Grand Jury Prize - Best Feature
Salt (Chile/Argentina)
Grand Jury Prize - Best Short
Stelle (Switzerland/France)
Best Achievement in Directing
Benoit Desjardins (Welcome Yankee, Canada)
Best Screenplay
Rose, Mary and Time (UK)
Best Actor in A Leading Role 最佳男主角獎
Baoping Shen (Laozi Went out of Hangu Pass, China)
沈保平 〈老子出關〉(中國)
Best Actress in A Leading Role
Rising Star Award
Лев Северухин (Draw A Line, Russia)
Culture Heritage Film Award 文化傳承片獎
Laozi Went out of Hangu Pass (China)〈老子出關〉 (中國)
Best Cinematography 最佳攝影獎
Love in Dabie Mountain (China)〈大別山之戀〉(中國)
Best Animated Film
Celestino (Sweden)
Best Documentary - Feature
Water Wars (USA)
Best Documentary - Short
The Storykeeper (France)
Best Comedy - Feature
2 Night (Israel)
Best Comedy - Short
At the Third Day (Paraguay)
Best Musical Film 最佳戲曲電影獎
Children of the Silver Screen (China) 〈電影兒女〉(中國)
Best Music Video
To the Lighthouse (Spain)
Best Children's Film 最佳兒童電影獎
Little Sisters of the Grassland (China) 〈草原英雄小姐妹〉(中國)
Screenplay Competition - Screenplay Award
Diamond is a Girl's Best Friend (USA)
Make A Difference Award
Sustainable Agriculture (Gambia)


[5]  [32-34] 
Grand Jury Prize
Joanna (Poland)
Best Achievement in Directing
Emilio Vega (Life Behind The Door, Mexico)
Best Documentary Film
Swingman (USA)
吳健雄 (中國)
Best Actor in A Leading Role
Sammy Morales (Gerardi, Guatemala)
朱紋萱 (《娜娜》, 中國)
Feature Film Screenplay Award
Paraiso (Peru)
冒頓 (中國)
東方最後的薩滿 (中國)
馬背歌王 (中國)
Best Short Film
La Mirada Perdida (Argentina)
Short Film Best Achievement in Directing
Roger Gomez & Dani Resines (L'equip Petit, Spain)
Best Animated Short Film
Folk Wisdom (Ukraine)
Short Film Screenplay Award
Mother's Dinner (USA)
和你在一起 (中國)
Youth Acting Award
Chowdhury Zawata Afnan (My Friend Rashed, Bangladesh)
塔娜花日 (馬背歌王, 中國)
Make A Difference Award
Born to Bully (USA)
Advocacy Award
The Rightless (Cuba)
Screenplay Completion Best Screenplay for Feature Film
Love, Tagged (Pingru Li, China)
Screenplay Completion Best Screenplay for Short Film
Cream Cakes (Vicki Bartholomew, USA)
展開全部 收起