

中央電視台錄製.根據孟偉哉的小説《一座雕像的誕生》改編.凌兒、晨原編劇,蔡曉晴導演.故事情節為:在朝鮮戰場上志願軍救護隊長王堅不幸負傷身亡,留下兩個孤兒.未婚姑娘歐陽蘭,是一個普通的救護人員.戰爭結束後她做的第一件事,便是去看望隊長的兩個孤兒江江和川川.當孩子們喊着“媽媽”撲到她懷裏時,她百感交集,下定決心收養了這兩個孩子.她的未婚夫反對這件事,她毅然與之斷絕關係,不改初衷.該劇頌揚了歐陽蘭敢於衝破世俗觀念大膽地收養烈士遺孤、展現了崇高的人性人情美,具有極強的審美意義.劇中刻畫內心感情細膩生動,入情入理.該劇榮獲第二屆(1981)全國優秀電視劇評選一等獎. CCTV recording. According toMengWeizai's novel, "The Birth of a statue of" adaptation.Lingchild, the morning of the original screenwriter, director,CaiXiaoqing.Storyis: Ambulance Volunteers in the Korean War wounded captain Wang Jian, unfortunately, died, leaving behind two orphans. Ouyang Lan unmarried girl, is an ordinary ambulance personnel. after the war, she was the first thing to do is to visit the captain and the two orphans, Jiang Jiang-chon. When her children were shouting, "Mama" flew at her bosom, when She mixed feelings, determined to adopt the two children. Her fiance opposed to this, she resolutely sever relations with them, do not change their mind. Ouyang Lan drama praised the courage to break through the concept of bold secular martyrs orphan adoptions to show the noble human favor the United States, with a strong aesthetic sense. the play depicts the feelings of delicate inner vivid, and fair and reasonable. The drama won the second session (1981), the first prize ofNationalExcellent TV selection.