

詞    性


英[səˈpɑːs]美[sərˈpæs] [1] 


Surpass others不斷超越別人
surpass in在…方面超過
Surpass Brand超越品牌 [1] 


  • 1He was determined to surpass the achievements of his older brothers.他決心超過他的幾位哥哥的成就。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 2With such progress, Google's cars will easily surpass my own driving ability later this year.有了這樣的進步,谷歌汽車的駕駛能力將在今年晚些時候輕鬆超越我自己的車技。
  • 3It showed such children surpass youngsters from richer backgrounds—even those who could use computers.調查顯示,這些孩子超越了來自富裕家庭的孩子,甚至超過了那些會使用電腦的孩子。
  • 4In a few decades, artificial intelligence will surpass many of the abilities that we believe make us special.在幾十年裏,人工智能將會超越許多我們認為自身獨有的能力。
  • 5She was very handsome, but so proud and vain that she could not endure that anyone should surpass her in beauty.她非常好看,但是她如此的驕傲和自負,不能忍受任何人超過她的美麗。
  • 6Other benefits offered by companies that do not offer corporate fitness programs surpass the benefits offered by companies that do offer such programs.不提供企業健身項目的公司提供的其他福利,超過了提供此類項目的公司所提供的福利。
  • 7Now that women are the majority of college students and surpass men in both the number of undergraduate and advanced degrees awarded, one might think the college campus is a pretty equal place.既然女性在大學生中佔多數,其獲得本科學位和高等學位的人數都超過了男性,人們可能會認為大學校園是一個相當平等的地方。
  • 8He hopes one day to surpass the world record.他希望有一天能刷新世界紀錄。《牛津詞典》
  • 9In 1965, an imaginative mathematician called Irving Good predicted the eventual creation of an "ultra-intelligent machine…that can far surpass all the intellectual (智力的) activities of any man, however clever".1965年,一位想象力豐富的數學家歐文·古德推測説,人們終會發明出一台“超智能機器”,不管是多聰明的人,它都能遠超其智力活動的總和。
  • 10I didn't really understand his world either: He was a livestock trucker, and I thought that I would surpass anything he had accomplished by the time I walked across the stage at high school graduation.我也沒有真正理解他的世界。他是一個牲畜卡車司機,而我認為當我在高中畢業典禮上走過主席台時,我會超過他所取得的任何成就。
  • 11In winter the heat produced by a city can equal or surpass the amount of heat available from the Sun.在冬天,一個城市產生的熱量可以與太陽提供的熱量相等,甚至超過這一數值。
  • 12Young people surpass old men in strength.年輕人在氣力上賽過老年人。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 13What have ye done to surpass man?你們曾經做出什麼努力來超越人呢?
  • 14Surpass your boss's expectations.超越你老闆的期待。
  • 15To be in love is to surpass oneself.人在愛中超越自我。
  • 16Can Google surpass them?Google能超越這些嗎?
  • 17To be in love is to surpass oneself。人在愛中超越自我。
  • 18CAN machines surpass humans in intelligence?機器在智力上能超越人類嗎?
  • 19You will surpass limit and surpass yourself.相信自己!你將超越極限,超越自己。
  • 20But, that said, he was never able to quite surpass NBC.但是,他從未完完全全地超越NBC公司。
  • 21Cetaceans even surpass most primates in their use of sound.鯨目動物的聲音運用能力甚至超過大多數靈長類動物。
  • 22Today I will surpass every action which I performed yesterday.今天我要超越昨天的成就。
  • 23They create goals that you can aim for, maybe even one day surpass.這些讀物可以給你帶來目標,即使你的這個目標只需一日就可實現。
  • 24It looks like Microsoft's plans with Windows Azure surpass Google's offering.微軟的Windows Azure計劃看起來像是要超越Google所提供的。
  • 25God wants you to go beyond the normal and surpass what is required of you.上帝想讓你超出正常人,超越你被要求的那個樣子。
  • 26Growth took about a year to resume, but spending has yet to surpass its 2005 peak.增長需要大約一年才會繼續,然而消費額仍然沒有超過2005年的最高值。
  • 27Transform your concern into trust, and learn to surpass the uncertainties and doubt.把擔心變為相信,要學會超越易變的事和懷疑。
  • 28By that I mean to go ahead and surpass your parents (they'll ultimately be pleased).我的意思是,開始吧,超越你的父母(他們會打心眼裏開心的)。 [1] 