

詞    性


英[ˈprɒvɜːb]美[ˈprɑːvɜːrb] [1] 


German Proverb德國諺語
Iranian Proverb伊朗諺語
Turkish Proverb土耳其諺語 [1] 


  • 1An old Arab proverb says, "The enemy of my enemy is my friend."有一句古老的阿拉伯諺語説:“我敵人的敵人是我的朋友。”《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 2The woman exclaimed, and thence the proverb: It is so mahogany!那女人叫了起來,因此才有了這句諺語:這是多麼美麗的桃花心木啊!
  • 3A proverb is a short, well known saying that expresses a common truth or belief.諺語是一個眾所周知的簡短説法,表達一個普遍的真理或信仰。
  • 4Have you ever heard the proverb "Blue is extracted from the indigo plant, but is bluer than it"?你聽過“青出於藍而勝於藍”這句諺語嗎?
  • 5For example, Americans today do not pay much attention to the proverb "Haste makes waste", because patience is not important to them.例如,今天的美國人不太注重“欲速則不達”這句諺語,因為耐心對他們來説並不重要。
  • 6As a well-known proverb goes: "there are a thousand Hamlets in a thousand people's eyes", a good novel should be open to interpretation.正如一句眾所周知的諺語所説:“千人眼中有一千個哈姆雷特”,一部好小説應該可以有各種解釋。
  • 7As the Russian proverb says, a fish tends to rot from the head.就像俄羅斯諺語説的那樣,一條魚一般都會從頭部開始腐爛。
  • 8As the proverb says, "Your tongue has the power of life and death."正如諺語所説:“話語有令人生存或者死亡的力量(是非都是從口中傳出來的)。”
  • 9Remember the old proverb which says, "Stolen money never bears fruit."記住那句古老的諺語:“偷來的錢從不會有好結果。”
  • 10Remember the old proverb which says, "Bad wheat always makes poor bread!"記住那句古老的諺語:“壞小麥總做壞麪包!”
  • 11Every day read a proverb aloud several times until you have it memorized.每天大聲朗讀幾遍一句諺語,直到你記住為止。
  • 12Remember the old proverb, "Whoever steals his neighbor's shirt, usually dies without his own."記住這句古老的諺語:“誰偷了鄰居的襯衫,誰就通常死也沒有衣服穿。”
  • 13A: What does this proverb mean?這句格言是什麼意思?
  • 14And this is my favorite proverb.這是我最喜歡的一句諺語。
  • 15Do you know the proverb about money?你知道這個有關“錢”的諺語嗎?
  • 16That, at least, is the proverb on Earth.這在地球上至少是個諺語。
  • 17As the proverb goes, “Honesty is the best policy.”正如一句名言所説“誠信是最好的政策”。
  • 18But always remember the proverb: "This too shall pass."但是要常常記住這句格言:“一切都會過去。”
  • 19There is an old proverb that care is better than cure.有一句古語説預防疾病比治癒疾病更高超。
  • 20After enlightenment; chop wood, carry water. "~ Zen proverb."開悟之後,砍柴,挑水。
  • 21"As the proverb has it," is paved with good intentions. "and."“地獄”正如一句諺語所説“是由善意鋪就的”。
  • 22There is a proverb that says you can’t have your cake and eat it too.有一句諺語是這樣説的:魚與熊掌不可兼得。
  • 23As the proverb goes: "Every coin has its two sides", television has both.正像諺語所説:“任何硬幣都有兩面”,電視既有優點也有缺點。
  • 24This proverb is based on an old English law dating back to the 17th century.這條諺語是17世紀時的一條古老的英國法律為基礎而衍化出來的。
  • 25The world's a stage, and every one plays their part. So goes the proverb.常言道,世界是個大舞台,每個人都在扮演着自己的角色。
  • 26There is a proverb in Russian that you can step twice into the same water.在俄羅斯有句諺語,你可以踏入一條河兩次。
  • 27God could not be everywhere and therefore he made mothers. -jewish proverb.上帝不能無處不在,因此他創造了母親。