

詞    性


Indulge seriously中毒太甚
indulge excessively過分地縱容 [1] 


  • 1The youngest sister of brothers is best matched with an oldest brother of sisters, who will happily indulge these traits.兄弟姐妹中,最小的妹妹最適合年紀最大的哥哥,男方會開心地縱容女方這些特質。
  • 2The female only child, who tends to be slightly more flexible, is well-matched with an older man, who will indulge her tendency to test his love.獨生女往往更靈活有韌性,與年齡較大的男性很般配,因為後者會縱容她考驗他的愛情。
  • 3The female only child, who tends to be slightly more flexible, is well matched with an older man, who will indulge her tendency to test his love.獨生女往往稍微活潑一點,適合年長的男性,這樣的男人會縱容她的小脾氣,給她無盡的寵愛。
  • 4Only rarely will she indulge in a glass of wine.她只是偶爾才會喝上杯葡萄酒。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 5They went into town to indulge in some serious shopping.他們進城去大肆購物。《牛津詞典》
  • 6The inheritance enabled him to indulge his passion for art.這筆遺產使他能夠盡情投入他熱愛的藝術。《牛津詞典》
  • 7He returned to Ohio so that he could indulge his passion for football.他重返俄亥俄以釋放自己對足球的激情。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 8Don't indulge in rich sauces, fried food, and thick pastry as these are high in fat.不要吃太多油膩的調味汁、油炸食品和厚油酥點心,因為這些食品脂肪含量很高。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 9Those who are overweight or indulge in high-salt diets are candidates for hypertension.那些身體超重或飲食偏鹹的人屬於易患高血壓症的人羣。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 10If Americans indulge in a bit of flag waving when the job is done, they earned it.如果美國人沉溺於在工作結束時揮舞國旗的樂趣,那是他們應得的。
  • 11If Americans indulge in a bit of flag-waving when the job is done, they earned it.如果美國人在工作完成時縱情於搖旗吶喊,那是他們應得的。
  • 12Instead of throwing away a wrapper after you indulge in something sweet, keep it in a jar.在你縱情享受甜食後,不要扔掉包裝紙,而是保存在一個廣口瓶裏。
  • 13First, don't indulge in despair, because despair leads to inertia and doing nothing means certain disaster.第一,不要沉湎於絕望,因為絕望會導致懶惰,而無所作為就意味着災難。
  • 14Why do we indulge in the myth that the fabulous wealth generated by this mode of production will in the fullness of time become available to all people?為什麼我們要沉迷於這樣一個神話:這種生產方式所產生的神話般的財富將在適當的時候為所有人所享用?
  • 15They indulge in tall talk.他們一味説大話。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 16Three of us opt to stroll to the Mozart Café to indulge in a luxury breakfast.我們三個人願意漫步到莫扎特咖啡館吃一頓豪華早餐。
  • 17It is refreshing both to the spirits and to the body to indulge in psalmody, in befitting seasons.在適宜的時候, 縱情唱唱聖詩,對一個人的身心都是大有好處的。
  • 18Every once in a while I indulge.偶爾我也放縱一會。
  • 19Indulge your aeronautical whims.盡情沉醉於你的航空奇想吧。
  • 20So they’re more likely to indulge.因此,他們更容易放縱自己。
  • 21Indulge in the joys of music.沉浸在音樂的美妙裏吧。
  • 22Indulge in some dark chocolate.吃一些黑巧克力。
  • 23How often do you indulge in a hot dog?你現在還依舊對熱狗沉迷不已嗎?
  • 24Indulge in life's joys.沉浸在生活的美好中吧。
  • 25I am on a strict diet, so I cannot indulge.我在厲行節食,不能放縱自己。
  • 26JUST for this week indulge in a fantasy.就在本週,人們都沉湎於一個幻想之中。
  • 27JUST for this week, indulge in a fantasy.就在本週,人們都沉湎於一個幻想之中。
  • 28Don't let yourself indulge in vain wishes.不要沉溺於空虛的希望。 [1] 