

詞    性


1. 牙齒的
2. 用於牙齒的
3. 牙科的,牙醫的
4. 【語音學】齒音的;發齒音的
  1. 【語音學】齒音(如d,t) [1] 


英[ˈdentl]美[ˈdentl] [2] 


dental caries[口腔]齲齒 ; 齲(牙) ; 齲病 ; 蛀牙
dental fluorosis氟斑牙 ;[口腔]氟牙症 ; 牙氟中毒 ; 氟骨症
dental fear牙科恐懼 ; 牙科畏懼症 ; 又稱牙科畏懼症
dental braces牙齒矯正器 ; 牙箍 ; 牙套
dental drill牙鑽 ; 牙科台鑽
dental crown[解剖]牙冠 ; 齒冠
dental surgery口腔外科 ; 牙科 ; 牙醫手術 ; 牙科手術
dental necrosis牙壞死 ; 齲牙
dental plate[無脊椎]牙板 ; 假牙牀 ; 齒板 ; 託牙板 [2] 


  • 1I've got a dental appointment at 3 o'clock.我約了3點看牙醫。《牛津詞典》
  • 2Many of the bodies were unidentifiable except by dental records.許多屍體若不是靠牙科病歷就無法辨認。《牛津詞典》
  • 3You will automatically get free dental treatment if you are under 18.18歲以下的人一律免費得到牙科治療。《牛津詞典》
  • 4Good oral hygiene and regular dental care are important, whatever your age.無論年齡大小,良好的口腔衞生和定期的牙齒保健都非常重要。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 5It is beneficial to dental health.它對牙齒的健康有益。
  • 6He pointed out that sugar is a major agent in dental decay.他指出糖是蛀牙的主要原因。
  • 7I found that the sound of drilling can evoke deep worry in dental patients.我發現鑽牙的聲音會使牙科患者深感憂慮。
  • 8There is no doubt that the new genetic and dental evidence provides strong backing for Greenberg's view.毫無疑問的是,這些新的遺傳證據和牙科證據為格林伯格的觀點提供了強有力的支持。
  • 9He pointed out that sugar is a major agent in dental decay, particularly the sugar in sweets, cakes, and soft drinks.他指出糖是導致蛀牙的主要原因,尤其是糖果、蛋糕和軟飲中的糖。
  • 10One study compared the effects of high-fear and low-fear appeals on changes in attitudes and behaviors related to dental hygiene.高恐懼訴求、低恐懼訴求會影響與牙齒衞生有關的態度和行為變化,一項研究對這兩者進行了比較。
  • 11With these customer lists in hand, Member Works started dialing for dollars—selling dental plans, videogames, computer software and other products and services.有了這些客户名單在手上,MemberWorks 公司開始來賺取收入——銷售牙科計劃、視頻遊戲、電腦軟件以及其他產品和服務。
  • 12A flashing set of healthy and clean, regular 'pearly whites' was a rare sight in Victorian society, the preserve of the super-rich (and even then, dental hygiene was not guaranteed).在維多利亞時代,一副閃閃發亮的健康、乾淨、整齊的“珍珠白”牙齒是非常罕見的,只有超級富豪才能擁有(即便如此,在那個時代,口腔衞生無法得到保證)。
  • 13Two weeks of paid vacation in your first-year employment, you are also been entitled to medical and dental insurance, but this is something you should discuss with our Personnel Department.在你工作的第一年有兩週的帶薪假期,你還可以享受醫療和牙科保險,不過這件事你需要和我們的人事部門商量一下。
  • 14Two weeks of paid vacation in your first year employment, you are also been entitled to medical and dental insurance, but this is something you should discuss with our Personnel Department.在你工作的第一年有兩週的帶薪假期,你還可以享受醫療和牙科保險,不過這件事你需要和我們的人事部門商量一下。
  • 15According to Turner, this ties in with the idea of a single Paleo-lndian migration out of North Asia, which he sets at before 14,000 years ago by calibrating rates of dental micro-evolution.根據特納的説法,這與單一的古印度人遷出北亞的想法是一致的,他通過校準牙齒微進化的速率,將其設定在14000年前。
  • 16An orthodontist took a cast of the inside of Billy's mouth to make a dental plate.正牙醫師從比利的口腔內部取了模型來製作齒板。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 17By this time the dental instruments were ready.這時,拔牙的工具已經準備好了。
  • 18Faustick conducted a two-year survey to find out how to prevent or reduce dental decay.福斯蒂克進行了一項為期兩年的調查,以瞭解如何預防或減少蛀牙。
  • 19Coffee also contains trigonelline, an antibacterial compound that not only gives it a wonderful aroma but may be a factor in preventing dental caries.咖啡還含有葫蘆巴鹼,這是一種抗菌的化合物,它不僅提供良好的香氣,而且可能是預防齲齒的一個因素。
  • 20The labio-dental sounds are articulated by the lower lip against the upper teeth, eg. /f/.唇齒音由下唇與上齒連接發出,例如 /f/。
  • 21Use professional cold light to whiten and treat acheomycin teeth, dental fluorosis, teeth staining.運用專業冷光美白技術治療四環素牙、氟斑牙、染色牙。
  • 22Not with free dental checkups.也沒有免費的牙齒檢查。
  • 23Use dental floss daily.每天使用牙線。
  • 24A control group thought about dental pain.最後一組控制組只需想象牙疼即可。
  • 25Dental students rehearse in each other's mouths.牙科學生在彼此的嘴裏演練技術。
  • 26Oral cancer is the second serious dental problem.口腔癌是第二大嚴重的牙科疾病。
  • 27Regular dental care is an important part of oral health.常規牙科保健是口腔健康的重要部分之一。
  • 28The dental surgeon disinfected dental instruments with alcohol.牙醫用酒精給牙科醫療器械消毒。
  • 29The cost of dental treatment is also an issue for many people.對於許多人,牙齒治療的成本也是一個問題。
  • 30Make necklaces out of colored pasta shapes and dental floss.用牙線和彩色意大利麪做項鍊。


  • dental floss 牙線
  • dental surgeon 牙醫
  • dental hygienist [醫] 牙科保健員...
  • dental nurse 牙科護士
  • hygienist 保健專家
  • dentist 牙科醫生
  • dental bulb [醫] 牙胚, 牙蕾...
  • dental calculus 牙垢,牙石,牙積石...
  • dental plaster 牙科石膏
  • dental clinic 牙科診室
  • dental alloy 齒科用合金,補齒合金...
  • dental plate 齒板
  • dental formula 牙式,牙公式,齒式...
  • dental cavity 牙腔
  • dental hygiene 口腔衞生
  • dental forceps 牙鉗,拔牙鉗...
  • dental pad 牙牀
  • dental unit 牙科綜合治療台,口腔...
dental caries 齲齒,蛀牙
dental pulp牙髓
dental implant 牙移植
dental clinic 牙科診所,牙科診室;牙科門診部
dental plaque 牙菌斑;菌斑;牙垢
dental hygiene 牙齒衞生;口腔衞生學
dental chair 牙科手術椅
dental surgery 牙科;口腔外科
dental assistant 牙科助理;牙醫助理
dental drill [醫]牙鑽
dental amalgam 銀汞合金
dental lamina 牙板,齒板;齒葉
go dental [軍隊俚語]以牙病為藉口請假 [1] 