


詞    性
釋    義


  1. 合唱團,歌唱隊
  2. 唱詩班,唱詩隊,聖樂團
  3. 唱詩班的席位,唱詩隊席位
  4. 舞蹈隊,舞蹈組;歌舞團
  5. 集體朗誦組
  6. 羣,組,隊
  7. 唱經樓
  1. 合唱
  2. 合奏 [1] 


英[ˈkwaɪə(r)]美[ˈkwaɪər] [2] 


choir stall唱詩班席位 ; 合唱團席位 ; 唱詩班席座
School Choir合唱團 ; 學校合唱團
Choir Pad唱音
Choir Competition合唱比賽 ; 合唱大賽
Stereo Choir立體聲唱樂
movement choir動作合唱 ; 作合唱
cloud choir浮雲合唱團 [2] 


  • 1She now directs a large choir.她目前擔任一個大合唱團的指揮。《牛津詞典》
  • 2She sings in the school choir.她是校合唱隊的成員。《牛津詞典》
  • 3The choir walked solemnly past.合唱隊嚴肅地走了過去。《牛津詞典》
  • 4The choir sang with precision.合唱團的演唱準確無誤。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 5He has been singing in his church choir since he was six.他從6歲起就開始在教堂的唱詩班詠唱了。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 6The priest and choir in their lace surplices led the service.穿着蕾絲白色罩袍的牧師和唱詩班主持了儀式。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 7Climbing steep stairs to the choir gallery you peer into a cavernous interior.登上陡峭的樓梯來到唱詩班樓座,你便可窺見如洞穴般空曠的內部。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 8The ghost choir is the best.那個幽靈合唱團是最好的。
  • 9Already I am standing on the stage with the choir.我已經和合唱團一起站在舞台上了。
  • 10I waved my arms in order to conduct my local choir.我揮舞着手臂來指揮當地的唱詩班。
  • 11The choir always tittered and whispered all through service.唱詩班在整個佈道期間總是有人竊竊私語,低聲説笑。
  • 12They turned me out o' th' church choir th' only time I ever tried it.我只試着唱過一次,教堂唱詩班把我趕了出去。
  • 13In choir, that girl was sitting in front of us and we kept going, "Moo."在唱詩班的時候那個姑娘坐在我們前面,我們不停地“Moo”。
  • 14She's auditioned for a national choir that's going to perform during the Olympics.她來參加國家合唱團的試音,這個合唱團將會在奧運會期間表演。
  • 15The organ pealed, and the children's voices in the choir sounded so sweet and soft!風琴響了,唱詩班裏的孩子們的聲音又甜又柔和。
  • 16Harry is the brother of Danny Thomason, and Danny stood next to me in the church choir.哈里是丹尼·托馬森的兄弟,在教堂合唱團裏丹尼就站在我的旁邊。
  • 17There was once a church choir that was not ill-bred, but I have forgotten where it was, now.從前有一個教堂唱詩班,它倒不像這樣沒有教養,可是我現在已經忘了它在什麼地方了。
  • 18After the prayer, young men and women distributed olive branches while a choir sang a hymn in Greek.祈禱結束後,唱詩班用希臘語唱讚美詩時,年輕的男男女女分發橄欖枝。
  • 19Milton can join his voice to the angel choir and have the honor of being first to greet the "Infant God".彌爾頓可以加入天使唱詩班,並有幸成為第一個向“嬰兒上帝”致意的人。
  • 20He could inspire all feelings expressed in hymns. With his gold lyre and his sweet voice, he led the choir of the Muses.他能激發出讚美詩中所表達的一切感情。他用他的金七絃琴和悦耳的聲音指揮着繆斯女神的唱詩班。
  • 21Good humor reigns at a Sunday night rehearsal of Adlais, a mixed choir based on the island of Anglesey off northwest Wales.阿德萊合唱團週日晚上的排練中充滿了幽默,這是一個位於威爾士西北部安格爾西島的混合合唱團。
  • 22Some critics have suggested that the naked figures of a man and woman surrounded by a choir of angels signify the nations of Europe coming together.一些藝術評論家也表示,裸體的男人與女人由一個天使唱詩班圍繞,這也意味着歐洲各國正走到一起。
  • 23I couldn't go to the choir as a kid.我小時候不能去合唱團。
  • 24Join a choir or a drama club.參與合唱團或是劇社。
  • 25Korea's Children's Choir, 1954.韓國兒童合唱團,1954年。
  • 26The choir will sing at two fifty.唱詩班將在二點50 唱歌。
  • 27Speaking to the choir?在説唱詩班嗎?
  • 28I am a member of the choir in our school.我是學校合唱團的成員。
  • 29Then they'll listen to the school choir in the hall.然後他們將在大廳裏聽學校唱詩班。 [2] 