

calf [1]  是一個英語單詞,名詞,作名詞時意為“[解剖] 腓腸,小腿;小牛;小牛皮;(鯨等大哺乳動物的)幼崽”。
詞    性
語    種


英[kɑːf]美[kæf] [1] 


golden calf金牛犢 ; 金錢 ; 金牛皮獎 ; 小牛皮
calf thymus小牛胸腺
calf raise提踵 ; 蹬起腳尖 ; 小腿抬起 ; 小牛提高
Giraffe Calf網紋長頸鹿 ; 幼長頸鹿
sea calf斑海豹 ; 海豹
calf reel大繩滾筒
calf wheel大繩滾筒
Calf Stretch小腿伸展
PATENT CALF小牛漆皮 [1] 


  • 1The calf lapped up the bucket of milk.牛犢把那桶牛奶津津有味地喝光了。《牛津詞典》
  • 2Hillsden was complaining of a cramp in his calf muscles.希爾斯登一直在抱怨他小腿肌肉抽筋。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 3Where have you the calf, Hans?漢斯,你的小牛犢在哪兒呢?
  • 4Gretel presents Hans with a calf.格蕾特給了漢斯一頭小牛犢。
  • 5The calf has two lower jaws, but only one mouth.小牛犢有兩下顎,但只有一張嘴。
  • 6Aaron makes a golden calf, and the people bow down to it.亞倫造了一隻金牛犢,於是人們朝它跪拜。
  • 7He resolved to waive rank and make friends with the calf.他決定放棄高貴身份,和這頭小牛做朋友。
  • 8Hans takes the calf, puts it on his head, and the calf kicks his face.漢斯抱起牛犢放在頭上,牛犢踢了他的臉。
  • 9When my hand lay on her calf, I felt the constant twitching play of muscles.當我的手放在她的小腿上時,我感覺到肌肉不斷地在抽搐。
  • 10That was ill done, Hans, you should have led the calf, and put it in the stall.這樣做是不對的,漢斯,你應該牽着小牛,把它放到牲口棚裏去。
  • 11They went back to the meadow together, but someone had stolen the calf, and it was gone.他們一起回到草地,但有人偷走了小牛,它不見了。
  • 12A male calf born to a dairy cow is the wrong breed to profitably be raised for beef. His fate is much worse.出生在乳製品作坊的公牛犢就是一個錯誤的品種,養着只能製成牛肉賣錢。它的命運更加坎坷。
  • 13You can do this with your calf muscles, thigh muscles (front and back), chest, abdomen, buttocks, shoulders and back.你可以對你的小腿肌肉、大腿肌肉(前面和後面)、胸部、腹部、臀部、肩部和背部這麼做。
  • 14He shook his head, then rolled up his tracksuit leg to reveal an inky series of scratchings covering his calf, which depicted... I don't really know what.他搖搖頭,然後捲起運動服褲腿,露出他小腿上覆蓋的一系列墨水劃痕,畫的是…… 我實在看不出來是什麼。
  • 15I've torn a calf muscle.我拉傷了小腿肌肉。《牛津詞典》
  • 16The snow, except where it drifted, was only calf-deep.除了被風吹積起來的地方外,積雪只深及小腿。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 17Port Lympne Reserve, which runs a breeding programme, has welcomed the arrival of a rare black rhino calf.負責繁育計劃的林姆尼港保護區迎來了一隻稀有的黑犀牛幼崽。
  • 18Paul Beer, head of rhino section at Port Lympne, said, "Obviously we're all absolutely delighted to welcome another calf to our black rhino family."林姆尼港犀牛部門的負責人保羅·比爾説:“顯然,我們都非常高興又迎來了我們黑犀牛家族的新成員。”
  • 19The adorable female calf is the second black rhino born this year at the reserve, but it is too early to tell if the calves will make good candidates to be returned to protected areas of the wild.這頭可愛的雌性小犀牛是該保護區今年出生的第二隻黑犀牛,但要判斷這些幼崽是否會成為返回野生保護區的好的候選者還為時過早。
  • 20In exchange, he guarantees an above-market price for each animal and a calf-to-customer electronic ear tag ID system like that used in the European Union.作為交換,他向客户保證以高於市場的價格收購每一頭動物,併為牛崽提供與歐盟類似的直達客户電子耳標身份識別系統。
  • 21They would have been hitting you mid- calf as you walked in these very denseclusters.當你在這些較密集的生物羣眾走時,他們會擊中你的小腿。
  • 22They would have been hitting you mid calf as you walked in these very dense clusters.積極心理學運動是當代心理學發展的一個重要趨勢,但它並不是對傳統以問題為核心的病理性心理學的取代而只是一種補充。
  • 23And because your calf twitches.還因為你的小腿肚的抽搐。
  • 24The second hit his wife's calf.第二槍打中了她妻子的小腿。
  • 25And in the back seat is a calf.坐在後排的是小牛。
  • 26The goat bunted the calf.山羊用角抵小牛。
  • 27Calf Born in Canakkale, Turkey, 2006.2006年,出身於土耳其恰納卡萊的牛犢。
  • 28No one knows the luck of a lousy calf.邋遢小牛的運氣如何,誰也不知道。
  • 29The cow cast a calf.這頭母牛早產了。
  • 30You can also perform calf raises on a step.你也可以在台階上做站立提踵。 [1] 
  • 1.    calf  .有道詞典[引用日期2019-08-15]