


Veil,英語單詞,主要用作名詞動詞,意為“面紗,面罩”等。 [1] 
詞    性


英 [veɪl] 美 [veɪl]
n. 面紗,面罩;(修女的)頭巾;遮蓋物,掩飾,藉口;避而不談(難堪或不愉快的)某事;(古猶太教)聖布;(植)菌幕;(穆斯林國家婦女)帶面紗的習俗
v. 以面紗掩蓋;遮蓋,掩飾
【名】 (Veil)(法)韋伊,(德)法伊爾(人名)
[ 複數 veils 第三人稱單數 veils 現在分詞 veiling 過去式 veiled 過去分詞 veiled ] [1] 


under the veil of 以…為藉口
The Painted Veil 面紗 ; 神秘的面紗
Veil of ignorance 無知之幕 ; 無知的面紗 ; 無知面紗 ; 無
Veil Nebula 面紗星雲 ; 薄紗星雲 ; 幕狀星雲
Through the Veil 穿越薄霧 ; 面紗後面 ; 掀起面紗 ; 透過面紗
Color Veil View 防止窺視的視角控制 ; 彩色視角控制 ; 視角控制 ; 視角節制
Veil View 視角控制 ; 視角掌握 ; 防止偷窺的視角控制 ; 防窺視視角控制功能
bridal veil 新娘披紗 ; 新娘的面紗 [1] 


  • She put on a velvet veil, then set out. 她蒙上一塊天鵝絨的面紗,然後出發了。
  • The veil she was wearing obscured her features. 她罩的面紗遮掩了她的面容。
  • I got up hurriedly, adjusted my veil, and thanked her for her time. 我慌忙站起來,整理好我的面紗,感謝她抽時間。
  • He was a beautiful creature, with slender legs, bright, intelligent eyes, and a mane that hung down over his neck like a veil. 他是一個美麗的生物,有着修長的腿,明亮而聰明的眼睛,鬃毛像面紗一樣披在脖子上。
  • One of her classmates, the one with two mommies, showed up to school every single day dressed in a Cinderella gown, with a bridal veil. 她的同班同學,一個有兩個媽媽的小女孩,每天上學都穿着一套灰姑娘的禮服裙,還戴着新娘面紗。
  • Through science, we can glimpse some basic structures of the reality beneath the veil, but much of it remains an infinite, eternal mystery. 通過科學,我們可以瞥見在面紗下的某些現實的基本結構,但它的大部分將保持無限和永久的神秘。
  • He had helped me lift the veil that grows so quickly over our eyes in this hectic world, and to see all those things I'd failed to marvel at before. 在這個忙亂的世界裏,他幫我揭開了迅速遮住我們眼睛的面紗,讓我看到了所有那些我以前沒有驚歎過的事物。
  • A fine drizzle began to veil the hills. 濛濛細雨漸漸籠罩了羣山。
  • Their work is carried out behind a veil of secrecy. 他們的工作是在秘密掩護下進行的。
  • The mountain tops were hidden beneath a veil of mist. 山頂籠罩在薄霧中。
  • She's got long fair hair but she's got a veil over it. 她有長長的金髮,卻把面紗罩於其上。
  • The eruption has left a thin veil of dust in the upper atmosphere. 這次火山噴發在上層大氣中留下了一個薄薄的塵土層。
  • The country is ridding itself of its disgraced prime minister in a veil of secrecy. 該國正在暗地裏將其名譽掃地的首相趕下台。
  • It's almost like a green gauze veil. 它幾乎就像一塊綠色的薄紗。
  • She put on a red petticoat first, then a black dress, and a white veil over the dress. 她先穿上一件紅色的襯裙,然後一件黑色的連衣裙,裙子外面套上一件白色的薄紗裙。
  • It seemed to take Sirius an age to fall: his body curved in a graceful arc as he sank backward through the ragged veil hanging from the arch. 小天狼星摔倒好像用了很長時間:當他向後摔倒,通過了拱門上粗糙的簾子時,他的身體蜷成了一個優美的拱形。
  • There was so much blood on her red petticoat, blood on her black dress and her white veil, blood on the executioner's shoes, blood all over the floor. 有這麼多血鮮血滲到她紅色的襯裙上,滲到她黑色的連衣裙和她那白色的紗裙上,鮮血流到了劊子手的鞋上,地板上到處是血。
  • The land is draped in a veil of mist. 煙霧籠罩着大地。
  • She put on a velvet veil then set out. 她蒙上一塊天鵝絨的面紗然後出發了。
  • Her black veil was simple. 她戴着簡單的黑色面紗。
  • This week Mr Putin lifted the veil. 本週,普京給大家揭曉了答案。
  • Just like a "veil". 像“面紗”一樣。
  • Pick a veil and tiara that match the dress. 挑一條面紗、一個頭飾並與禮服風格相吻合。
  • Dummy text is a veil between you and reality. 虛擬文字是隔在你和現實之間的面紗。
  • So you, Mike, behind the veil of ignorance 所以你,邁克,在無知之幕之後
  • No, we're not going to make women wear the veil. 不,我們不會讓婦女戴面紗。
  • The country introduced a ban on the veil in April. 該國將在在四月提出了一項關於禁止戴面紗的禁令。 [1] 