
popular song

《Popular Song》是米卡愛莉安娜·格蘭德演唱的歌曲,收錄於專輯《Yours Truly [2] 
Popular Song
Yours Truly [2] 
2012年12月21日 [1] 
Republic Records

popular song歌曲歌詞

La-la la-la
You were the popular one the popular chick
It is what it is now I'm popular-ish
Standin' on the field with your pretty pompom
Now you're workin' at the movies sellin' popular corn
I coulda been a mess but I never went wrong
'Cause I'm puttin' down my story in a popular song la-la la-la
Ah-ah I said I'm puttin' down my story in a popular song
My problem I never was a model
I never was a scholar but you were always popular
You were singin' all the songs I don't know
Now you're in the front row 'cause my song is popular
Popular I know about popular
It's not about who you are or your fancy car
You're only ever who you were
Popular I know about popular
And all that you have to do is be true to you
That's all you ever need to know
So catch up 'cause you got an awful long way to go
So catch up 'cause you got an awful long way to go hey
Always on the lookout for someone to hate
Pickin' on me like a dinner plate
You hid during classes and in-between 'em
Dunk me in the toilets now it's you that cleans them
You tried to make me feel bad with the things you do
It ain't so funny when the joke's on you
Ooh the joke's on you
Got everyone laughin' got everyone clappin' askin'
How come you look so cool
'Cause that's the only thing that I learned at school boy
Uh-huh I said that's the only thing that I learned at school
My problem I never was a model
I never was a scholar but you were always popular
You were singin' all the songs I don't know
Now you're in the front row 'cause my song is popular
Popular I know about popular
It's not about who you are or your fancy car
You're only ever who you were
Popular I know about popular
And all that you have to do is be true to you
That's all you ever need to know
That's all you ever need to know
So catch up 'cause you got an awful long way to go
So catch up 'cause you got an awful long way to go
That's all you ever need to know
You're only ever who you were oh baby
That's all you ever need to know oh baby
You're only ever who you were hey hey
That's all you ever need to know ooh-ooh
That's all you ever need to know
Popular I know about popular
It's not about who you are or your fancy car
You're only ever who you were
Popular I know about popular
That's all you ever need to know
It's not about who you are or your fancy car
You're only ever who you were
That's all you ever need to know
Popular I know about popular
That's all you ever need to know
And all that you have to do is be true to you
That's all you ever need to know
That's all you ever need to know [2] 

popular song歌手簡介

米卡 米卡
米卡(Mika),原名Micheal Holbrook Penniman 1983年8月18日生於黎巴嫩首都貝魯特一個美黎聯姻的家庭(他的父親是美國人,母親是黎巴嫩人)。因為戰亂,Mika一家不得不在Mika十分小的時候帶他逃離黎巴嫩,幼年時期隨着家人輾轉巴黎,他9歲時,全家才在倫敦定居下來。 經過了那段充滿迷惑和鉅變的時光,Mika變得十分內向,9歲時曾一度輟學,也正是從那時起他選擇了音樂來給予他庇護。
愛莉安娜·格蘭德(Ariana Grande),美國女演員、歌手。因成功的出演美國Nickelodeon頻道的劇集Victorious(勝利之歌)中女主角之一Cat Valentine和百老匯音樂劇《13》 Charlotte一角而走紅。她可愛的外表、紮實的唱功、精湛的演技以及劇中Cat敏感單純的性格隨着Victorious一炮而紅讓她得到了眾多粉絲的追捧和青睞。為了拍勝利之歌,Ariana Grande將自己的棕色秀髮染成了紅絲絨杯型蛋糕的顏色。2011年8月10日,她在自己的官方Twitter上公佈了與環球唱片簽約的信息,並將很快發行屬於自己的個人單曲。