

containment,英語單詞,主要用作名詞,作名詞時譯為“控制,抑制;遏制;封鎖(政策)”。 [1] 
詞    性


containment /kənˈteɪnmənt/ CET6+
1.N-UNCOUNTContainment is the action or policy of keeping another country's power or area of control within acceptable limits or boundaries. 遏制
2.N-UNCOUNT The containment of something dangerous or unpleasant is the act or process of keeping it under control within a particular area or place. 控制 [usu N 'of' n] [1] 


containment area 隔離區
loss containment 虧損防堵
Containment Action 圍堵措施 ; 遏制行動 ; 緊急對策
containment method 封攔法 ; 封欄法 ; 包容法 ; 水面漏油封攔法
pressure containment 壓力安全殼
risk containment 風險管理 ; 風險控制
fire containment 遏制火災 ; 火災阻隔
containment sump 安全殼地坑
containment sphere 球形安全殼 [1] 


  • 1Fire crews are hoping they can achieve full containment of the fire before the winds pick up.消防隊員們希望他們能夠在起風前對大火做到完全控制。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 2The second scenario is containment.第二種情況是相互遏制。
  • 3Use boxes inside boxes for containment.使用方框中的方框來表示包含。
  • 4Small spills and leaks inside containment.容器內小的漏損和泄漏。
  • 5What you see also hear is a containment wall.你們能看到和聽到的是一面容量的牆。
  • 6Thus, the containment requirement is violated.因此,違反了包容性要求。
  • 7Element derivation - Presented as containment.元素派生—呈現為包含關係。
  • 8And then there's obviously more on containment.然後,明顯還有更多的在容器上。
  • 9The steam generators are inside the containment.蒸汽發生器是在容器裏面的。
  • 10This core sits in the middle of the containment.這個核心位於容量的中心。
  • 11And you do the same things outside of containment.你們在容器外也做一樣的事情。
  • 12We'll fly outside it here, just to see this sort of containment.我們飛離這裏,也只看到這個天穹。
  • 13This third containment is then surrounded by the reactor building.第三容器被整個核反應堆建築包圍着。
  • 14This third containment is then surrounded by the reactor building.第三容器被整個核反應堆建築包圍着。
  • 15Anearlier attempt to do this with a larger containment dome failed.早前試着做一個更大的圓頂,結果失敗了。
  • 16The astonishing spread of wheat rust makes quick containment impossible.小麥鏽病驚人的擴散速度使快速的遏制措施難以實現。
  • 17An earlier attempt to do this with a larger containment dome failed.早前試着做一個更大的圓頂,結果失敗了。
  • 18We now know how inadequate those containment structures proved to be.我們現在知道了那些安全殼結構事實上是多麼地難當重任。
  • 19Then of course you have the containment which we already talked about.當然你們還有我們已經談論,過的容器。
  • 20The system is similar to a previous containment dome plan that failed.新系統類似於之前失敗的那個堵截圓頂計劃。
  • 21Relationship methods: navigate the containment relations among objects.關係方法:在對象之間進行相容關係導航。
  • 22Are the barriers intact? Clad, primary systems, secondary, containment.這些障礙是完整的嗎,覆蓋層,主系統,次級系統,容器。
  • 23This containment hierarchy doesn't exist in every business domain context.該容器層次結構並不存在於每個業務域上下文中。
  • 24Thus, surveillance and containment worked more effectively than had been hoped.因此,監測和控制工作比預期更加有效。
  • 25Containment properties allow the data object to contain actual data values.內嵌屬性允許數據對象包含實際數據值。
  • 26So what we do is to keep water in the core itself, not just in the containment.所以,我們要做的就是將水保持在核心裏面,而不只是在容器裏面。
  • 27Now obviously there's a tremendous amount of heat released into this containment.現在,那很明顯有非常多的熱量,被釋放進入這個容器裏。
  • 28Now having said all that we need a mechanism to remove heat from the containment.現在已經説了我們所有需要的機制,來從容器裏去除熱量。 [1] 