
Chinese Optics Letters

Chinese Optics Letters [1]  (COL,《中國光學快報》)於2003年創刊,由中國光學學會和中國科學院上海光學精密機械研究所主辦,中國激光雜誌社出版,美國光學學會全球發行的國際性英文版學術期刊。
Chinese Optics Letters (COL)
語    種
類    別
CN 31-1890/O4
定    價
150 元

Chinese Optics Letters期刊定位


Chinese Optics Letters編委會

Chinese Optics Letters主編

Zhizhan Xu (徐至展), Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China (中國科學院上海光學精密機械研究所)

Chinese Optics Letters執行主編

Changhe Zhou (周常河), Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China(中國科學院上海光學精密機械研究所)

Chinese Optics Letters副主編

See Leang Chin, University Laval, Canada
Xianfeng Chen (陳險峯), Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China (上海交通大學)
Qihuang Gong (龔旗煌), Peking University, China(北京大學)
Joseph W. Haus, University of Dayton, USA
Ruxin Li (李儒新), Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China(中國科學院上海光學精密機械研究所)
Ting-Chung Poon, Virginia Tech, USA
Xi-Cheng Zhang, University of Rochester, USA

Chinese Optics Letters顧問

Joseph H. Eberly, University of Rochester, USA
Fuxi Gan (幹福熹), Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China (中國科學院上海光學精密機械研究所)
Yuen-Ron Shen, University of California, USA
Zhijiang Wang (王之江), Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China (中國科學院上海光學精密機械研究所)
Bingkun Zhou (周炳琨), Tsinghua University, China (清華大學)

Chinese Optics Letters編委

George Barbastathis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
Yves Bellouard, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland
Xuzong Chen (陳徐宗), Peking University, China (北京大學)
Junhao Chu (褚君浩), Shanghai Institute of Technical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China (中國科學院上海技術物理研究所)
Yujie J. Ding, Lehigh University, USA
Daniel Elson, Imperil College London, UK
Bruce Z. Gao, Clemson University, USA
Min Gu, RMIT University, Australia
Guangcan Guo (郭光燦), University of Science and Technology of China, China (中國科學技術大學)
Sailing He, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
Xun Hou (侯洵), Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China (中國科學院西安光學精密機械研究所)
Weisheng Hu (胡衞生)*, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China (上海交通大學)
Guoxiang Huang (黃國翔), East China Normal University, China(華東師範大學
Jürgen Jahns, Fern University in Hagen, Germany
Shibin Jiang, University of Arizona, USA
Wei Jin (靳偉), The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China (香港理工大學)
Jin U. Kang, Johns Hopkins University, USA
Takayoshi Kobayashi, The University of Electro-Communications, Japan
Guifang Li, University of Central Florida, USA
Jianlang Li (李建郎)*, Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China (中國科學院上海光學精密機械研究所)
Jiao Lin*, University of Melbourne, Australia
Chao Lu (呂超)*, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China (香港理工大學)
Yanqing Lu (陸延青), Nanjing University, China (南京大學)
Qingming Luo (駱清銘), Huazhong University of Science & Technology, China (華中科技大學)
Jean-Michel Nunzi*,Queen's University, Canada
Wolfgang Osten, Universität Stuttgart, Germany
Li Qian*, University of Toronto, Canada
Fabian Rotermund*, Ajou University, Korea
Mengyan Shen, University of Massachusetts, USA
Yunlong Sheng, University Laval, Canada
Ephraim Suhir, University of California, USA
Limin Tong (童利民), Zhejiang University, China (浙江大學)
Cesare Umeton, University of Calabria, Italy
Haifeng Wang*, University of Shanghai for Science & Technology, China
Huitian Wang (王慧田)*, Nankai University, China (南開大學)
Zhiyi Wei (魏志義), Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China (中國科學院物理研究所)
Shusen Xie (謝樹森), Fujian Normal University, China (福建師範大學)
Lei Xu (徐雷), Fudan University, China (復旦大學)
Xianfan Xu, Purdue University, USA
Xiaocong Yuan (袁小聰)*,Shenzhen University,China (深圳大學)
Jie Zhang (張傑), Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China (上海交通大學)
Shuang Zhang,University of Birmingham, UK
Weili Zhang*, Oklahoma State University, USA
Jianqiang Zhu (朱健強), Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China (中國科學院上海光學精密機械研究所)
Xiaolei Zhu (朱小磊), Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China (中國科學院上海光學精密機械研究所)

Chinese Optics Letters專題編輯

Haobo Cheng (程灝波), Beijing Institute of Technology, China (北京理工大學)
Nan Chi (遲楠), Fudan University, China (復旦大學)
Shangqing Gong (龔尚慶), East China University of Science and Technology, China (華東理工大學)
Cheng Liu (劉誠), Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China (中國科學院上海光學精密機械研究所)
Xueming Liu (劉雪明), Xi’an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China (中國科學院西安光學精密機械研究所)
Shilong Pan (潘時龍), Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China (南京航空航天大學)
Mingying Peng (彭明營), South China University of Technology, China (華南理工大學)
Peng Xi (席鵬), Peking University, China (北京大學)
Sihua Yang (楊思華), South China Normal University, China (華南師範大學)
Libo Yuan (苑立波), Harbin Engineering University, China (哈爾濱工程大學)
Lin Zhang (張林), Tianjin University, China (天津大學)
Qingdong Zheng (鄭慶東), Fujian Institute of Research on the Structure of Matter, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China (中國科學院福建物質結構研究所)

Chinese Optics Letters主要欄目


Chinese Optics Letters影響因子

2014: 1.851
2013: 1.473
2012: 0.968
2011: 0.967
2010: 0.694
2009: 0.804

Chinese Optics Letters發展歷史

2005年與OSA合作,被Optics Infobase收錄;
2008年10月,COL發表專題:Nano Optics (客座編輯:Connie Chang-Hasnain and T. P. Lee); [2] 
2008年12月,COL發表專題:Biophotonics (客座編輯:Jin U. Kang); [3] 
2009年4月,COL發表專題:Silicon Photonics (客座編輯:Zhiping Zhou and Lionel C Kimerling); [4] 
2009年10月,COL發表專題:Nanophotonics (客座編輯:Joseph W. Haus and Yiping Cui); [5] 
2009年12月,COL發表專題:Digital and Computer-Generated Holography (客座編輯:Ting-Chung Poon); [6] 
2010年6月,COL獲得第一個影響因子(IF09):0.804; [7] 
2010年9月,COL發表專題:Enabling Science and Technology for High-Speed Optical Communications (客座編輯:Tingye Li, Ziseng Zhao, and Jianjun Yu); [8] 
2011年11月,COL發表專題:Terahertz Technologies and Applications (客座編輯:Weili Zhang; Yujie J. Ding); [9] 
2011年12月,COL發表專題: Digital Holography and 3-D Imaging (客座編輯:Ting-Chung Poon, Changhe Zhou, Byoungho Lee, Toyohiko Yatagai, and Hongchen Zhai); [10] 
2013年1月,COL發表專題: Special issue in celebration of 10th anniversary of Chinese Optics Letters (客座編輯:Zhizhan Xu); [11] 
2014年6月,COL發表專題:Optical 3D Display and Imaging (客座編輯:Yunlong Sheng, Byoungho Lee, Yongtian Wang); [12] 
2015年7月,COL發表專題Multiphoton Processes(客座編輯:Zhizhan Xuand Ruxin Li); [13] 
2016年1月,COL發表專題:Digital Holography and 3D Imaging (客座編輯:Ting-Chung Poon, Changhe Zhou, Partha Banerjee, Hoonjong Kang, and Pascal Picart); [14] 
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