





  • 1I took a ballpoint pen and punched a hole in the carton.我拿了一支圓珠筆在紙板箱上戳了個孔。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 2A carton of milk lay on its side.一盒牛奶側躺着放在那裏。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 3He went to the shop for a carton of milk.他到店裏買了一盒牛奶。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 4A quarter carton of milk is cheaper than two single pints.一夸脱的盒裝牛奶比兩盒一品脱的要便宜。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 5Some cargos were not packed in the carton.有些貨物沒有被包裝在硬紙箱裏。
  • 6Some cargos were not packed in the carton.有些貨物沒有被包裝在硬紙箱裏。
  • 7We kids really don't need too many toys. Just add some creativity, even a simple balloon and an egg carton can become a fun train or a cute puppy!我們小孩真的不需要太多玩具。只要加上一點創意,甚至一個簡單的氣球和蛋盒,也能變成好玩的火車或可愛的小狗!
  • 8She closed the carton carefully.她小心地蓋上了紙板箱。
  • 9Glue all the eggs into the carton.用膠水把所有雞蛋粘在紙箱裏。
  • 10Click on the milk carton.按一下牛奶紙盒。
  • 11The product external packing is carton packing.產品外包裝為紙箱包裝。
  • 12Is your normal packing still ten dozen per carton?你們的一般包裝還是10打一紙箱嗎?
  • 13We refer carton packing to wooden case packing.我們更貨向用紙盒包裝,而不是用木箱包裝。
  • 14This is a milk carton that holds milk.Ha!Ha!Ha!這個是一個牛奶盒,盛牛奶的。 哈!
  • 15Actually, this song is about a dancing milk carton.難以想象,這首歌居然是關於一隻舞蹈着的卡通牛奶盒的。
  • 16JH: It's probably around a dozen or so - a carton of eggs.JH:大概一打,一紙盒那麼多。
  • 17The milk-carton protagonist even has its own fan site.這盒卡通牛奶盒甚至還有它自己的粉絲網站。
  • 18Ten bottles are put into a box and 100 boxes into a carton.10支裝入一小盒,100盒裝入一個紙箱。
  • 19The carton is blue and white, small, and made of cardboard.紙箱子是藍白的,很小,是製版做成。
  • 20And keep the carton shut to avoid odor absorption from other foods.還有,把紙盒合上,以避免其吸收了其他食物的氣味。
  • 21Store eggs in the carton in the coldest part of the refrigerator.把雞蛋放在硬紙盒裏並貯存在冰箱中最冷的地方。
  • 22To keep eggs fresher longer, stow 'em low and in the carton they came in.要使蛋的保鮮時間更長,把它們貯藏在低的位置和放在它們上市用的紙箱中。
  • 23Where to get it: We ran into a vendor pushing her carton Dongping Lu.到哪裏去尋:我們在東平路上碰到了一個賣烘山芋的小販。
  • 24Near the door is an open carton containing dozens of boxes of chewing gum.門旁邊是一個打開的紙箱,裏面裝着一打口香糖的盒子。
  • 25Hard boil all the eggs in the carton and place them back in the refrigerator.把冰箱裏的所有雞蛋都煮熟,再放回去。
  • 26B: we'll pack them 10 dozens to one carton, gross weight around 25 kilos a carton.十打裝一紙箱,每箱毛重約25公斤。
  • 27Fortunately, safety procedures for eggs begin long before theconsumer buys a carton.幸運的是,早在消費者購買一箱雞蛋之前很長時間,安全程序就已開始。 [1] 