


謝桂華 女
2004 哲學博士美國約翰霍普金斯大學社會學系 (Johns Hopkins University)
2003 工程學碩士,美國約翰霍普金斯大學應用數學與統計學系
1996 法學碩士,北京大學社會學系
1990 法學學士,北京大學社會學系
國    籍
民    族
性    別


2006/9 –  講師,中國人民大學社會學系北京
2004/4 – 2005/3 博士後研究員,日本東北大學,日本仙台
1996/8 -- 1997/8 項目秘書,中國國際經濟技術交流中心,北京
1990/7 -- 1993/8 助教,十堰大學,湖北省十堰


2006 ”Market Transition of Laid-off Workers in Urban China” pp183-216, in Deciphering Stratification and Inequality, edited by Yoshimichi Sato, Melbourne (Australia): Trans Pacific Press.
2006 “市場轉型與下崗工人”, 《社會學研究》1:22-58.
2000 with Lingxin Hao. “The Complexity and Endogeneity of Family Structure in Explaining Children’s Misbehavior.” Social Science Research 31:1-28.
2004 “Layoff and Reemployment in Urban China.” Presented at the Annual Meeting of Japan Association for Asian Studies, Sendai, October.
2002 with Lingxin Hao. “Pathways to High School Graduation: Dynamic Model-Based, Microsimulation-Based Multi-State Life Tables.” Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America, Atlanta, May.
2001 with Lingxin Hao. “Dynamic Microsimulation of Multistate Lifetables for Life Course Transitions.” Presented at the Sixth Annual Meeting of the Methodology Section of the American Sociological Association, Minneapolis, May.
1999 “Difficult Market Transition of Workers Laid off from State-Owned Enterprises in China”, Presented at the Annual meeting of American Association for Chinese Studies, Washington. D. C., April.
1999 with Lingxin Hao. “Do Changes in Family Structure and Parental Input Explain School-aged Children’s Deviant Behavior?” Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America, New York City, March.