


王曉毅,男,四川大學華西口腔醫學院華西口腔醫院口腔頜面外科主任醫師,博士研究生導師,院工會主席。 [1-2] 
性    別


981年9月至1987年7月就讀於華西醫科大學口腔醫學院(原四川醫學院口腔系),獲醫學學士學位,留校工作至今。1997年6月於華西醫科大學完成在職醫學碩士研究生培養,獲醫學碩士學位,2003年9月至2009年6月於四川大學完成口腔基礎醫學博士研究生學歷學習,獲醫學博士學位。 [2] 


口腔頜面部腫瘤、唾液腺疾病防治的基礎和臨牀研究。 [2] 


1. Pan Gao; Xianghe Qiao; Haibin Sun; Yi Huang; Jie lin; Longjiang Li; (#)Xiaoyi Wang; Chunjie Li, (*)(*)Activated spleen tyrosine kinase promotesmalignant progression of oral squamous cell carcinoma via mTOR/S6 signalingpathway in an ERK1/2-independent manner., Oncotarget, 2017, 48(8): 83900~83912 (期刊論文)
2. PAN GAO; CHUNJIE LI; ZHENG CHANG; ; MING XUAN, (#)XIAOYI WANG(*)(*)Carcinoma associated fibroblasts derived from oral squamous cell carcinoma promotelymphangiogenesis via c- Met/PI3K/AKT in vitro., Oncology letters., 2018, 15:331~337 (期刊論文)
3. P.GAO; X.-H. Qiao; L.-M. Gou; Y. Huang; Q.-H. Li; L.-J. Li; (#)(#)X.-Y.Wang; C.-J. Li, (*)(*)TGF-β1 Attenuated Branching Morphogenesis of EmbryonicMurine Submandibular Gland through Smad3 Activation., Anat Histol Embryol., 2017.1.6, 46(6): 600~605
4. Qihui Wang; Pan GAO; ; Yixiang Duan, (#)Xiaoyi Wang(*)The early diagnosisand monitoring of squamous cell carcinoma via saliva metabolomics, Scientificreports, 2014.10.30, (4)
5. Ma, Xiang-Rui; Cheng, Hui; ; Liu, Hao; Zhao, Dan, (#)Wang, Xiao-Yi(*)Single-nucleotide polymorphisms of integrins are associated with the risk and lymphnode metastasis of oral squamous cell carcinoma, MEDICAL ONCOLOGY, 2012.12, 29(4): 2492~2498 (期刊論文)
6. Sen Yang; Hong-Ping Wang; ; Li-Juan Guo; Xiu-Fa Tang;(#)Xiao-Yi Wang(*)Qi-Hong Gao; Ming Xuan; Wings TY Loo; Louis WC Chow, Expression of CD44V6 inparotid pleomorphic adenoma and carcinoma ex pleomorphic adenoma. , ExpertOpinion on Investigational Drugs, 2010, 19: 101~108 (期刊論文)
7. S. Yang; L.-J. Guo; X.-F. Tang; K. Tan; R.G. Gong; A. Li; T. Yu;(#)Q.-H. Gao; M. Xuan; Y.-M. Wen; C.-M. Wang; X.-Y. Wang(*),The alteration ofId-1 and TSP-1 expression in mucoepidermoid carcinoma associated with itsclinical features and prognosis, Int. J. Oral Maxillofac. Surg., 2010, 39:29~35
8. Sen YANG; Li-juan GUO; Qing-hong GAO; Ming XUAN; Ke Tan; Qiang Zhang;(#)Yu-ming Wen; Chang-mei Wang; Xiu-fa Tang; , (*)Xiao-yi Wang(*)Derived vascularNSFC 2018第 29 頁國家自然科學基金申請書2018版版本:18010314122653235endothelial cells induced by mucoepidermoid carcinoma cells: 3-dimensionalcollagen matrix model. Journal of Zhejiang University-Science B(Biomedicine& Biotechnology), 2010, 11: 745~753
9. Yu, Tao; ; Gong, Ren-guo; Li, An; Yang, Sen; Cao,(#)Wang, Xiao-yi(*)Yu-tang; Wen, Yu-ming; Wang, Chang-mei; Yi, Xin-zhu, The expression profile ofmicroRNAs in a model of 7,12-dimethyl-benz[a]anthrance-induced oralcarcinogenesis in Syrian hamster, Journal of Experimental & Clinical CancerResearch, 2009.5.13, 28
10. Yang Sen; ; Guo Li-juan; Tang Xiu-fa; Gao Qing-hong;(#)Wang Xiao-yi(*)(#)Xuan Ming; Zhang Qiang; Tan Ke; Wen Yu-ming; Wang Chang-mei; Xu Rui-an; CaoYu-tang, Correlation between the expression of thrombospondin-1 andneovascularization in mucoepidermoid carcinoma, Chinese Medical Journal, 2008.10.5, 121(19): 1875~1881 (期刊論文) [2] 


作為基金負責人,主持了國家自然科學基金項目、四川省科技支撐計劃項目各一項,作為主研人員參加了國家自然基金面上項目四川省公益項目等多個項目。 [2] 


作為參研人員,獲得省部級科研獎勵7項。 [2] 


中國抗癌協會口腔頜面腫瘤整合醫學專業委員會常務委員,四川省抗癌協會頭頸腫瘤專委會常務委員,四川省抗癌協會腫瘤微創治療專業委員會委員,中國醫師協會口腔醫師分會常務委員,四川省口腔醫學會全科醫學專委會副主任委員,西藏自治區口腔醫學會副會長。四川省衞生計生委第十一批學術技術帶頭人。 [2] 