


楊志輝 [1]  ,女,1965年出生,中南大學冶金科學與工程學院教授,博士生導師,國家重金屬污染防治工程技術研究中心副主任,挪威生命科技大學土壤學博士和湖南農業大學作物栽培與耕作學博士。2001年1月-7月,中國科學院南京土壤研究所作訪問學者;2001年8月-2003年7月,挪威生命科學大學作訪問學者,2004年4月-2005年3月在聯邦德國農業研究中心訪問學者。主持國家自然科學基金、國家863計劃項目、國土資源部公益性行業項目、湖南省科技重大專項等10多項科研項目,授權專利20多項,在國內外知名學術刊物上發表論文50多篇(SCI收錄40餘篇)。研究方向:重金屬污染土壤修復、重金屬固廢處理與資源化。
性    別
國    籍




1. 國家自然科學基金“鉻渣堆場重污染土壤微生物-化學耦合修復的基礎研究”(51074191),2011-2013年,經費38萬元,項目負責人
2. 國家863計劃重點項目課題“多金屬複雜高砷物料脱砷解毒及綜合利用關鍵技術開發”(2010AA065202),2010-2012,經費149萬元,課題副組長
3. 國家863計劃重點項目子課題“三國吳簡腐蝕菌的分離及應用研究”(2007AA021304), 2007-2010年,經費80萬元,子課題負責人
4. 國家863計劃項目“細菌解毒鉻渣及其選擇性回收鉻的產業化關鍵技術研究”(2006AA06Z374),2007-2009年,經費91萬元,主要參與人員
5. 國家科技支撐計劃項目課題“礦區重金屬污染土壤生態修復技術及示範”(2012BAC09B04),2012-2014年,經費70萬元,主要參與人員
6. 國土資源部公益性行業項目課題“限制. 允許和鼓勵開採固體非能源礦產資源分類技術要求”(201211067-3),2012-2014年,經費75萬元,課題負責人
7. 湖南省科技重大專項“湘江流域鎘污染控制關鍵技術研究與示範” (2012FJ1010),2012-2015年,經費50萬元,主要參與人員
8. 湖南省科技重大專項課題“鉻清潔生產及鉻污染治理”(2009FJ1009-2),2009-2012年,經費50萬元,主要參與人員
9. 湖南省科技計劃重點項目“鉻渣堆場重污染土壤微生物生化回灌原位修復技術研究”(2008SK2007), 2008-2010年,經費15萬元,項目負責人
10. 湖南省科技計劃項目“國外生態文明建設先進機制研究”(2013SK3076),2013-2014年,經費20萬元,項目負責人
11. 教育部留學回國人員科研啓動基金“鉻渣堆場重污染土壤微生物生化回灌原位修復基礎研究”(教留函[2009]35號),2009-2010年。


1. WANG Y, YANG Z, PENG B, CHAI L, WU B, WU R. Biotreatment of chromite ore processing residue by Pannonibacter phragmitetus BB. Environmental science and pollution research international,2013, 20(8):5593-5602.
2. DENG X, CHAI L, YANG Z, TANG C, WANG Y, SHI Y. Bioleaching mechanism of heavy metals in the mixture of contaminated soil and slag by using indigenous Penicillium chrysogenum strain F1. Journal of Hazardous Materials,2013, 248:107-114.
3. LI Q, YANG Z-H, CHAI L-Y, WANG B, XIONG S, LIAO Y-P, ZHANG S-J. Optimization of Cr(VI) bioremediation in contaminated soil using indigenous bacteria . Journal of Central South University,2013, 20(2):480-487.
4. ZHENG Y, CHAI L-Y, YANG Z-H, TANG C-J, CHEN Y-H, SHI Y. Enhanced remediation of black liquor by activated sludge bioaugmented with a novel exogenous microorganism culture. Applied microbiology and biotechnology, 2013, 97(14):6525-6535.
5. Xinhui Deng, Liyuan Chai, Zhihui Yang, Chongjian Tang, Haixia Tong, Pingfu Yuan. Bioleaching of heavy metals from a contaminated soil using indigenous Penicillium chrysogenum strain F1. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2012, 233-234: 25-32
6. Y.H. Chen, L.Y. Chai, Y.H. Zhu, Z.H. Yang, Y. Zheng, H. Zhang. Biodegradation of kraft lignin by a bacterial strain Comamonassp B-9 isolated from eroded bamboo slips. Journal of Applied Microbiology,2012,112(5):900-906
7. Yan Shi, Liyuan Chai, Zhihui Yang, Qingxiu Jing, Runhua Chen. Yuehun Chen.Identification and hexavalent chromium reduction characteristics of Pannonibacter phragmitetus.Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering,2012,35(5):843-850
8. Zhenxing Wang, Liyuan Chai, Yunyan Wang, Zhihui Yang*, HaiyingWang, XieWu. Potential health risk of arsenic and cadmium in groundwater near Xiangjiang River, China: a case study for risk assessment and management of toxic substances.Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2011, 175:167–173.(通訊作者)
9. Zhen-xing Wang, Jian-qun Chen, Li-yuan Chai, Zhi-hui Yang, Shun-hong Huang, Yu Zheng. Environmental impact and site-specific human health risks of chromium in the vicinity of a ferro-alloy manufactory, China. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2011, 190: 980–985.nce
10. LIAO Ying-ping, WANG Zhen-xing, YANG Zhi-hui*, CHAI Li-yuan, CHEN Jian-qun, YUAN Ping-fu. Migration and transfer of chromium in soil-vegetable system and associated health risks in vicinity of ferro-alloy manufactory. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China. 2011, 21(11):2520-2527.(通訊作者)
11. Hangbin Li, Zhenxing Wang, Zhihui Yang, Liyuan Chai, Yingpin Liao.Static and Dynamic Leaching of Chromium (VI)from Chromium-Containing Slag.Environmental Engineering Science,2012,29(6): 426-431
12. Yang ZH, Stoven K, Haneklaus S, Singh BR, Schnug E. Elemental sulfur oxidation by Thiobacillus spp. and aerobic heterotrophic sulfur-oxidizing bacteria. Pedosphere, 2010, 20(1): 71-79.
13. Liyuan Chai , Zhenxing Wang, Yunyan Wang, Zhihui Yang,Haiying Wang, Xie Wu. Ingestion risks of heavy metals in groundwater based on TIN and dose-response models - A case study in the Xiangjiang watershed, central-south China. Science of the Total Environment. 2010. 408 (16): 3118–3124.
14. Zhenxing Wang, Liyuan Chai, Zhihui Yang, Yunyan Wang, and Haiying Wang. Identifying Sources and Assessing Potential Risk of Heavy Metals in Soils from Direct Exposure to Children in a Mine-Impacted City, Changsha, China. Journal of Environmental Quality, 2010, 39:1-8
15. Liyuan Chai, Shunhong Huang, Zhihui Yang*, Bing Peng, Yan Huang, Yuehui Chen. Cr (VI) remediation by indigenous bacteria in soils contaminated by chromium-containing slag. Journal of Hazardous Materials,2009, 167(1-3):516-522 (通訊作者)