


楊劍波,曼徹斯特大學商學院教授,決策與認知科學研究中心主任,合肥工業大學講座教授。主要從事不確定性多準則決策分析、多目標優化、智能決策支持系統、混合定量和定性決策建模技術的研究。 [1] 
Jian-Bo Yang
國    籍
民    族
職    業
性    別
學    位
職    稱


2003年成為英國曼徹斯特大學商學院正教授; [2] 
楊劍波教授現就職於曼徹斯特大學商學院決策科學與系統專業,兼任決策與認知科學研究中心主任,合肥工業大學講座教授,華中科技大學客座教授。主要從事不確定性多準則決策分析、多目標優化、智能決策支持系統、混合定量和定性決策建模技術的研究。 [2]  目前的應用研究方向為財務決策、生產管理、風險和安全性的建模與分析、質量建摸與評價、產品、系統、項目、政策等的集成評價。劍波教授在決策科學與系統工程研究方面頗有建樹,是具有較深的學術造詣中青年專家。他曾主持有中國國家自然科學基金會、英國工程與自然科學基金會、歐盟、英國經濟與社會科學基金會等資助的多個科研項目。他曾獲得中國科學技術協會首屆青年科技獎(1988),英國文化委員會博士後獎學金(1989)和德國洪堡學着獎學金(1990)。出版著作4部,論文200餘篇,開發了基於Windows的證據推理智能決策系統(IDS)。 [3] 


楊劍波教授2004年曾受聘為合肥工業大學管理學院客座教授。同時還兼任英國工程與自然科學基金會評審委員會委員、國際系統科學雜誌顧問委員會委員、國際自動化與計算雜誌編委、亞洲質量雜誌編委、美國IEEE Transaction on Systems, MAN and Cybernetics-Part A:Systems and Humans副編輯、華中科技大學系統研究所特聘教授等職務。此外還兼任旅英中國自動化與計算機學會理事,秘書長(2001-2002),理事長(2002-2003)。1988年起至今,為中國系統學會會員。


楊劍波教授主要從事不確定性多準則決策分析、多目標優化、智能決策支持系統、混合定量和定性決策建模技術的研究。目前的應用研究方向為財務決策、生產管理、風險和安全性的建模與分析、質量建摸與評價、產品、系統、項目、政策等的集成評價。 [4] 



  • Z. J. Zhou, J. B. Yang, C. H. Hu and D. L. Xu.Belief Rule Base Expert Systems and Complex System Modelling.ISBN 978-7-00-000000-0. Beijing: Science Publisher, 2011. eScholarID:160267
  • Yang, J.B, Liu, G., Whidborne, J.Multi-objective Optimisation and Control.Research Studies Press Limited, 2002. eScholarID:4b2208 [1] 


  • J. B. Yang and D. L. Xu. "A study on generalising Bayesian inference to evidential reasoning." InBelief Function: Theory and Applications, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, ed. Fabio Cuzzolin, 180-189.2014. eScholarID:249921
  • E. E. Savan, J. B. Yang, D. L. Xu and Y. W. Chen. "A genetic algorithm search heuristic for belief rule- based model-structure validation." InIEEE International Conference on Systems Man and Cybernetics Conference Proceedings, 1373-1378.2013. eScholarID:249916
  • J. M. Merigo, J. B. Yang and D. L. Xu. "Supply analysis and aggregation systems." InIEEE International Conference on Systems Man and Cybernetics Conference Proceedings, 97-102.2013. eScholarID:249918
  • J. B. Yang and D. L. Xu. "Introduction to the ER rule for evidence combination." InIntegrated Uncertainty in Knowledge Modelling and decision Making, ed. Yongchuan Tang, Van-Nam Huynh and Jonathan Lawry, 7-15.Springer, 2011. eScholarID:160266
  • J. B. Yang, D. W. Tang, D. L. Xu and K. S. Chin. "Project rick modelling and assessment in new product development." InProduct Research – The Art and Science Behind Successful Product Launches, 259-269. London, New York: Springer, 2009. eScholarID:95985
  • D. L. Xu, J. B. Yang, L. X. Bao. "Handling uncertain and qualitative information in impact assessment – applications of IDS in policy making support." InIntelligent Decision and Policy Making Support Systems, ed. Ruan, Hardeman, Meer, Klaas van der, Springer, 2008. eScholarID:88888
  • J. Liu, L. Martínez, J. B. Yang, J. Wang. "Linguistic assessment approach for hierarchical safety analysis and synthesis." InIntelligent Decision and Policy Making Support Systems, ed. Da Ruan, Frank Hardeman, Springer, 2008. eScholarID:88887
  • M. Guo,J. B. Yang, K. S. Chin and H. W. Wang. "The evidential reasoning approach for multi-attribute decision analysis under both fuzzy and interval uncertainty." InInterval/Probabilistic Uncertainty and Non-classical Logics, ed. V. N. Huynh et al, 129-140.Springer, 2008. eScholarID:88886
  • L. Martinez, L. G. Perez, J. Liu, J. B. Yang and F. Herrera. "A linguistic hierarchical evaluation model for engineering systems." InModern Information Processing – from Theory to Applications, ed. B. Bouchon-Meunier, G. Coletti and R. Yager, Elsevier, 2006. eScholarID:88889
  • J. Liu, D. Ruan,J. B. Yang, and L. M. Lopez. "Self-tuning fuzzy rule bases with belief structure." InStudies in Computational Intelligence, ed. D. Ruan, G. Q. Chen, E. E. Kerre, G. Wets, 419-438.Physica-Verlag, 2005. eScholarID:89102
  • Yang, J., Liu, J., Wang, J., Sii, H. "A Safety-cost Based Design-decision Support Framework Using Fuzzy Evidential Reasoning Approach." InIntelligent Sensory Evaluation: Methodologies and Applications, ed. D Ruan & X Y Zeng, 31-50.Physica-Verlag, 2004. eScholarID:3b4798
  • Yang, J., Sii, H, Xu, L. "Three Novel Risk Modelling and Decision-making Techniques." InTechnology and Safety of Marine Systems, ed. A Pillay & J Wang, Elsevier, 2003. eScholarID:3b4707 [1] 


  • An evidential reasoning approach for multiple-attribute decision making with uncertainty.JB Yang, G Singh Madan; Systems, Man and Cybernetics, IEEE Transactions on 24 (1), 1-18
  • On the evidential reasoning algorithm for multiple attribute decision analysis under uncertainty. JB Yang, DL Xu; Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part A: Systems and Humans, IEEE Transactions
  • Rule and utility based evidential reasoning approach for multiattribute decision analysis under uncertainties. JB Yang;European Journal of Operational Research 131 (1), 31-61
  • Environmental impact assessment using the evidential reasoning approach. YM Wang, JB Yang, DL Xu;European Journal of Operational Research 174 (3), 1885-1913
  • Risk evaluation in failure mode and effects analysis using fuzzy weighted geometric mean.YM Wang, KS Chin, GKK Poon, JB Yang;Expert Systems with Applications 36 (2), 1195-1207
  • A general multi-level evaluation process for hybrid MADM with uncertainty.JB Yang, P Sen;Systems, Man and Cybernetics, IEEE Transactions on 24 (10), 1458-1473
  • Belief rule-base inference methodology using the evidential reasoning approach-RIMER.JB Yang, J Liu, J Wang, HS Sii, HW Wang;Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part A: Systems and Humans, IEEE Transactions
  • The evidential reasoning approach for MADA under both probabilistic and fuzzy uncertainties.JB Yang, YM Wang, DL Xu, KS Chin;European journal of operational research 171 (1), 309-343
  • A two-stage logarithmic goal programming method for generating weights from interval comparison matrices.YM Wang, JB Yang, DL Xu;Fuzzy sets and systems 152 (3), 475-498
  • On the centroids of fuzzy numbers.YM Wang, JB Yang, DL Xu, KS Chin;Fuzzy sets and systems 157 (7), 919-926 [1] 