


李喬,女,東華大學紡織學院教師。 [1] 
國    籍
職    務
性    別


2009-2014:香港理工大學 紡織與製衣學系 博士
2004-2008:東華大學 紡織工程 學士
2015-至今:東華大學紡織學院 副教授、碩導
2014-2015:香港理工大學 博士後
2008-2009:香港理工大學 研究助理


1. 智能紡織與服裝技術
2. 織物傳感器
3. 織物電路板
4. 可穿戴技術


1. 紡織工程專業主幹課程《機織學》《織物組織結構》《綜合訓練2》《綜合訓練3》
2. 選修課《可穿戴技術與智能紡織品》


1. 中央軍委科技委, 柔性 XXX 織物研製,2019-2021
2. 上海市浦江人才,用於輔助帕金森病症康復與治療的智能服裝的開發研究,2019-2021
3. 國家自然科學基金青年基金項目,面向可穿戴設備的導電織物電力耦合機理研究及電力學性能優化,2017-2019
4. 香港理工大學,醫療壓力襪研究和加工的分析和結構參數調整,2018年-
5. 東華大學中央高校基本科研業務費專項資金項目,2017-2019
6. 東華大學青年教師啓動項目,2016.3-2017.3
7. 紡織面料技術教育部重點實驗室開放課題,2016-2017
23. Yang, Jiehua; Li, Qiao; Wang, Xi; Di, Ping; Ding, Hao; Bai, Yunfeng; Dong, Weiwei; Zhu, Shigen, Smart wearable monitoring system based on multi-type sensors for motion recognition, Smart Materials and Structures, 2021, 30: 035017
22. Xi Wang, Qiao Li*, Xiaoming Tao,* Sensing mechanism of a carbon nanocomposite-printed fabric as a strain sensor, Composites Part A, 2021, 144: 106350
21. Qiao Li, YuchiWang, Shen Jiang, TingLi, Xin Ding, Xiaoming Tao, XiWang, Investigation into tensile hysteresis of polyurethane-containing textile substrates for coated strain sensors, Materials and Design, 2020, 188: 108451
20. Xi Wang, Bao Yang, Qiao Li, Fei Wang, Xiao-ming Tao, Modeling the stress and resistance relaxation of conductive composites-coated fabric strain sensors, Composites Science and Technology, 2021, 204: 108645
19. Yang Tao, Wang Xi, Yang Qian, Yang Xudong, Li Qiao, Bioinspired Temperature-Sensitive Yarn with Highly Stretchable Capability for Healthcare Applications, Advanced Materials Technologies, 2021, 2001075
18. Li Ting#; Wang Xi#*; Ding Xin; Li Qiao*; Study on electromechanical property of polypyrrole-coated strain sensors based on polyurethane and its hybrid covered yarns, Sensors & Actuators: A. Physical, 2020, 306: 111958.
17. Wang Xi; Li Qiao*; Differences in calves' shapes and circumference profiles between Chinese male and females, AATCC Journal of Research, Accepted.
16. Li Ting; Li Qiao*; Fabrication and characterization of polypyrrole/polyurethane/polyamide yarn-based strain sensor, Journal of Donghua University (Eng. Ed.), 2020, 37(1):24-28.
15. Yang Qian; Wang Xi*; Ding Xin; Li Qiao*; Fabrication and characterization of wrapped metal yarns-based fabric temperature sensors, Polymers, 2019,11:1549.
14. Q. Li, H. Chen, Z. Y. Ran, L. N. Zhang, R. F. Xiang, X. Wang, X. M. Tao, X. Ding, Full fabric sensing network with large deformation for continuous detection of skin temperature, Smart Materials and Structures, 2018, 27, 105017
13. (Inside cover paper)Q. Li, L. N. Zhang, X. M. Tao, X. Ding, Review of flexible temperature sensing networks for wearable physiological monitoring, Advanced Healthcare Materials, 2017
12. Q. Li, X. Ding, L. N. Zhang, Textile Based Temperature Sensors—Fabrication, Characterization and Applications, MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit, Phoenix, USA, 2017
11. Q. Li, X. Ding, L. N. Zhang, J. M. Zeng, X. B. Jiang, A Novel fiber-based stretchy sensor, MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit, Phoenix, USA, 2017
10. Q. Li, X. M. Tao, Flexible and stretchable fabric circuit boards, Nature Conference on Flexible Electronics, Nanjing, China, 2016
9. (Cover paper) Q. Li, X. M. Tao, Three-dimensionally deformable, highly stretchable, permeable, durable and washable fabric circuit boards, Proceedings of the Royal Society A, 2014, 470, 20140472
8. W. Zeng, L. Shu, Q. Li, S. Chen, F. Wang, X. M. Tao, Fiber-based wearable electronics: a review of materials, fabrication, devices, and applications, Advanced Materials, 2014, 26 (31), 5310-5336
7. X. M. Tao, B. Zhu, Q. Li, J. P. Wang, Largely deformable fabric sensor matrix for on-line impact measurement, Journal of Textile Research, 2013, 34 (2), 45-50
6. X. M. Tao, B. Zhu, Q. Li, Fabric sensing technology for in-situ measurement of high-speed impact protection apparel, Innovation and Technology Symposium, Hong Kong, 2013
5. Y. Y. Wang, T. Hua, B. Zhu, Q. Li, W. J. Yi, and X. M. Tao, Novel fabric pressure sensors: design, fabrication, and characterization, Smart Materials and Structures, 2011, 20, 065015
4. Q. Li, X. M. Tao, B. Zhu, Knitted stretchable interconnects for wearable electronics, The Fiber Society 2011 Spring Conference, Hong Kong, 2011
3. L. Shu, T. Hua, Y. Y. Wang, Q. Li, D. D. Feng, X. M. Tao, In-shoe plantar pressure measurement and analysis system based on fabric pressure sensing array, IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine, 2010, 14 (3), 767-775
2. Q. Li, X. M. Tao, A stretchable knitted interconnect for three-dimensional curvilinear surfaces, Textile Research Journal, 2010, 81 (11), 1171-1182
1. Q. Li, X. M. Tao, T. Hua, Interlaced circuits for multidirectional stretchable electronics, MRS Spring Meeting, San Francisco, 2010
1. (Granted) X.M. Tao, Q. Li, Y. H. Zhang, S. Y. Lui, C. C. Tse, Medical pressure sock with improved ankle medial pressure and antibacterial function, US10702421B2, 2020
2. 李喬,丁辛,張麗娜,王宇馳,一種印刷式織物基柔性温度傳感器,201710183593.3, 2017
3. 李喬,丁辛,張麗娜,王宇馳,陳慧,一種集成温敏纖維的機織結構柔性温度傳感器, 201710183089.3,2017
4. 李喬,丁辛,張麗娜,王宇馳,一種針織結構柔性可拉伸温度傳感器,201710183594.8,2017
5. 李喬,江小寶,冉紫鴛,丁辛,一種集成紡織基應力應變傳感網絡的手語識別智能手套,201710814623.6, 2017
6. 李喬,冉紫鴛,丁辛,一種機織結構可拉伸織物電路板及可穿戴設備,201710935668.9,2017
7. 李喬,陳慧,丁辛,一種集成紡織基温度傳感網絡的智能服裝,201710934987.8,2017
8. 丁辛,聶文琪,代興玉,李喬,胡吉永,楊旭東,一種用編織技術製備繩狀超級電容器的方法,2017112409516,2017
9. X. M. Tao, Q. Li, B. Zhu, Stretchable electrical interconnect and method of making same, US20130263351A1, 2013
10. (Granted) X. M. Tao, Y. Y. Wang, T. Hua, B. Zhu, Q. Li, Soft pressure sensing device, US8393229B2, 2013
11. (Granted) X. M. Tao, Q. Li, B. Zhu, 可拉伸電互連件、耦接接口及服裝,CN203055484U, 2013
12. 陶肖明,李喬,朱波,可拉伸電互連件和製造方法,CN103366865, 2013
13. X. M. Tao, T. Hua, Y. Y. Wang, Q. Li, Y. K. Chow, Process for manufacturing fabric pressure sensor and tool for manufacturing fabric pressure sensor, US20130269172A1, 2013
14. 陶肖明,王楊勇,華濤,朱波,李喬,柔性壓力傳感器及柔性壓力傳感陣列,CN102770742, 2012
15. X. M. Tao, Y. Y. Wang, T. Hua, B. Zhu, Q. Li, Flexible pressure sensor and flexible pressure sensing array, WO2011103808A1, 2011
16. (Granted) 陶肖明,華濤,王楊勇,李喬,周綺君,一種織物型壓力傳感器的製造方法以及製造,CN102410895B, 2010
17. (Granted) Q. Li, X. Ding, A two-layer fabric switch: ZL200820059691.2, 2008
Q. Li, X. M. Tao, Fabric substrates and interconnectors for three-dimensional surfaces, Chapter of Handbook of Smart Textiles, Edited by X. M. Tao, 2014
1.New scientist: Fabric circuits pave the way for wearable tech
2.Science news daily: Fabric circuit boards that can take bending, washing, stretching and bullets fired at them
3. Science magazine: Washable circuits make great bulletproof vests
4. Phys.org: Fabric circuit boards that can take bending, washing, stretching and bullets fired at them
5. GIZMODO: These Washable Fabric Circuit Boards Can Even Survive Being Shot
6. Wired Science: New fabric circuit board can be worn, washed, stretched and shot
7. 科技日報:新型柔性紡織電路可像布料般裁剪縫製
8. 人民網:新型柔性紡織電路可像布料般裁剪縫製
9. 紡織導報:新型柔性導電織物:讓裁縫隨心所欲


1. 2017年第45屆日內瓦國際發明展金獎
2. 2016年首屆“外國留學生心目中的好老師”;2019年網絡教育學院“教學改革探索獎”;2020年網絡教育學院“我心目中的好老師”
3. 2016年指導學生參加第七屆全國大學生紗線設計大賽,獲得“一等獎”和“優秀指導教師獎”
4. 2017年指導上海市大學生創新課題
5. 2018年指導學生參加第十六屆陳嘉庚青少年發明獎(上海),獲得三等獎
6. 2019年指導學生參加2019 International conference on biomedical textile materials MedTex19 & IFBMTM2019,獲得 Outstanding Oral Presentation
7. 2020年指導學生參加2020(首屆)國際石墨烯紡織品設計大賽,榮獲兩項“二等獎”


國際期刊 Journal of Visualized Experiments 的客座編輯
Fiber Society學會會員
MRS(Materials Research Society) 材料研究學會會員
國際電工委員會IEC TC124/WG2: Wearable electronic devices and technologies/E-textiles 工作組專家


課題組與國內外相關研究組保持良好的合作關係,包括華南理工大學、西北工業大學、香港理工大學、日本京都工藝纖維大學、台灣逢甲大學等。 [1] 
  • 1.    李喬  .東華大學紡織學院[引用日期2022-08-17]