

李和成,男,青海師範大學數學與統計學院教授,教務處處長 [2]  , 獲青海省自然科學優秀學術論文一等獎1項,三等獎2項,省級科學技術二等獎1項;青海省優秀專業技術人才,青海省自然科學與工程技術學科帶頭人,青海省135高層次人才。 [1] 
國    籍
職    業
職    務


1. 進化計算及應用
2. 複雜非線性規劃的羣智能算法
3. 最優化理論、方法及應用


2009年12月——,青海師範大學數學與統計學院教授。 [1] 


1. 國家自然科學基金“代理模型和統計技術驅動的高效混合進化算法研究”,2020-2023,主持;
2. 國家自然科學基金“區間參數型不確定優化問題的進化算法研究”,2015-2018,主持;
3. 國家自然科學基金“複雜雙層規劃問題的高性能可信進化算法研究”,2011-2013,主持;
4. 省自然科學基金“概率統計驅動的智能優化算法研究”,2018-2020,主持;
5. 省自然科學基金項目“區間係數優化問題的進化算法及其應用研究”,2013-2015,主持;
6. 省自然科學基金項目“高性能智能算法及其應用研究”,2011-2012,主持;
7. 省“135”人才培養工程項目,2011-2015,主持;
8. 數學與應用數學國家一流專業建設,專業負責人;
9. 國家自然科學基金 “長記憶時間序列多變點統計推斷及應用”,2017-2020,參與。 [1] 


運籌學(本科生),最優化理論與方法(研究生),進化算法(研究生) [1] 


獲青海省自然科學優秀學術論文一等獎1項,三等獎2項,省級科學技術二等獎1項;青海省優秀專業技術人才,青海省自然科學與工程技術學科帶頭人,青海省135高層次人才。 [1] 


1. A genetic algorithm for solving linear integer bilevel programming problems. 2018 14th International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Security (CIS), 2018. (withY. Liu, H.Chen) EI
2. Amulti-objectiveevolutionaryalgorithmbased onprincipalcomponentanalysis andgriddivision. 2018 14th International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Security (CIS), 2018.(with M. Ma, J. Huang)EI
3. A hybrid genetic algorithm for solving bi-objective traveling salesman problems. Journal of Physics, 2017.(withMa M.)EI
4. An evolutionary algorithm using parameter space searching for interval linear fractional bilevel programming problems. International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence,2016. (with Z. Wang) SCI
5. A genetic algorithm using a finite search space for solving nonlinear/linear fractional bilevel programming problems. Ann. Oper. Res., 2015.(with L. Fang) SCI
6. Centralized resource allocation based on the cost-revenue analysis. Comp. Ind. Eng., 2015. (with L. Fang) SCI,SSCI
7. Cost efficiency in data envelopment analysis under the law of one price. European Journal of Operational Research, 2015. (with L. Fang) SCI
8. Multi-criteria decision analysis for efficient location-allocation problem combining DEA and goal programming. RAIRO-Operations Research, 2015. (with L. Fang) SCI
9. An optimization approach for nonlinear programming problems with interval coefficients. Adv. Eng. Res., 2015. (with M. Ma) EI
10. Genetic algorithm for solving linear-linear fractional bilevel programming problems with interval coefficients. Journal of Computer Applications, 2015.(In Chinese). (with X. Guo)
11. An evolutionary algorithm for multi-criteria inverse optimal value problems using a bilevel optimization model. Applied Soft Computing, 2014. SCI
12. An evolutionary algorithm using duality-base-enumerating scheme for interval linear bilevel programming problems. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2014. (with L. Fang) SCI
13. Co-evolutionary algorithm: An efficient approach for bilevel programming problems. Engineering Optimization, 2014. (with L. Fang) SCI
14. Pluralistic Effciency-Equity Tradeoffs in Locating Public Services. Journal of Systems Science and Information, 2014.(with L. Fang)
15. A genetic algorithm for solving linear bilevel programming problems with interval coefficients. J. Comp. Appl. 2014.(In Chinese) (with Y. Fan)
16. Multi-objective evolutionary algorithm based on space-gridding scheme.Computer Engineering and Application, 2014. (In Chinese) (with W. Li)
17. An evolutionary algorithm based on a space-gridding scheme for constrained multiobjective optimization problems.International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Security, 2014. (with W. Li) EI
18. A comment on “solving the puzzles of structural efficiency”. European Journal of Operational Research, 2013. (with L. Fang) SCI,SSCI
19. Duality and efficiency computations in the cost efficiency model with price uncertainty. Computers & Operations Research, 2013. (with L. Fang) SCI
20. Lower bound of cost efficiency measure in DEA with incomplete price information. J Prod Anal., 2013.(with L. Fang) SCI,SSCI
21. A hybrid approach based on genetic algorithm for mixed-integer bilevel programming problems. Journal of Computations & Modelling, 2013.
22. An efficient genetic algorithm for interval linear bilevel programming problems. International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Security, 2013. EI
23. A genetic algorithm for solving a class of multi-objective bilevel programming problems. WIT Trans. Inf. Comm. Tech., 2013. (with J. Han)EI
24. An evolutionary algorithm for solving bilevel programming problems using duality conditions. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2012. (with L. Fang) SCI
25. A comment on “cost efficiency in data envelopment analysis with data uncertainty”. European Journal of Operational Research, 2012. (with L. Fang) SCI
26. A Genetic Algorithm for Solving Linear-Quadratic Bilevel Programming Problems. Advanced Materials Research, 2011.(with Y. Wang) EI
27. An Evolutionary Algorithm with Local Search for Convex Quadratic Bilevel Programming Problems. Applied Math. & Information Sciences, 2011. (with Y. Wang) SCI
28. A Real-Binary Coded Genetic Algorithm for Solving Nonlinear Bilevel Programming with Nonconvex Objective Functions. 2011 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC), 2011. (with Y. Wang) EI
29. Grid dependent tasks security scheduling model and DPSO algorithm. Journal of Networks, 2011. (with H. Zhu, Y. Wang, Z. Ma) EI
30. A Hybrid Approach for Solving Nonlinear Bilevel Programming Problems Using Genetic Algorithms, Proceeding of CIS 2010.(with Y. Wang) EI
31. Genetic algorithms for solving mixed-integer bilevel programming problems. Journal of Jilin University, 2009. (with Y. Wang) EI
32. A mixed-encoding genetic algorithm for nonlinear bilevel programming problems. In proceeding of NCM, 2009. (with Y. Wang) EI
33. An evolutionary algorithm for solving nonlinear bilevel programming problems based on a new penalty method. In Proceedings of Third International Conference on Natural Computation, 2008. (with Y. Wang) EI
34. Exponential distribution-based genetic algorithm for solving mixed-integer bilevel programming problems. Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics. 2008. (with Y. Wang) SCI, EI
35. An interpolation-based genetic algorithm for solving nonlinear bilevel programming problems. Chinese Journal of Computers, 2008. (with Y. Wang)EI
36. Hybrid genetic algorithm for several classes of nonlinear bilevel programming problems, Systems Engineering and Electronics. 2008.(In Chinese) (with Y. Wang) EI
37. A Hybrid Genetic Algorithm for a Class of Nonlinear Bilevel Programming Problems, Chinese Journal of Engineering Mathematics, 2008. (In Chinese)(with Y. Wang)
38. A Genetic Algorithm Based on the Duality Theory for Bilevel Programming Problems. Operations Research and Management Science.2008.(In Chinese)(with Y. Wang)
39. Genetic algorithm for solving a class of nonlinear bilevel programming problems. Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology. 2007. (with Y. Wang) EI
40. A genetic algorithm for solving a special class of nonlinear bilevel programming problems. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2007. (with Y. Wang) EI
41. A hybrid genetic algorithm for solving nonlinear bilevel programming problems based on the simplex method. In Proceedings of Third International Conference on Natural Computation, 2007. (with Y. Wang) EI
42. A hybrid genetic algorithm for solving a class of nonlinear bilevel programming problems. Lecture Notes in Computer Science(SEAL2006), 2006. (with Y. Wang) SCI, EI [1] 