

“智慧地球”是IBM公司首席執行官彭明盛2008年首次提出的新概念。他認為,智能技術正應用到生活的各個方面,如智慧的醫療、智慧的交通、智慧的電力、智慧的食品、智慧的貨幣、智慧的零售業、智慧的基礎設施甚至智慧的城市,這使地球變得越來越智能化。 但有人對IBM公司的真正意圖提出質疑。
Wisdom of the earth



2008年11月,IBM總裁兼首席執行官彭明盛(Samuel J. Palmisano)首次提出了“智慧的地球”這一發展概念。在社會發展中,一些意義深遠的事情正在發生:每個人、公司、組織、城市、國家、自然系統和社會系統正在實現更透徹的感應和度量、更全面的互聯互通,在此基礎上我們獲得更智能的洞察。這將會帶來新的節省和效率——但可能同樣重要的是,提供了新的進步機會。由於這些技術的進步,世界變得更小了,變得更加“扁平”,也變得更加“智慧”了。


全球移動電話用户數量2007年突破33億大關,也就是説,全球平均每兩個人就擁有一部移動電話。更重要的是,據預測2008年移動互聯網用户的數量將會達到10億之多。到2010年,全球生產的射頻標識(RFID) 數量可望達到300億個,產品、護照、建築物甚至動物身上都將帶有射頻標識。盤旋在繞地軌道上的數百個衞星每天產生數百萬兆字節(TB) 的數據量。到2010年,全球每人將平均佔有10億個晶體管,每個成本約耗資十萬分之一美分,而各種各樣的感應科技也開始被嵌入在像汽車、家電等設備,以及公路,水利電力等設施當中。這些晶體管和感應器幫助我們更好地瞭解世界的運轉,讓我們能真切地看到究竟發生了什麼,並能夠準確量化所產生的變化。
2008年,IBM的走鵑超級計算機(Roadrunner)突破了每秒一千萬億次(petaflop/s) 的運算速度屏障。走鵑超級計算機使用的芯片與消費者遊戲控制枱所用的芯片並無二致,並且採用免費的Linux操作系統。
基本計算模式在過去二十年中已經發生了變化。上世紀80 年代出現的個人電腦模式已被目前基於開放性、網絡、高新技術以及數字智能與工作和生活相融合的新模式所取代。人類將最大化地利用信息資源,並從中獲得前所未有的洞察力,並因此更快,更好地做出決策。



按時間(42億小時)和燃油(29億加侖)浪費計算,美國的交通阻塞每年造成的損失高達780億美元。據一個公共交通倡議組織最近進行的一項研究,紐約市一些街道上45%的交通量來自在街區間往返的人流。另一項研究則發現,在一年當中,僅在洛杉磯市一個小商業區內,轎車在尋找停車位時的車程加起來就相當於38次環球旅行的路程,同時消耗47,000加侖汽油,排放730噸二氧化碳。相比之下,斯德哥爾摩的新智能收費系統使交通量減少了22%,排放物減少了12-40%,而且每天搭乘公交系統的人數增加了40,000人智慧金融和保險系統:即使是十年前設計和部署的最先進系統也已不能適應目前的現實。當前美國次貸危機的部分原因就在於,銀行的現有系統無法處理隨着抵押債權證券化、融資和交易而形成的錯綜複雜的相互聯繫,致使銀行無法得知和管理其風險敞口。他們對市場上正在發生的事情失去了洞察力,因為這些事情是實時發生的而且複雜性過於巨大。幸運的是,“智慧金融系統”有可能成為現實——例如近期每天交易額達 10 萬億美元的全球貨幣市場系統。




據聯合國統計,單是在美國,食品商和消費者每年浪費的食品價值就高達 400 億美元。另外,還有被環保主義者用“食物里程”(food miles) 來表示的供應鏈效率低下。在艾奧瓦州,普通胡蘿蔔來自 1600 英里之外的加利福利亞州,土豆來自 1200 英里之外的愛達荷州,而牛肩胛肉則來自 600 英里之外的科羅拉多州。而且困難不只是食品供應,還包括保鮮。美國 2007 年共報告了17,883 例食物源性感染病例,而醫療保健專家認為這只不過是實際感染病例數量的 1%。


勞倫斯伯克利國家實驗室(Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory) 2004 年的一份報告,從 1980 年到 2003 年,由於氣候相關災難造成的全球經濟損失總計達 1 萬億美元。而同一時期新興市場上的相關保險業務僅覆蓋氣候相關災難總損失的 4%。高收入國家的情況相對好一些,達到 40%。但仍有 5000 億美元以上的損失不在保險範圍之內。
石油和天然氣:目前世界上現有油井的產量僅佔可採儲量的 20-30%。鑽一口新井花費巨大,但其實如果我們能夠適當提升已有油井的生產力,其增加的總和也會給生產商帶來巨大利潤並使消費者獲得油價降低的好處。但這是一項信息密集型的任務,僅一個油田或天然氣田每天產生的數據量即在1 百萬兆字節 (TB) 左右。


有許多人因為我們醫療保健系統的現狀而受到傷害和死亡。在美國,據估計電子醫療記錄每年可幫助防止 100,000 人因為醫療失誤而死亡。



智慧的地球 智慧的地球
採用智慧油田技術,油田工作者能夠對採率、餾分、壓力、聲學和温度數據進行分析以優化油泵性能和油井生產力;使用歷史趨勢來預測一口井何時會“水淹”(water out);以及從一箇中心位置對更多油井進行遠程管理。
丹麥國家電子醫療保健 (Danish National e-Health) 門户網站向醫生提供對其患者的健康歷史和記錄的即時訪問。該新系統使相關行政管理成本下降到僅佔總花費的 1.3%(美國為 31%),使丹麥的醫療失誤率保持世界最低水平 (0.2%),患者滿意率 94%,為歐洲最高水平。而且,通過使用超級計算能力來預測病毒的基因突變,還有望在疾病甚至流行病發生和蔓延之前就“看見”和預防之。
在北歐地區率先使用的一種食品跟蹤解決方案採用射頻標識(RFID) 技術對肉禽產品從農場到供應鏈、再到超級市場貨架進行全程跟蹤。


IBM總裁兼首席執行官彭明盛 IBM總裁兼首席執行官彭明盛
過去,我們可以預見這種理解世界運行機制是可能的,但實際上無法實現它。因為世界運行的所有系統都是模擬式的。我們為此盡了最大努力,做了大量猜測,同時浪費了大量的時間、金錢和能源。例如,即使在今天,數據中心的設備利用率也只有 6-10%。個人電腦的情況則更糟。
因此,如果你認為我是將自己所在的行業和技術看作世界運行普遍規則的例外,是不正確的。一度曾代表先進技術的客户端/服務器模型(C/S架構)現在已經悄無聲息。實際情況是,利用 15 年前的信息技術,你甚至沒有機會去解決我前面描述的問題。在 2005 年時也不可能,當時的技術過於昂貴,過於依賴硬件連線而且利用率太低,分散部件太多,數據中心太小,還缺乏能源和管理相關的專門知識。


藍色基因計劃 藍色基因計劃
“認知計算機技術”隸屬於IBM認知計算(Cognitive Cumputing)研究項目,通過內存模仿突觸、通信模仿軸突、計算模仿神經元的方式,IBM能夠讓這種芯片模仿人類的大腦工作。John E.Kelly表示通過這種仿生學芯片IBM的仿生學計算機在未來能夠模擬20億個人腦的神經元並實現對認知計算的初步完成,這種仿生學計算機將會是計算技術未來發展的一個重要方向。
據悉,藍色基因計劃在2009年曾被授予國家科技創新獎章。當時,IBM需要147456個Power PC架構的處理器來模仿一隻貓的大腦,而如今已縮減為24576個處理器。至於原本所需的147456個處理器,已可模擬出4.5%的人類大腦。 [1-2] 




* 到2010年,人類將人均擁有十億個晶體管。每一個晶體管的成本為一分錢的千萬分之一。人類科技將被植入數以十億記的裝置當中,包括車輛、器械、道路,等等。
* 到2011 年,預計二十億人將以前所未有的方式通過不同的裝置連入網絡。
* 大規模超強計算機和計算“雲”環境將以經濟適用的方式用於處理、成型、預測和分析堆積如山的數據。
智能機場、智能銀行、智能道路、智能城市―― 低成本的技術已經隨處可見,隨時可用。因此,這個有關智能化的清單可以無限制地羅列下去。
2002年,互聯網泡沫破滅後,IT走下神壇,引發了業界對“IT不再重要”的爭論。此時,IBM又適時地推出了“e-business on demand”——重點在“on demand”。當客户開始捂着錢包説:環境不好,我不買IT設施了!而IBM則巧妙地説:沒關係,我可以根據您的需求提供服務,你可以像用水用電一樣需要多少買多少。
如果説,IBM以前的理念主要是“忽悠”企業,現在“智慧星球”的提出則更重要的是與政府部門合作。此時,國家4萬億投資基礎設施的計劃推出之時,IBM推出的“智能星球”戰略,強調“實體基礎設施和信息基礎設施不應該分開建設,而應該是統一的智能基礎設施”也正是IBM此理念的精髓之處。在現在經濟危機背景下,IBM新戰略的賣點則是降低監管風險、提升效益,更加節能、更加綠色等,這幾點,錢大羣演講中闡述的“智能星球”的例子都有提及——這正是急政府之所急、想政府之所想。 [3] 


在最新一屆的Web 2.0大會上,IBM新興技術部總監David Barnes就“如何才能擁有一個更智能的城市和智能的地球”發表了公司觀點。IBM想建立一張網,這種網不是平常意義上的互聯網,而是可以為政府,醫療機構,商人等提供大量“重要數據”的帶有許多感應器的網。
而建立這些網所需要的“重要數據(big data)”不再僅僅是一個文字概念而已,而是一種可以在任何地方都可以測量這個生龍活虎,會呼吸的星球的感應器。在未來五年,這些數據將如何改變世界?以下是IBM的構想:
1. 城市將會有更強的免疫系統
2. 城市建築將會像生物體那樣具有感知能力及反應能力
3. 將有更先進的供電網絡
一個有效的電網應該能更有效地為所有有電交通工具輸送電,但這樣只能受益部分。如果能從動力學的角度,讓交通工具自己發電來後又將電發送回電網,那就更好了,IBM現與丹麥的EDISON Research Consortium 合作,準備為交通工具提供更強大的供電網絡。
4. 智能的系統會解決城市缺水問題,還可節省能源
5. 應對緊急情況,反應更即時
感應器會探測到很小的問題,比如下水道被堵,將之與即將來臨的降雨以及附近的交通堵塞聯繫在一起,告訴政府機構在事態惡化之前重視這些問題。 IBM的數據將會為政府及第一救護者創造一個平台,以便在緊急情況發生之前提早發現問題。 [4] 


It is a pleasure and an honor to be here today in this distinguished assembly, and at this extraordinary moment: a major political transition in the United States, the global economy in flux, our financial markets restructuring themselves—and an acutely felt need for leadership.
Our political leaders aren't the only ones who've been handed a mandate for change. Leaders of businesses and institutions everywhere confront a unique opportunity to transform the way the world works.
We have this chance for reasons no one wished. The crisis in our financial markets has jolted us awake to the realities and dangers of highly complex global systems. But in truth, the first decade of the 21st century has been a series of wake-up calls with a single subject: the reality of global integration.
Two years ago, I published an essay in Foreign Affairs that described the changing structure of the corporation, which I felt had been largely left out of the discussion on globalization. I described the emergence of a new kind of corporation—the globally integrated enterprise, which was replacing the multinational.
Today there is growing consensus that global integration is changing the corporate model and the nature of work itself. But we now see that the movement of information, work and capital across developed and developing nations—as profound as those are—constitute just one aspect of global integration.
In the last few years, our eyes have been opened to global climate change, and to the environmental and geopolitical issues surrounding energy. We have been made aware of global supply chains for food and medicine. And, of course, we entered the new century with the shock to our sense of security delivered by the attacks on 9/11.
These collective realisations have reminded us that we are all now connected—economically, technically and socially. But we're also learning that being connected is not sufficient. Yes, the world continues to get "flatter." And yes, it continues to get smaller and more interconnected. But something is happening that holds even greater potential. In a word, our planet is becoming smarter.
This isn't just a metaphor. I mean infusing intelligence into the way the world literally works—the systems and processes that enable physical goods to be developed, manufactured, bought and sold... services to be delivered... everything from people and money to oil, water and electrons to move... and billions of people to work and live.
What's making this possible?
First, our world is becoming instrumented: The transistor, invented 60 years ago, is the basic building block of the digital age. Now, consider a world in which there are a billion transistors per human, each one costing one ten-millionth of a cent. We'll have that by 2010. There will likely be 4 billion mobile phone subscribers by the end of this year... and 30 billion Radio Frequency Identification tags produced globally within two years. Sensors are being embedded across entire ecosystems—supply-chains, healthcare networks, cities... even natural systems like rivers. Second, our world is becoming interconnected: Very soon there will be 2 billion people on the Internet. But in an instrumented world, systems and objects can now "speak" to one another, too. Think about the prospect of a trillion connected and intelligent things—cars, appliances, cameras, roadways, pipelines... even pharmaceuticals and livestock. The amount of information produced by the interaction of all those things will be unprecedented. Third, all things are becoming intelligent: New computing models can handle the proliferation of end-user devices, sensors and actuators and connect them with back-end systems. Combined with advanced analytics, those supercomputers can turn mountains of data into intelligence that can be translated into action, making our systems, processes and infrastructures more efficient, more productive and responsive—in a word, smarter. What this means is that the digital and physical infrastructures of the world are converging. Computational power is being put into things we wouldn't recognize as computers. Indeed, almost anything—any person, any object, any process or any service, for any organization, large or small—can become digitally aware and networked.
With so much technology and networking abundantly available at such low cost, what wouldn't you enhance? What service wouldn't you provide a customer, citizen, student or patient? What wouldn't you connect? What information wouldn't you mine for insight?
The answer is, you or your competitor—another company, or another city or nation—will do all of that. You will do it because you can—the technology is available and affordable.
But there is another reason we will make our companies, institutions and industries smarter. Because we must. Not just at moments of widespread shock, but integrated into our day-to-day operations. These mundane processes of business, government and life—which are ultimately the source of those "surprising" crises—are not smart enough to be sustainable.
How much energy we waste: According to published reports, the losses of electrical energy because grid systems are not "smart" range as high as 40 to 70 percent around the world. How gridlocked our cities are: Congested roadways in the U.S. cost $78 billion annually, in the form of 4.2 billion lost hours and 2.9 billion gallons of wasted gas—and that's not even counting the impact on our air quality. How inefficient our supply chains are: Consumer product and retail industries lose about $40 billion annually, or 3.5 percent of their sales, due to supply chain inefficiencies. How antiquated our healthcare system is: In truth, it isn't a "system" at all. It doesn't link from diagnosis, to drug discovery, to healthcare deliverers, to insurers, to employers. Meanwhile, personal expenditures on health now push more than 100 million people worldwide below the poverty line each year. How our planet's water supply is drying up: Global water usage has increased six-fold since the 1900s, twice the rate of human population growth. According to the Asian Development Bank, one in five people living today lacks access to safe drinking water, and half the world's population does not have adequate sanitation. And, of course, the crisis in our financial markets: This will be analyzed for decades, but one thing is already clear. Financial institutions spread risk but weren't able to track risk—and that uncertainty, that lack of knowing with precision, undermined confidence. It's obvious, when you consider the trajectories of development driving the planet today, that we're going to have to run a lot smarter and more efficiently—especially as we seek the next areas of investment to drive economic growth and to move large parts of the global economy out of recession.
Fortunately, we now can. We see this in how companies and institutions are rethinking their systems and applying technology in new ways.
Stockholm's smart traffic system has resulted in 20 percent less traffic, a 12 percent drop in emissions and a reported 40,000 additional daily users of public transport. Smart traffic systems are strengthening the competitive positions of cities from London to Brisbane to Singapore—with many more being planned. Intelligent oil field technologies can increase both pump performance and well productivity—in a business where only 20-30 percent of available reserves are currently extracted. Smart food systems—such as one now running in the Nordics—can use RFID technology to trace meat and poultry from the farm through the supply chain to supermarket shelves. Smart healthcare can lower the cost of therapy by as much as 90 percent—as ActiveCare Network is doing for more than 2 million patients in 38 states, whom it monitors for the proper delivery of their injections and vaccines. There are many other examples I could cite. Smart systems are transforming energy grids, supply chains and water management. They are ensuring the authenticity of pharmaceuticals and the security of currency exchanges. And they are changing everything from organisations' business models to how they enable their employees to collaborate and innovate.
And remember, the opportunity to become smarter applies not just to large enterprises, but to smaller and mid-sized companies—the engines of economic growth everywhere. When we think about systems like supply chains, healthcare delivery and food systems, we're really talking about the interactions of hundreds, even thousands of companies, most of them small.
This opportunity also applies beyond business. Smart infrastructure is becoming the basis of competition between nations, regions and cities.
In a globally integrated economy, investment and work flow not only to the places in the world that offer cost advantages, skills and expertise. It is flowing to countries, regions and cities that offer smart infrastructure—everything from efficient transportation systems, modern airports and secure trade lanes... to reliable energy grids, transparent and trusted markets, and enhanced quality of life.
Certainly, as you travel the world, you see countries everywhere leapfrogging—not only to the latest technology and to digital infrastructures, but to the most modern business designs, processes and models. Ultimately, this is about competitiveness in a globally integrated economy.
The importance of this moment, I believe, is that the key precondition for real change now exists: People want it. But this moment will not last forever.
Isn't it true that the hardest part of driving any kind of change is whether the individual—the employee, the citizen—feels the need to change at a deeply personal level? And in hindsight, when the circumstances that cry out for change are gone, when things have returned to "normal"—don't we always wish we had been bolder, more ambitious, gone faster, gone further?
Well, today, from the boardroom to the kitchen table, people everywhere are ready, eager for a new way of doing things.
That's why a period of discontinuity is, for those with courage and vision, a period of opportunity. Over the next couple of years, there will be winners, and there will be losers. And though it may not be easy to see now, I believe we will see new leaders emerge who win not by surviving the storm, but by changing the game.
To do that, they will practice forms of leadership that are very different from the models of the past.
Think about the way the world today actually works: Very few of our systems are the responsibility of a single entity or decision-maker. So leaders will need to hone their collaboration skills, because we will need leadership that pulls across systems. We will need to bring together stakeholders and experts from across business, government and academia, and all of them will need to move outside their traditional comfort zones. This is something on which the Council on Foreign Relations has been showing the way for many years.
There is much serious work ahead of us, as leaders and as citizens. Together, we have to consciously infuse intelligence into our decision-making and management systems... not just infuse our processes with more speed and capacity.
But I think one thing is clear: The world will continue to become smaller, flatter... and smarter. We are moving into the age of the globally integrated and intelligent economy, society and planet. The question is, what will we do with that?
The world now beckoning us is one of enormous promise. And I believe it is one that we can build—if we open our minds and let ourselves think about all that a smarter planet could be.