


張虎,男,北京科技大學教授 [1] 
國    籍
性    別
職    稱


2019/07–至今 北京科技大學 材料學系 教授
2013/09–2019/06 北京科技大學 材料學系 副教授
2012/06–2013/08 北京科技大學 材料學系 講師
2010/02–2012/05中國科學院物理研究所 磁學國家重點實驗室 博士後
2007/10–2009/10 美國能源部 Ames實驗室 聯合培養博士
2004/09–2007/09 北京科技大學 材料學系 碩博連讀
2000/09–2004/06 北京科技大學 材料學系 學士 [1] 


(1) 金屬磁性材料的結構、基礎磁性、磁熱效應及相關物理機制研究;
(2) 新型磁相變材料的探索開發,及相關結構、磁性、相變過程及相關功能研究。 [1] 


主講《電子功能材料導論(全英文)》《材料概論(全英文)》《固體物理基礎B》《材料科學基礎實驗》。 [1] 


(1) 國家自然科學基金青年科學基金項目(項目號:51001114);
(2) 中央高校基本科研業務項目(項目號:FRF-TP-13-007A);
(3) 博士後科學基金面上項目(項目號:20100470592);
(4) 北京科技大學本科教育教學改革與研究項目(項目號:JG2013M01);
(5) 北京科技大學2014年度校級“十二五”規劃教材項目 [1] 


[1] YiXu Wang, Hu Zhang*, Enke Liu, XiChun Zhong, Kun Tao, MeiLing Wu, ChengFen Xing, YaNing Xiao, Jian Liu, and Yi Long. Outstanding Comprehensive Performance of La(Fe, Si)13Hy/In Composite with Durable Service Life for Magnetic Refrigeration. Advanced Electronic Materials. 4, 1700636 (2018).
[2] Hu Zhang*, Andrew Armstrong, Peter Müllner. Effects of surface modifications on the fatigue life of unconstrained Ni-Mn-Ga single crystals in a rotating magnetic field. Acta Materialia 155, 175 (2018).
[3] Hu Zhang*, YaWei Li, Enke Liu, YaJiao Ke, JinLing Jin, Yi Long, and B. G. Shen. Giant rotating magnetocaloric effect induced by highly texturing in polycrystalline DyNiSi compound. Scientific Reports. 5, 11929 (2015).
[4] H. Zhang*, Y. J. Sun, E. Niu, F. X. Hu, J. R. Sun, and B. G. Shen. Enhanced mechanical properties and large magnetocaloric effects in bonded La(Fe, Si)13-based magnetic refrigeration materials. Appl. Phys. Lett. 104, 062407 (2014).
[5] H. Zhang*, Y. J. Sun, E. Niu, L. H. Yang, J. Shen, F. X. Hu, J. R. Sun, and B. G. Shen. Large magnetocaloric effects of RFeSi (R = Tb and Dy) compounds for magnetic refrigeration in nitrogen and natural gas liquefaction. Appl. Phys. Lett. 103, 202412 (2013).
[6] H. Zhang*, B. G. Shen, Z. Y. Xu, J. Shen, F. X. Hu, J. R. Sun, and Y. Long. Large reversible magnetocaloric effects in ErFeSi compound under low magnetic field change around liquid hydrogen temperature. Appl. Phys. Lett. 102, 092401 (2013).
[7] Hu Zhang*, YaWei Li, Enke Liu, Kun Tao, MeiLing Wu, YiXu Wang, HouBo Zhou, YanJun Xue, Chen Cheng, Tim Yan, KeWen Long, and Yi Long. Multiple magnetic transitions in MnCo1-xCuxGe driven by changes in atom separation and exchange interaction. Materials and Design 114, 531-536 (2017).
[8] YaWei Li, Hu Zhang*, Kun Tao, YiXu Wang, MeiLing Wu, and Yi Long. Giant magnetocaloric effect induced by reemergence of magnetostructural coupling in Si-doped Mn0.95CoGe compounds. Materials and Design 114, 410-415 (2017).
[9] YaNing Xiao, Hu Zhang*, YingLi Zhang, KeWen Long, ChengFen Xing, YuWei Liu, and Yi Long. Large inverse magnetocaloric effect induced by antiferromagnetically magnetostructural transition in Mn0.8Fe0.2Ni1-xCuxGe compounds. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 769, 916-921 (2018).
[10] YiXu Wang, Hu Zhang*, KeWen Long, ChengFen Xing, YaNing Xiao, LiQun Su, LiChen Wang, and Yi Long. Rotating magnetocaloric effect in textured polycrystalline Tb3NiGe2 compound with successive magnetic transitions. Intermetallics 100, 175 (2018).
[11] ChengFen Xing, Hu Zhang*, KeWen Long, YaNing Xiao, HanNing Zhang, ZhiJie Qiu, Dai He, XingYu Liu, YingLi Zhang, and Yi Long. The effect of different atomic substitution at Mn site on magnetocaloric effect in Ni50Mn35Co2Sn13 alloy. Crystals 8, 329 (2018).
[12] YaWei Li, Hu Zhang*, Tim Yan, KeWen Long, HuaSheng Wang, YanJun Xue, Chen Cheng, and HouBo Zhou. Successive magnetic transitions and magnetocaloric effect in Dy3Al2 compound. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 651, 278-282 (2015).
[13] H. Zhang* and B. G. Shen*. Magnetocaloric effects in RTX intermetallic compounds (R = Gd-Tm, T = Fe-Cu and Pd, X = Al and Si). Chin. Phys. B 24(12), 127504 (2015). (Invited review)
[14] H. Zhang, F. X. Hu, J. R. Sun, and B. G. Shen*. Effects of interstitial H and/or C atoms on the magnetic and magnetocaloric properties of La(Fe, Si)13-based compounds. Sci. China Phys. Mech. 56, 1-10 (2013). (Invited review)
[15] H. Zhang*, Y. J. Sun, Y. W. Li, Y. Y. Wu, Y. Long, J. Shen, F. X. Hu, J. R. Sun, and B. G. Shen. Mechanical properties and magnetocaloric effects in La(Fe, Si)13 hydrides bonded with different epoxy resins. J. Appl. Phys. 117, 063902 (2015). [1] 