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主持承擔國家自然科學基金項目3項,軍委裝備預研項目1項,主研國家重點研發計劃1項、國家自然科學基金5項。發表論文49篇,其中SCI收錄38篇。一作/通訊作者在Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids(2篇)、International Journal of Plasticity(5篇)、Acta Materialia(1篇)和Mater. Sci. Eng. A(4篇)等期刊上發表論文32篇,1篇論文入選ESI高被引,Journal of Material Research 期刊Feature論文1篇,。合編《材料力學的實驗,理論與模擬》數字化教材一部。


(3)界面力學行為的多尺度分析。建立了內界面對微納米尺度材料力學行為影響的應變梯度塑性理論描述和離散位錯動力學描述,系統研究了單晶微柱多層材料的鋸齒流動現象,雙晶壓痕的界面屈服行為,納米多晶/孿晶材料中Hall-Petch強化向Inverse Hall-Pecth軟化轉變。


  1. 新金屬材料國家重點實驗室開放基金,2019-Z07,高熵合金的表面納米化及本構模型研究,2019.07-2021.06。
  2. 非線性力學國家重點實驗室開放課題,梯度納米結構IF鋼的循環實驗及本構建模,2019.04-2020.04。
  3. 國防科技重點實驗室基金,614220205011802,激光衝擊強化對鈦合金葉片振動響應特性的影響,2019.01-2020.12。
  4. 國家自然科學基金面上項目,11872321,激光衝擊強化高熵合金循環變形行為的宏微觀實驗與本構理論研究,2019.01-2022.12。
  5. 機械強度與振動國家重點實驗開放課題,SV2018-KF-10,鈦合金葉片激光衝擊強化跨尺度力學行為研究與疲勞壽命預測,2018.01-2019.12。
  6. 中央高校基本科研業務費前沿探索類項目,2682017QY03,金屬玻璃變形和失效的多尺度實驗和模擬,2017.05-2019.05。
  7. 國家自然科學基金面上項目,11672251,梯度納米晶粒/孿晶材料的本構建模及微結構設計,2017.01-2020.12。
  8. 德國洪堡基金會,Examining the effect of microstructure on the mechanical behavior of nanotwinned copper through a multiscale approach,2016.09—2018.09。
  9. 金屬材料強度國家重點實驗室開放課題,單晶鎂微尺度力學性能的晶體塑性本構理論研究,2016.06-2018.08。
  10. 非線性力學國家重點實驗室開放課題,單晶鎂微尺度力學性能的本構描述,2016.01-2016.12。
  11. 國家外專局高端外國專家文教類項目,GDW20145100221,微納米材料力學—Aifantis,2014.01—2016.12。
  12. 四川省應用基礎研究計劃,2015JY0239,高強高韌納米孿晶材料力學行為尺寸效應研究,2015.01-2016.12。
  13. 中國博士後基金一等資助,2013M530405,金屬薄膜材料的尺度效應和包辛格效應研究,2013.04-2014.04。
  14. 國家自然科學基金青年科學基金項目,11202172,微尺度下材料循環塑性行為及其理論模型研究,2013.01-2015.12。
  15. 中央高校基本科研業務費科技創新項目,SWJTU11CX072,微納米尺度下材料循環塑性本構理論研究,2011.07-2013.07。
  1. 四川省重大科技專項項目,第四代鉛鉍快堆關鍵技術研發,2020.01-2022.12。
  2. 空客Airbus,Crack propagation analysis and fatigue life prediction of aero aluminum alloy applying crystal plasticity finite element method,2019.11-2020.06。
  3. 德國DFG項目,Discrete-Continuum Dislocation Dynamics at Surfaces and Inter-faces with Application to Plasticity of Nanolaminated Composites,Mercator (墨卡託) Fellows,2020.01-2022.12。
  4. 教育部海外名師項目,MS2016XNJT044,Michael Zaiser(固體力學),2017.01-2018.12。
  5. 國家重點研發計劃,2016YFB1102600,激光強化技術在航空航天和軌道交通領域的工業示範,2016.06-2020.12。
  6. 國家自然科學基金重點項目,11572265,形狀記憶合金熱-力耦合循環變形和疲勞失效行為的宏微觀實驗和理論研究,2016.01-2020.12。
  7. 國家自然科學基金面上項目,11472230, 高速列車輪軌滾動接觸損傷的多因素競爭機理研究,2015.01-2018.12。
  8. 國家自然科學基金面上項目 ,11472229,柔性太陽能電池器件的結構優化和疲勞分析,2015.01-2018.12。
  9. 國家自然科學基金面上項目,11072081,基於微結構的高温合金單晶蠕變位錯機理及多尺度本構建模,2011.01-2014.12。
  10. 歐盟Starting Grant MINATRAN ,211166, Probing the Micro-Nano Transition: Theoretical and Experimental Foundations, Simulations and Applications,2009.01-2013.12。
  11. 國家自然科學基金項目,10672064,微米晶粒尺度下晶界對位錯的約束機制及尺度相關塑性理論 2007.01-2009.12。


  1. X. Lu, J. Zhao, Z. Wang, B. Gan, J. Zhao, G. Kang,X. Zhang*,Crystal plasticity finite element analysis of gradient nanostructured TWIP steel, International Journal of Plasticity. (2020) Available online 24 February 2020, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijplas.2020.102703.
  2. B. Zhang, H. Li*, L. Kong*,X. Zhang, H. Shen,Strain gradient differential quadrature Kirchhoff plate finite element with the C2 partial compatibility, European Journal of Mechanics / A. 80 (2020-03) 103879.
  3. J. Tang, H. Fan*, W. Jiang, Q. Wang, X. Tian,X. Zhang*,Interaction between a {101 -2} twin boundary and grain boundaries in magnesium, International Journal of Plasticity. 126 (2020-03) 102613.
  4. J. Zhao, X. Lu, Q. Kan, F. Yuan, S. Qu, G. Kang,X. Zhang*,Multiple mechanism based constitutive modeling of gradient nanograined material, International Journal of Plasticity. 125 (2020-02) 314-330.
  5. B. Zhang, H. Li, L. Kong, H. Shen,,X. Zhang,Size-dependent static and dynamic analysis of Reddy-type micro-beams by strain gradient differential quadrature finite element method, Thin-Walled Structures. (2019-11) 106496.
  6. B. Zhang, H. Li*, L. Kong, H. Shen,X. Zhang,Size-dependent vibration and stability of moderately thick functionally graded micro-plates using a differential quadrature-based geometric mapping scheme, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements. 108 (2019-11) 339–365.
  7. W. Li, H. Fan*, J. Tang, Q. Wang*,X. Zhang,Effects of alloying on deformation twinning in high entropy alloys, Materials Science and Engineering: A. 763 (2019-08) 138143.
  8. D. Wei, M. Zaiser, Z. Feng, G Kang, H. Fan*,X. Zhang*,Effects of twin boundary orientation on plasticity of bicrystalline copper micropillars: A discrete dislocation dynamics simulation study, Acta Materialia. 176 (2019-09) 289–296.
  9. X. Li, J. Zhao,X. Zhang, X. Jiang*,Revealing the inhibition mechanism of grain size gradient on crack growth in gradient nano-grained materials, International Journal of Solids and Structures. 172–173 (2019-11) 1–9.
  10. X. Zhang, J. Xiong, H. Fan, M. Zaiser*,Microplasticity and yielding in crystals with heterogeneous dislocation distribution, Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering. 27 (7) (2019-10) 074003.
  11. 魏健藍, 趙吉中, 丁立,張旭, 闞前華*, 康國政,激光淬火U71Mn鋼軌面淬硬層的材料參數反演分析, 機械工程材料. 43 (2019-04) 77–82.
  12. 熊健, 魏德安, 陸宋江, 闞前華, 康國政,張旭*,位錯密度梯度結構Cu單晶微柱壓縮的三維離散位錯動力學模擬, 金屬學報. 55(2019-04) 1476–1486.
  13. D. Wei, H. Fan*, J. Tang,X. Zhang*,Effect of a Vertical Twin Boundary on the Mechanical Property of Bicrystalline Copper Micropillars, BT - TMS 2019-02 148th Annual Meeting & Exhibition Supplemental Proceedings, in: Springer International Publishing, Cham, 2019: pp. 1305–1310.
  14. S. Lu, B. Zhang, X. Li, J. Zhao, M. Zaiser, H. Fan*,X. Zhang*,Grain boundary effect on nanoindentation: A multiscale discrete dislocation dynamics model, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids. 126 (2019-05) 117-135.
  15. X. Lu,X. Zhang*, M. Shi, F. Roters, G. Kang, D. Raabe,Dislocation mechanism based size-dependent crystal plasticity modeling and simulation of gradient nano-grained copper, International Journal of Plasticity. 113 (2019-02) 52–73.
  16. J. Zhao, Q. Kan, L. Zhou, G. Kang, H. Fan*,X. Zhang*,Deformation mechanisms based constitutive modelling and strength-ductility mapping of gradient nano-grained materials, Materials Science and Engineering: A. 742 (2019-01) 400–408.
  17. Y. Zhai, M.K. Khan, J. Correia, A.M. de Jesus, Z. Huang*,X. Zhang, Q. Wang,Effect of secondary crystal orientations on the deformation anisotropy for nickel-based single-crystal plate with notch feature, The Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design . 54 (2019-01) 54–64.
  18. D. Liu*,X. Zhang, Y. Li, D.J. Dunstan,Critical thickness phenomenon in single-crystalline wires under torsion, Acta Materialia. 150 (2018-05) 213–223.
  19. A. Guo, J. Zhao*, C. Xu, H. Li, J. Han,X. Zhang,Effects of Pouring Temperature and Electromagnetic Stirring on Porosity and Mechanical Properties of A357 Aluminum Alloy Rheo-Diecasting, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance. 27 (2018-05) 2373–2380.
  20. C. Xu, J. Zhao*, A. Guo, H. Li, G. Dai,X. Zhang,Effects of injection velocity on microstructure, porosity and mechanical properties of a rheo-diecast Al-Zn-Mg-Cu aluminum alloy, Journal of Materials Processing Technology. 249 (2017-11) 167–171.
  21. J. Zhao*, A. Guo, H. Li,X. Zhang, J. Han, S. Wu,Semisolid slurry of 7A04 aluminum alloy prepared by electromagnetic stirring and Sc, Zr additions, China Foundry. 14 (2017-05) 188–193.
  22. J. Zhao, J. Liu, G. Kang, L. An,X. Zhang*,The competitive nucleation of misfit dislocation dipole and misfit extended dislocation dipole in nanocomposites, Acta Mechanica. 228 (2017-07) 2541–2554.
  23. J. Zhao,X. Zhang*, A.A. Konstantinidis, G. Kang,Correlating the internal length in strain gradient plasticity theory with the microstructure of material, Philosophical Magazine Letters . 95 (2015-07) 340–349.
  24. X. Zhang, A.E. Romanov, E.C. Aifantis*,Non-monotonous mechanical behavior at the nanoscale: Strengthening/softening of flow curves and nanodefect kinetics, Reviews on Advanced Materials Science. 41 (2015-04) 84–92.
  25. X. Zhang, E.C. Aifantis*,Non-Monotonous Mechanical Behavior at the Nanoscale: Elastic and Plastic Properties, Strength of Materials. 47 (2015-07) 642–651.
  26. X. Zhang, K.E. Aifantis*,Examining the evolution of the internal length as a function of plastic strain, Materials Science and Engineering: A. 631 (2015-05) 27–32.
  27. X. Zhang, K.E. Aifantis*,Interpreting the internal length scale in strain gradient plasticity, Reviews on Advanced Materials Science. 41 (2015-03) 72–83.
  28. A.M. Zenkour, A.E. Abouelregal, K.A. Alnefaie,X. Zhang, E.C. Aifantis*,Nonlocal Thermoelasticity Theory for Thermal-Shock Nanobeams with Temperature-Dependent Thermal Conductivity, Journal of Thermal Stresses. 38 (2015-07) 1049–1067.
  29. T. Wang, X.Y. Li*,X. Zhang, R. Müller,Fundamental solutions in a half space of two-dimensional hexagonal quasicrystal and their applications, Journal of Applied Physics. 117 (2015-04) 154904.
  30. X. Zhang*, A.E. Romanov, E.C. Aifantis,A Simple Physically Based Phenomenological Model for the Strengthening/Softening Behavior of Nanotwinned Copper, Journal of Applied Mechanics. 82 (2015-12) 121005.
  31. A.A. Konstantinidis,X. Zhang, E.C. Aifantis*,On the combined gradient-stochastic plasticity model: Application to Mo-micropillar compression, in: AIP Conference Proceedings, 1646 (2015-02) 3–9.
  32. 邱博, 闞前華*, 劉宇傑,張旭, 謝瑞麗,高強軌道鋼雙軸壓-扭棘輪行為的實驗和模擬, 工程力學. 32 (2015-07) 229–235.(PDF下載)
  33. 張旭*, 王旻嘉, 康國政, 闞前華,基於晶體塑性有限元的多晶銅單調拉伸和循環塑性行為研究, 北京理工大學學報. 34 (2014-07) 86–89.
  34. 闞前華*, 楊強軍, 康國政, 劉宇傑,張旭,鈦合金Ti6242S高温棘輪行為實驗研究, 北京理工大學學報. 34 (2014-07) 90–93.
  35. 陳義甫,張旭*, 康國政, 劉宇傑,金屬泡沫材料壓縮響應模式轉變分析, 應用數學和力學. 35 (2014-11) 199–203.
  36. X. Zhang, K.E. Aifantis*, A.H.W. Ngan,Interpreting the stress–strain response of Al micropillars through gradient plasticity, Materials Science and Engineering: A. 591 (2014-01) 38–45.
  37. X. Zhang, K.E. Aifantis, J. Senger, D. Weygand, M. Zaiser*,Internal length scale and grain boundary yield strength in gradient models of polycrystal plasticity: How do they relate to the dislocation microstructure?, Journal of Materials Research. 29 (2014-09) 2116–2128.
  38. X. Zhang, K.E. Aifantis*, M. Zaiser,Material vs discretization length scales in plasticity imulations of solid foams, Reviews on advanced materials science. 35 (2013-01) 39–47.
  39. X. Zhang, K.E. Aifantis*,Interpreting the softening of nanomaterials through gradient plasticity, Journal of Materials Research. 26 (2011-06) 1399–1405.
  40. X. Zhang, K.E. Aifantis*,Interpreting strain bursts and size effects in micropillars using gradient plasticity, Materials Science and Engineering: A. 528 (2011-06) 5036–5043.
  41. X. Zhang, A.E. Romanov, E.C. Aifantis*,On Gradient Nanomechanics: Plastic Flow in Nanopolycrystals, Materials Science Forum. 667–669 (2010-12) 991–996.
  42. X. Zhang, K.E. Aifantis*,Accounting for grain boundary thickness in the sub-micron and nano scales, Reviews on advanced materials science. 26 (2010-12) 74–90.
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